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  #11 (permalink)  
Old 08-02-2008, 03:26 AM
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Re: dcd's titan ROMs & kitchen 3.2.5

avg ftw
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old 08-02-2008, 03:57 AM
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Re: dcd's titan ROMs & kitchen 3.2.5

Originally Posted by rickyrecaro View Post
same here 9/10 i get a false reading. make sure its from a known web site u trust.
I always do and to test things that is why I have another machine that is not my main machine just for testing things. In this case though un raring them and scaning reveals nothing so they are clean. Scaned them with several other utilities after getting them out of the archive. Seems it is some type of a signature or something that is embeded into the Rar to cause the problem. Hope it does not discourage anyone cause the ppckitchens are great.
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old 08-02-2008, 12:50 PM
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Re: dcd's titan ROMs & kitchen 3.2.5

Originally Posted by electronicrice View Post
Bugs like certain programs not functioning with the new builds, the top task bar not showing up or disappearing, the extra space at the bottom of the screen that can't be used. The app buttons not being mapped. Various other bugs that pop up and stay between builds. I know that some of these require a lot more research and fixes than normal because they've been ported from other devices, but it seems the time is being spent otherwise on integrating nue apps into WM (and not allowing them to be removed) that don't appeal to all users.

Upon using DCD's kitchen and previous builds of ppckitchen, I have never needed to use his modifications of critical apps. The phone has functioned fine and I don't see why they MUST be included in the final product other than gaining some street cred.
Most of these were inherent issues with 20226. The nue apps that are integrated are probably in your DCD rom as well (they're more like tweaks than they are "new"). You should find that just about all nue products are user selectable since 19588. pre-19588 kitchens had heavy involvement w/ no2chem because he was willing and DCD wasn't. DCD is welcome to rejoin the party at any time.

That being said, your issue is ridiculous. DCD forces you to use his tweaks and app modifications when you use his kitchen. The extent to which we choose to integrate modifications is no different.

Originally Posted by electronicrice View Post
The purpose of the kitchen was to allow users to customize what THEY wanted to add into their ROMs, not be forced to use someone else's program because it was deemed necessary for their benefit.
You're not seriously going to state that DCDs kitchen is more flexible with a broader set of choices than PPCKitchen's, are you?

Originally Posted by electronicrice View Post
I have always appreciated your work and I still do, but I feel that it's gone a little downhill. The kitchens are being released with many obvious bugs relatively quickly, compared to the initial released of the Titan kitchen, which was supposedly highly tested, and forcing users to use apps they may not want, regardless if they're essential modifications.

Not attacking anyone, but that's my opinion and that's why I've moved to DCD's offerings.
Yes, 20226 turned out to suck. 20270 is far superior. Most of the major issues in 20226 and 20270 kitchens were from problems caused by shifts in how we do things in order to make a common kitchen base for multiple platforms and to optionize things like No2Chems apps. While there have been some initial hurdles to overcome, most issues have been resolved as of the 7/30/08 release of BuildOS, device cores, and 20270.

As you stated, the purpose of a kitchen is to let you pick what you want and don't want. PPCKitchen is proud to offer you the premier kitchen environment and the most flexible and broad kitchens there are.
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old 08-02-2008, 06:23 PM
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Re: dcd's titan ROMs & kitchen 3.2.5

wellll... I do agree with you on some points. I think that the new and improved version of build os is amazing, and yes, it absoultely does offer the ability to customize more options of the rom because of buildOS itself. I dont think electronicrice meant it that way.

From a personal standpoint, the kitchens that were released on here, back in the apache days, were updated constantly. From the last two releases, it seems that few issues were resolved, or at least a true changelog wasn't posted. A lot of issues have been resolved but the kitchen still hasn't been updated. It seems that a release is posted, and then nothing is done with it beyond that.

