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  #11 (permalink)  
Old 04-06-2008, 06:30 PM
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Re: Going back to older ROM

Originally Posted by PPC_N00B View Post
thanks for your reply, although it was not helpful. didn't answer my questions, and seems more like you have the attitude of "do as I say because I tell you to"
He is telling you because he knows from experience that you can truely brick your phone as he has actually done it. If that is not enough warning for you, then I am sorry.
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old 04-06-2008, 06:31 PM
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Re: Going back to older ROM

Thank you Nickles. My post was a warning as the GPS radio is write protected (can not be overwritten) and any attempt to revert could cause issues. I have 2 bricked devices to prove it. Any further discussion is off the topic of the OP. I have other posts further documented what i did though. As for the attitude, this is a forum, its text sorry it came accross poorly. I was being blunt as a warning.
Note: 3 Color screen is stuck in bootloader NOT "bricked"; just flash a stock rom exe
Touch Custom rom unlocker
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old 04-06-2008, 07:12 PM
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Re: Going back to older ROM

i could never go back to any older Rom. this is by far the best sprint rom period
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old 04-06-2008, 07:28 PM
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Re: Going back to older ROM

Originally Posted by colonel View Post
He is telling you because he knows from experience that you can truely brick your phone as he has actually done it. If that is not enough warning for you, then I am sorry.
thanks - really doubt that i personally will ever want to downgrade.. not to say others like the OP wont though

Originally Posted by ImCoKeMaN View Post
Thank you Nickles. My post was a warning as the GPS radio is write protected (can not be overwritten) and any attempt to revert could cause issues. I have 2 bricked devices to prove it. Any further discussion is off the topic of the OP. I have other posts further documented what i did though. As for the attitude, this is a forum, its text sorry it came accross poorly. I was being blunt as a warning.
i have searched and found nothing useful on the special nbh you mention in your sig - which you referenced - something about it allows you to access the lower level programming, but nothing that i can tie to the downgrade process. while it sounds like you reluctantly might admit that it might be possible to downgrade, but there's very high chance of failure due to the Radio write protection, so dont do it. when i get the time, since i'm interested in learning more about what exactly u did to brick your titans, and what the special nbh file does... unless want to post a link to these more than likely scattered "further posts" i'll research more...

Originally Posted by haf683 View Post
Is there anyway to revert to the previous Rom versions?
Any suggestions?
further discussion would entail that your wrong, but hopefully someone will figure out a way to successfully overright the GPS Radio w/out it causing the dreaded "download mode"


did research a little and found that you have at least one bricked mogul, and one bricked touch. based on the following posts it looks like you had a failed radio port to the touch and flashed the special nbh on the mogul.

Originally Posted by ImCoKeMaN View Post
In any case i hope nobody is using radios from the special_4350.nbh in the titan rom as i just bricked a device using that and it was a titan!
-> http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/showthread...728#post222728

Originally Posted by ImCoKeMaN View Post
Well my vogue just went into the same mode as the titan so trust me i'm very intently working and interested in unbricking it. When/if it happens there will be a sticky with steps here and titan section. This happened due to titan radio on touch so here it is: WARNING: RADIOS SHOULD NOT BE USED FROM DIFFERENT DEVICES.
-> http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/showthread...728#post233056

Phone won't start-no bootloader

Originally Posted by ImCoKeMaN View Post
The problem is there is a section in the radio portion that loads the bootloader. If you mess that up bad enough you will have issues. Ever since the apache days i've tried to warn people not to flash radio roms more than necessary. Maybe now a few more will understand the risks. Don't get me wrong, signed images from a company "should" be fine, but they are much more risky than just grabbing the OS portion and using that. If the OS portion fails you have next to a 100% chance of a full recovery. With radios and SPLs that is not always the case.
-> http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/showthread...262#post235262

great explanation btw

Originally Posted by ImCoKeMaN View Post
Of course, if you're crazy like me feel free to make bricks. I could use a new patio.
-> http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/showthread...287#post233287

ROFLMAO - that's just a great post

so in reference to the other mogul brick, did you attempt 3.35 (GPS) downgrade to 2.17 (Non-GPS) as the OP asked? or did you try to downgrade to WM5 w/ the GPS Radio? (reference to sig)

WM5 roms (don't use with gps radio)

Last edited by puff; 04-10-2008 at 10:07 PM.
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old 04-06-2008, 07:38 PM
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Re: Going back to older ROM

I wish it was possible to go back to 2.17. I don't need the GPS, and for whatever reasons I had far superior speeds with that rom than I do with the new one here in Houston.

