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  #401 (permalink)  
Old 08-13-2008, 11:03 AM
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Re: nueROM 2.2 Bleeding Edge General Discussion Thread

Originally Posted by TurboFool View Post
I'd love to get that kind of battery life. On mine I have to sip off my computer's power throughout the day to make it. I can be at 50% by noon if I don't have it plugged in in the car and charging from my computer while I work. I have it downloading from three IMAP accounts (15, 30, and 60 minutes each) and Exchange push. I run SPB Mobile Shell and SPB Pocket Plus in the background, and that's about it for what's always running. My wife, meanwhile, gets amazing battery life. Maybe I should try changing to manual-only for my e-mail and see how big a difference it makes. Then again, I get my extended battery back today, and that always did much better for me.
Actually, what is probably killing it is the "sip off my computer's power throughout the day" bit. With a complex power-drain device like the Titan, battery usage can vary widely and have all sorts of unpredictable effects on the Li-On that you may not find on simpler constant-drain devices. Also, as someone else mentioned in this thread already, "battery performace is reduced as heat goes up, also the "meter" calculates bases on a drain history."
Constantly charging the battery is actually bad, since it creates extra heat and messes up the meter and charging guages, not just the "history-based" one you see on the screen, but even the internal one that tells the battery when to stop charging. The end result is that the charger may not be stopping at the proper point- either overcharging or undercharging, both of which are bad.

The one thing that I noticed makes the biggest difference as far as battery life (and my theory was later confirmed by an electrical engineer), is to actually leave it OFF the charger until I'm ready to leave it for a complete charge. That means don't plug it in the car to top off on your way to work, and don't take it on/off the charger periodically. I leave it until I'm ready to charge it up fully, and like this my battery easily lasts a day and a half.
I only charge my phone when I sleep now, and if I forget to, its still got enough juice for most of the day when I wake up. This is with push mail via exchange, and EVDO coverage.
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  #402 (permalink)  
Old 08-13-2008, 11:04 AM
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Re: nueROM 2.2 Bleeding Edge General Discussion Thread

Well Sprint did sell off "nearly all" of their towers to TowerCo and now lease them.


Doesn't give me a warm feeling inside. Now they're looking to sell off the iDEN network.
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  #403 (permalink)  
Old 08-13-2008, 11:07 AM
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Re: nueROM 2.2 Bleeding Edge General Discussion Thread

Originally Posted by tavella View Post
Well Sprint did sell off "nearly all" of their towers to TowerCo and now lease them.


Doesn't give me a warm feeling inside. Now they're looking to sell off the iDEN network.

Why did you post this here? This is for NueRom 2.2 general discussion about the ROM itself....
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  #404 (permalink)  
Old 08-13-2008, 11:11 AM
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Re: nueROM 2.2 Bleeding Edge General Discussion Thread

Originally Posted by tavella View Post
Well Sprint did sell off "nearly all" of their towers to TowerCo and now lease them.


Doesn't give me a warm feeling inside. Now they're looking to sell off the iDEN network.
Yeah, it doesn't surprise me that they are looking to sell their iDEN... the Nextel deal was dumb on their part. It could have been beneficial, but Sprint has failed to offer enough variety of devices that are able to take advantage of both Sprint and Nextel features.
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  #405 (permalink)  
Old 08-13-2008, 11:17 AM
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Re: nueROM 2.2 Bleeding Edge General Discussion Thread

if sprint gets bought out, please let it be google! hahaha
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  #406 (permalink)  
Old 08-13-2008, 12:42 PM
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Re: nueROM 2.2 Bleeding Edge General Discussion Thread

Originally Posted by paravis View Post
That means absolutely nothing.
paravis i was only refer'n to a) nothing more...

Originally Posted by flyers2114 View Post
he was only referring to the e-mail portion if you read the previous posts.....
exactly, thanks flyers2114 and calash... sorry to derail the topic...

Originally Posted by GhettoBSD View Post
if sprint gets bought out, please let it be google! hahaha
yeah right, keep dreaming
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  #407 (permalink)  
Old 08-13-2008, 04:19 PM
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Re: nueROM 2.2 Bleeding Edge General Discussion Thread

alright so back on topic....
ive been away from these no2 threads basically since 5069-k. i know theres the blog website up now, but i was wondering if there is any kind of ETA for the nuerom v2.2?

Last edited by ajm144k; 08-13-2008 at 04:39 PM. Reason: final rom v2.2, not preview rom
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  #408 (permalink)  
Old 08-13-2008, 04:28 PM
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Re: nueROM 2.2 Bleeding Edge General Discussion Thread

Originally Posted by ajm144k View Post
...but i was wondering if there is any kind of ETA for the pre v2.2?
Same here. Been a long time since any major update. Hopefully something good is in the works. No pressure, I'm sure no2chem is busy just like the rest of us. Can't wait!
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  #409 (permalink)  
Old 08-13-2008, 06:00 PM
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Re: nueROM 2.2 Bleeding Edge General Discussion Thread

the problem (i think) is that it looks like no2 has devoted a lot of his energy in getting the new site up and running, just taking a look at the new site, looks like he had to write a few extensions for the site and several of the NueTools are now avail in both OEM and cab formats (w/ a few updates on some) - amist all this im sure no2 is still working on the next release, but i highly doubt he will give an ETA given past experience...
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  #410 (permalink)  
Old 08-13-2008, 07:04 PM
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Re: nueROM 2.2 Bleeding Edge General Discussion Thread

Make sure you guys have donated! Just thought I'd remind everyone :P
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