Re: Titan 19588 Kitchen
Loving the new kitchen a lot.....a few issues though as I stated in a previous post....Advanced config is not showing up on the phone when I select it....there are also a few others that are not working....VJ Candela was selected and also did not show up....also I selected the Manila theme but I can not change it to any other themes after selecting that...the other themes show up but will not apply....I have flashed twice now same issues both times...I also noticed the theme issue when I flashed Nexvisions beta rom....I will play with it today when I get time to try and fix it....
I went back to get my selections....highlighted in yellow what is not showing up on phone SelectionsVersion=.90.04 KitchenDir=Kitchens\Titan_19588.rar:; ModuleDir=kitchens\SYS_19588_QVGA.rar: ModuleDir=kitchens\Generic_OEM.rar: ModuleDir=kitchens\Drivers_Titan.rar: ModuleDir=kitchens\Carriers_Titan.rar: ModuleDir=kitchens\000_Shareware.rar: ModuleDir=kitchens\PPCGeeks_OEM.rar: ModuleDir=USER_OEM OutputDir=Temp PreProcessTool= PostProcessTool= ROMDeviceType=Titan ROMRevType=GPS ROMOSType=WM6.1 DeviceRUUType=Standard DeviceCarrierType=Sprint PagePoolSize=7 SelectedBootSplashImage=240x320,loading.png SelectedSubSplashImage=240x320,colonel.png SelectedAnimSplashImage=240x320,WMStartup_ani.gif SelectedMainSplashImage=320x320,6.1_welcomehead.96 .png 0cfc3dc0-5fbc-4153-9ce9-72df4d8c2922, True, Solitaire and Bubblebreaker 6327354b-cf17-4539-92f4-c590558d3b46, True, Solitaire and Bubblebreaker 2401a89d-1c1a-448a-b204-051d1866e37f, True, Solitaire and Bubblebreaker 6dea1fb5-657b-41de-b282-d3ee7c6c149c, True, Solitaire and Bubblebreaker 29356830-10de-437d-ad6a-6c7d60a7dea4, True, SqlCeMobile 3.5 778e5616-23a1-4a53-901d-0023162fd5b1, True, HTC Ringtones (Basic) 45778ff6-7e1b-4a01-b0a7-fc2ca60dc2b9, True, HTC Ringtones (Musical) 110a1202-f5ca-49bd-90e3-3cf58e40a2b8, True, Sprint 3.35 cb1f2f17-8da5-4115-a50b-f8da42c19e14, True, Sprint 3.35 26316bb8-c258-11db-8314-0800200c9a66, True, Ms PacMan 2877f2cc-b75c-11db-8314-0800200c9a66, True, PIEPlus ffffffff-6ded-4ed2-b258-8d8f5e7a5df5, True, Pocket Mechanic 89192331-b5d4-4530-8d48-af60456e9e4c, True, Telenav for Sprint ffffffff-d137-40b4-aec2-e7965c4e1d79, True, YouTube Player ffffffff-1af4-49b6-9ae5-c576c566d3fe, True, zsIRC 25865771-b284-11db-abbd-0800200c9a66, True, 1-Calc Lite 7184721f-20f2-4ec3-8f3b-f9ae8084fd28, True, Adobe Flash Lite fffffff1-676d-4530-b7e4-9d895a2e3e52, True, AdobeReaderLE.2_00_288531 e1c00a8c-ffe8-45aa-bcd6-68ab1f8de241, True, Advanced Configuration ffffffff-2f4d-475f-976e-690884992550, True, Opera Mini 00baf61c-e3a7-4e67-82aa-319a299556a6, True, Chess 1395ef48-b921-11db-8314-0800200c9a66, True, ClearTemp ffffffff-77e8-465a-9c2a-9cbb97f46510, True, Comm Manager (6-button) (Green) ffffffff-8713-4bf2-9575-be16464254a1, True, Diamond WMP Skin 6b2f9ad0-f5a6-11db-8314-0800200c9a66, True, dotFred Task Manager d344fafb-3feb-40a7-8f84-19c40f5dfc7b, True, FTouchFlo ffffffff-859d-41db-a1d2-bbbdde1be500, True, Google Maps ffffffff-64ab-41ba-b26d-8104575247a9, True, GPS-Today 34c51a1c-0814-11dc-8314-0800200c9a66, True, HButton 6725609b-3504-49c3-962c-9fa2da2f42ac, True, HTC Album