Last edited by CDRacingZX6R; 04-06-2008 at 07:40 PM.
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  #16 (permalink)  
Old 04-10-2008, 10:10 PM
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Re: Going back to older ROM

Originally Posted by PPC_N00B View Post
thanks for your reply, although it was not helpful. didn't answer my questions, and seems more like you have the attitude of "do as I say because I tell you to"
eric, i would just like to add to that:

Originally Posted by ImCoKeMaN View Post
Please do not be offended by this as I just want to give you a warning of how your post looks.
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  #17 (permalink)  
Old 04-11-2008, 02:16 AM
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Re: Going back to older ROM

Originally Posted by haf683 View Post
Ok, so I upgraded (finally) to the new Rom 3.35 and I am not happy at all with the new performance. It lags worse then the previous ROM, it always freezes when sliding the phone. Sometimes when it rings, it'll stay frozen even when I hit the send or end buttons and continue to ring.

1) Does anyone else have this problem?

2) Is there anyway to revert to the previous Rom versions? I downloaded 2.17 and tried installing it but it told me that it is invalid.

Any suggestions?

Have you tried turning off the keyboard slide sound? That silly sound tends to cause a lag.

... A hard reset might be the solution. Possibly you've made a reg tweak that messed things up and you didn't realize it. 3.35 is working great for me, best ROM yet by far on the Mogul.

Last edited by veblen64; 04-11-2008 at 02:25 AM.
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  #18 (permalink)  
Old 04-11-2008, 02:53 AM
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Re: Going back to older ROM

PPC-NOOB!!!! Cease and Desist! IMCOKEMAN was/is a large contributor to any of us being able to switch ROMS. Show some respect and DO AS HE SAYS.
I really don't think I should be doing this....
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  #19 (permalink)  
Old 04-11-2008, 04:04 AM
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Re: Going back to older ROM

Originally Posted by zaya View Post
PPC-NOOB!!!! Cease and Desist! IMCOKEMAN was/is a large contributor to any of us being able to switch ROMS. Show some respect and DO AS HE SAYS.
First let me say that i do respect ImCoKeMaN, and im very aware of his contributions to this community, and i dont think i can express enuff how grateful i am for those contributions!!!

That being said, just because you respect someone, doesn't mean that you agree 100% with everything they tell you and do as they command. And if there's a rule that says you are not allowed to speak your mind, please point that out, so that i may comply with your request to "cease and desist" - but until then.....

Now due note that if you carefully read thru my posts you will find that i have done a fair amount of research on this topic and have found that (as prev mentioned) 2 devices ImCoKeMaN has were bricked, but not as a result of downgrading. One was the result of a failed radio port (HTC Touch) and the other was flashing the special.nbh that was incl in the ROM update, now the 3rd it appears he attempted a downgrade that failed, possibly to WM5, not sure, but if you search you can find posts like say for example this one, where users have successfully completed this "impossible" task. in this example it was a verizon 6800, maybe that makes a difference, maybe they just got lucky, but never the less, i'm still curious...

One Final Note: Thanks for the flame
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  #20 (permalink)  
Old 04-11-2008, 06:46 AM
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Re: Going back to older ROM

Just a little more clarification, and i do understand what you're saying ppc_n00b. The final step i took when my phone died was to flash a full 2.17 rom, so i have reasons why i said what i said. Until now i still have not seen any verified proof of a radio version being downgraded after a 3.16 or 3.35 rom was installed with it's radio. I currently do not know any way to revert that as it is protected from being over written and any attempt to revert is dangerous as you can see =)

PS: that does include the post you linked as well as far as i can tell.
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