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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 08-03-2008, 02:32 PM
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Software or Hardware Issue?

I have had my Mogul for about 6 months now. Recently the keyboard buttons stopped working intermittently, I can normally get them to work if I turn the phone off/on a few times and slide the keyboard a few times. My Internet Explorer hard-button doesn't "click" anymore and also doesn't work. My hard buttons below the screen work intermittently as well, similarly to my keyboard. My brother got a Mogul at the same time and he's have the same problems with his hard buttons below the screen.

I just upgraded my Mogul to the 3.56 ROM from 3.35. At first I figured I was just running into a minor glich but every time I slide the keyboard (in from the out position, or out from the in position) the phone opens Internet Explorer. This is driving me crazy! I don't know if the sensor for the keyboard is bad and is somehow hitting the IE button or if it's a problem with the new ROM?

p.s. Sorry if this should be in the Titan forum instead of upgrades, I didn't know which to put it in. I tried searching for a little bit but didn't come up with anything that looked promising.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 08-03-2008, 06:55 PM
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Re: Software or Hardware Issue?

Sounds like issues with the hardware man. I would take it into your carrier(spring i'm guessing since you said mogul). I had issues and took mine in this weekend. The phone is sold with a 1year manufacturer's warranty. Sprint decided to direct me to HTC, but after they talked to a manager, just switched me out for a brand new replacement out of the box. Be nice and courteous and all should go good. good luck
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 08-03-2008, 09:08 PM
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Re: Software or Hardware Issue?

Thanks for the reply. I was planning to take it in under warranty (Yes, it's Sprint). I was just trying to figure out if it was actually hardware or something I could fix. I've heard the only way to get sprint to replace the phone is to make a scene, maybe I'll start of nice and courteous and if that doesn't get anywhere I could have some fun making a scene .
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 08-03-2008, 09:16 PM
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Re: Software or Hardware Issue?

Never heard that one myself I'm afraid. I have been very vocal previously and let them know i was not satisfied and that i was in fact pissed off, not at them personally, but how they were trained to deal with said situations. The way i see, it's not them personally turning me down, its them having to follow company policy...they just have more room to wiggle around the red tape than some realize i think.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 08-03-2008, 09:54 PM
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Re: Software or Hardware Issue?

Originally Posted by Infernokron View Post
I have had my Mogul for about 6 months now. Recently the keyboard buttons stopped working intermittently, I can normally get them to work if I turn the phone off/on a few times and slide the keyboard a few times. My Internet Explorer hard-button doesn't "click" anymore and also doesn't work. My hard buttons below the screen work intermittently as well, similarly to my keyboard. My brother got a Mogul at the same time and he's have the same problems with his hard buttons below the screen.

I just upgraded my Mogul to the 3.56 ROM from 3.35. At first I figured I was just running into a minor glich but every time I slide the keyboard (in from the out position, or out from the in position) the phone opens Internet Explorer. This is driving me crazy! I don't know if the sensor for the keyboard is bad and is somehow hitting the IE button or if it's a problem with the new ROM?

p.s. Sorry if this should be in the Titan forum instead of upgrades, I didn't know which to put it in. I tried searching for a little bit but didn't come up with anything that looked promising.
If you have successfully installed the stock HTC/Sprint upgrade package from the HTC site, and the problems occur immediately after a hard reset, then they are hardware related. You may want to try re-installing the upgrade package to make sure it is not a bad install. If you have the Total Equipment Protection (TEP) coverage or the Equipment Service and Repair coverage, the Sprint repair center store will swap it out at no charge for a new or refurbished Mogul, depending on what they have in stock. Unless, of course, it appears to have liquid damage or severe physical damage, in which case you would need either the aforementioned TEP or the Equipment Replacement Program; then it will be replaced by the insurance carrier's administration company, Asurion, for a $50 deductible fee.

If it does not have liquid damage or severe physical damage, and you do not have the above coverages, you can still get it replaced or repaired by HTC under the one-year warranty. If you are nice to the store employees, they may swap it out for you under the HTC warranty instead of telling you to ship it back to HTC. Making a scene usually is counter-productive.
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