fffffff3-676d-4530-b7e4-9d895a2e3e52, True, HTC Camera Album 5c302504-0686-11dc-8314-0800200c9a66, True, HTC Audio Manager ffffffff-b10a-4151-9586-ca88d31c7970, True, HTC GPS Tool fffffff8-676d-4530-b7e4-9d895a2e3e52, True, HTC Touch Keyboard ffffff1f-676d-4530-b7e4-9d895a2e3e52, True, HTC Vogue Camera a1e1179f-6986-46c3-aa22-831aca9a0c7c, True, HTC WMP Skin ffffff3f-676d-4530-b7e4-9d895a2e3e52, True, HTC Zip ffffffff-52a1-4109-9efb-f54fd09921f2, True, iContact ffffffff-7e94-48bf-b9a5-bd72bc4f1dca, True, ICS control ffffffff-d495-4348-b3af-3c0d9096a162, True, Esmertec Jbed Java ffffffff-820e-41e1-9aee-314d14e127d9, True, Manila Today Theme 25d7c6b7-6429-4af7-915c-db7387417df8, True, Windows Live Search ffffffff-3193-4b29-8027-7a43ae89a23b, True, MP3 Trimmer 6a4592a8-00a6-4d30-bbba-b8b60d760b3e, True, MusicID ffffffff-ee3c-4a7b-b75c-1e76953fe3df, True, no2chem advanced settings ffffffff-00f7-4b38-9325-e37ea8e40510, True, netCF35 Exception Messages ffffffff-76c4-4a72-804b-a880269c13ea, True, nueTools Base Package ffffffff-2182-4fae-a9d1-76af97c09304, True, nueAGC AGC Control Applet ffffffff-3ac7-40b6-a4b7-3f6d5deb052e, True, nueAudio AudioPara Configuration Tool ffffffff-d548-4bf2-804c-5b2068b94c99, True, nueExtROM Configuration Tool ffffffff-19c5-4c60-9529-aaf096e93e4c, True, nueFonts Font Control ffffffff-ce1f-4489-9238-7b2decf67c2c, True, nueKITL ffffffff-54b6-40ec-b0b3-259d4af708c0, True, nueLED LED Intermediate Driver ffffffff-2da7-4b9c-944c-0c2dd8d78276, True, nueLinks ffffffff-2ab9-41a7-aabd-057889dd7454, True, nuelinks configurations tool ffffffff-753c-4b1b-8266-a67f90b96576, True, nuePackageDiagnostics ffffffff-4d6e-4e53-a0e4-ca1ff4720ce3, True, nuePackageInstaller ffffffff-5f62-4df0-9497-bbb6cdb809a6, True, nuePerformance ffffffff-361b-425d-bebd-59e0c39d9aa8, True, nueProvXMLLoader + nueBootStrapper ffffffff-70ca-4b68-afec-b23de5452c32, True, nueThreadedSMSControl ffffffff-5e39-44e4-aa8b-406ea67a02a6, True, Set Font to Calibri ffffffff-dbab-46aa-a867-8399f2396dfb, True, Data Timer/Disconnect Indicator ffffffff-73f1-46d7-b7fb-02d57ae145f1, True, Set Scrollbar Thickness at 9 7550957e-f5a8-11db-8314-0800200c9a66, True, Null Keyboard 96938068-9eee-45c1-ace7-5d4d4128c218, True, HTC Diamond QWERTY 1ad40d0e-60c5-46a5-a705-2c504b368404, True, HTC Sliding Sound 5f86088f-7e4b-4f3d-8b34-76b8a6bebe0e, True, Office Excel c87af325-6bb0-4ecf-a662-47cda75d339b, True, Office Powerpoint b495431f-6792-4461-a0cc-c9b7f5b47611, True, Office Word ffffffff-99a8-4743-8ad8-d54d71187ce4, True, Opera Browser 7919f0c6-231d-49bf-bf52-10f67696c893, True, Oxios Memory ffffffff-4c29-401e-a353-33eeb5a5fb50, True, PCMKeyboard 1d38c455-dd47-4f6e-a29e-6f36119742e4, True, PHM RegEdit 08e25b5e-05b4-11dc-8314-0800200c9a66, True, Phone Boost ea295713-2f22-4112-b6ca-b41edc9e9e2b, True, Pocket RAR eac8995c-be58-47fe-9dea-ae030cf2b2b6, True, QuickMenu ffffffff-4768-452e-a459-4af840401259, True, Hide Data Connection Bubble ffffffff-1486-4055-8087-bd49d95d4201, True, Skinny Signal Bars adc19413-37b2-4018-af8a-148b50f6ea13, True, Remote Desktop Mobile ffffffff-8326-4910-9ad6-3bc1e6f92a47, True, Slide2Unlock including Slide2View 2f55966e-ea6a-11db-8314-0800200c9a66, True, Ilium Software