Here! Here! I agree with Robtao. A "White Hat" with 33-years experience, I'm a newbie when it comes to really delving into PPC hacking (but had played around with cell/pda/CE/PPC/Smartphones since they started, on a curiosity level). I really just got into it on a much deeper level when I got a new XV6800, and it appeared to *finally* be a seriously-usable device (as opposed to those up-to circa MotoQs).
To make this long story short, I've dived in and learned a lot of technical info, and re-ROMmed 3-out-of-4 flashable ROMs, cooking my own, in the first 2 24hr days I owned this xv6800.
BUT, to *finally* get to the point of this ALL the digging, this is the first thread that put some things into historical perspective with the whole Titan ROM-cooking effort, and branches of that effort. It *has* been very informative. Thanks a heap or a stack or whatever,
gguruusa. It might be very good if one of you 'old-timers' would write up a historical explanation/in depth glossary/in-depth but high-level overview of the internals of the PPC, the whys and hows of what we're trying to do when we cook and burn, modify and configure, and how all the acronyms fit together for noobs like me

I've learned a lot, and I'm even thinking of directing my previously-Mainframe/Mini/PC development career into PPC software! It's definitely a big part of the future. Thanks again,