I would never discredit the work of anyone; No2chem, or the main ppcgeeks kitchen crew, as everyones help benefits the development of these awesome roms, and the time is donated by all. I am thankful for what is posted here for free.

One thing I have noticed is that No2chems roms are just that, definitely no2chems, complete with a million apps that do this and that, when I among others I'm sure are perfectly happy with the latest build of windows mobile that still looks like windows mobile. I think perhaps the best kitchen is one that is stock and updated and fully functional, and then perhaps write and add some apps in, such as the nueswitch, nueusb (awesome apps).

One thing I certainly like about DCD's latest rom is he has worked out a lot of the issues that plagued the newer builds, without the help of needing additional applications.

Either way, again I certainly do not want to discredit the work of anyone, on the roms or the buildos software. Everyone contributes their part and thats what makes this community awesome. I suppose one thing I would look forward to seeing is perhaps more development on the offical ppcgeeks rom builds.

Thanks for the great site tho. Seriously =]
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old 08-02-2008, 08:23 PM
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Re: dcd's titan ROMs & kitchen 3.2.5

The kitchens were updated, but now that the "releases" are made up of multiple .rars, the updates aren't always quite as obvious. For example, the recent update to the carrier.rars fixed bugs in 19588, 20223, and 20270. The update to Buildos fixed bugs in 20223 and 20270. We stopped development on SYS_19588.rar and SYS_20223.rar because they clearly had some fundamental issues that 20270 does not have.

Part of the reason each kitchen got so much refinement back in the apache days is because there was only 1 person who had the skill to port a build - Helmi. Now we have at least 6 people that know how to do it. As a result, there are now two choices for resolving issue - create frankenrom hybrids of old and new files; or, port the latest MS build from some other device and see if the problems have been properly resolved. Both methods have their pros and cons, and in the end, both methods are used by all parties.

If you find that DCD has resolved an issue that is unresolved in other ROMs/kitchens, I'm sure the respective developers will be all ears.

BTW, DCD's current rom is based on 20273, which hasn't been provided to us yet. Any increased stability over the 20270 kitchen is probably directly attributable to that. EDIT: and now it has, thanks to the man himself.

Last edited by gguruusa; 08-02-2008 at 09:52 PM.
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  #16 (permalink)  
Old 08-03-2008, 01:00 AM
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Re: dcd's titan ROMs & kitchen 3.2.5

Very informative dialog. Thanks.
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Verizon: XV6700, XV6800 w/ROMs cooked in PPCGeeks Kitchen, Omnia i910 with cac2us ROM and Omnia 2 with Ninja4Hire's ROMS.
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  #17 (permalink)  
Old 09-07-2008, 01:24 AM
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Re: dcd's titan ROMs & kitchen 3.2.5

Here! Here! I agree with Robtao. A "White Hat" with 33-years experience, I'm a newbie when it comes to really delving into PPC hacking (but had played around with cell/pda/CE/PPC/Smartphones since they started, on a curiosity level). I really just got into it on a much deeper level when I got a new XV6800, and it appeared to *finally* be a seriously-usable device (as opposed to those up-to circa MotoQs).
To make this long story short, I've dived in and learned a lot of technical info, and re-ROMmed 3-out-of-4 flashable ROMs, cooking my own, in the first 2 24hr days I owned this xv6800.

BUT, to *finally* get to the point of this post...in ALL the digging, this is the first thread that put some things into historical perspective with the whole Titan ROM-cooking effort, and branches of that effort. It *has* been very informative. Thanks a heap or a stack or whatever, gguruusa. It might be very good if one of you 'old-timers' would write up a historical explanation/in depth glossary/in-depth but high-level overview of the internals of the PPC, the whys and hows of what we're trying to do when we cook and burn, modify and configure, and how all the acronyms fit together for noobs like me .

I've learned a lot, and I'm even thinking of directing my previously-Mainframe/Mini/PC development career into PPC software! It's definitely a big part of the future. Thanks again, gguruusa.
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