Screen Capture 6d6b8c78-f5a9-11db-8314-0800200c9a66, True, SIPChange fffff09f-ed27-4a0a-a3a3-5e9af96a1748, True, WinMobile 6.1 Green Dialer ffffffff-f231-4e5c-9cf9-b9cbfc8778ed, True, Slide 2 Play ffffffff-d01d-4e3e-926f-1901eda844ac, True, HTC Sliding Sound Control Panel a48d77d3-4645-4fc6-9035-4d53fdae37d0, True, SoundMeter ffffffff-58e9-4d4b-974c-0499de97e686, True, SprintTV (Titan) 94dc3fbb-4369-4207-be09-44dc5493b912, True, StartClean 84adafa4-dd3d-4e12-9dd8-3d20107e9193, True, TCPMP ffffffff-e444-4cd2-af51-2675eecbf90f, True, ThumbCal ffffffee-f283-4846-a951-f3346ff4d731, True, Tier Autoinstall cca7de97-9353-45c7-9006-0a73bec0575f, True, Total Commander ffffffff-09de-459b-b17e-b6a3a354a93a, True, TrackMe GPS App 3a3d5b47-100c-4c3a-a0ce-1b84f6dc8dde, True, TripYzee f789a2d1-007e-464b-b3f6-c656f0fa1778, True, Cleartype On 0f7a1b0f-d7a5-4e30-88d2-b437e7422924, True, UPX4PPC 59d6a722-2ab7-11dc-8314-0800200c9a66, True, VistaHide Battery Guage ffffffff-e053-4ebf-b117-7d109f2706cc, True, VisualGPSCE fe36941c-f5a6-11db-8314-0800200c9a66, True, VJCandela - (TITAN ONLY) Flashlight ffffff9f-676d-4530-b7e4-9d895a2e3e52, True, HTC Voice Recorder 410788f1-acd5-459b-b9ea-df86ac7f990e, True, Microsoft Voice Command 30c615c8-eaf9-11db-8314-0800200c9a66, True, WiFiFoFum e54c0e41-3f65-4d9f-b104-4245cc434a86, True, Additional Ringtones ef780ba2-f5aa-11db-8314-0800200c9a66, True, Additional Themes 9a1d9e85-fe6d-4b49-85ef-3bfc0c797ce1, True, Additional Sounds
"I never lie because I don't fear anyone. You only lie when you're afraid.”
Last edited by flyers2114; 06-30-2008 at 12:15 PM. |
Re: Titan 19588 Kitchen
i downloaded the new ROM builder, and it gives me a communication error when i try to upload it to my phone. What is the cause of this? Can someone help me with this?
Re: Titan 19588 Kitchen Spreadsheet
I own a Titan and have used the Kitchen several times to upgrade my phone. Lately there are so many Kitchens, Radios, Roms and Kitchen CE OS that I am unable to keep up with, and I have no idea what makes one different from the other. I don't know the difference between Titan Kitchen 19588 and No2Chem 5067, or Titan 3.49 w/ WM6.1. It seems some of the differences might be invisible when building a Kitchen... is that true? Would it be possible for one of the Development gurus to make a spread sheet with the different pieces, depicting in (small) detail what makes each ROM/Radio different. I think that would be a great service to the Titan (and other phones) community. Great work. Thanks.
This post has been thanked 1 times. |
Re: Titan 19588 Kitchen
Re: Titan 19588 Kitchen
Slide out keyboard is acting up when typing messages, text and Outlook. Seems fine when doing other things, like notes or appointments. Also, memory leakage is worse than 5067. Start at 20 Mb and within 24 hours down to 8 and that is with closing down applications periodically and using Oxios to grab memory back. Gonna have to go back to 5067 due to the keyboard issue.
Re: Titan 19588 Kitchen
Re: Titan 19588 Kitchen
I could live with the memory leakage. Soft reset every 2-3 days wouldn't bother me. But it's the keyboard that's killing me.
Last edited by benven; 06-30-2008 at 02:46 PM. |