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  #31 (permalink)  
Old 04-13-2008, 11:54 PM
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Re: Going back to older ROM

Originally Posted by EtherealRemnant View Post
I'm curious about this too.
@ ImCoKeMaN - did you install olipro 1.20 when attempting to downgrade to 2.17?

The reason i ask, is that in the thread HTC Splash Screen says no radio it appears that at least one or two people went from 3.35 to 2.17 by "accidentally" installing olipro 1.20 instead of olipro 2.40

Originally Posted by blackarsenic View Post
I'm currently going through the same thing. I had the HTC 3.35 rom. Installed SPL 1.20 olipro and now when I download a custom rom it goes to the htc splash screen with red NO ROM at the bottom.
Originally Posted by juliocvaldez View Post
Hey, can anybody help me out here? I was having similar issues. But thanks to this thread, I at least have a working phone now. So I started with a stock rom from Sprint. I don't remember for sure which one but I know it wasn't 2.17. Anyhow, I decided to go with the new 3.35 rom to see if I could get a good rom with all the fixins and still stay legit. Unfortunately the 3.35 did not even come close to the dcd 2.3.X. I then decided that wanted a custom rom. I tried time and again to flash a 2.4 Olipro, no2chem or dcd with no success on Vista or XP. I then downgraded to 1.2 Olipro and made the mistake of flashing no2chem's 5058 which is how I ended up here. LOL! So after following what I learned here, I'm currently on 2.17.
Originally Posted by bakntyme View Post
Apparently, you are very lucky that you dodged the bricking bullet in downgrading from 3.35 to 2.17, as at least one of the gurus here has bricked phones attempting it.
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  #32 (permalink)  
Old 04-14-2008, 03:41 AM
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Re: Going back to older ROM

That's interesting...

i upgraded to the beta rom the very same night it was released and hated it, so i reverted back to 2.17 with no problems... and here i am with the same phone, and the upgraded 3.35 rom...
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  #33 (permalink)  
Old 04-17-2008, 01:34 PM
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Re: Going back to older ROM

i made an account just so i can reply to this msg... i had the same problem, i didnt read the instructions on the relocker thoroughly enough and i used the relocker on a "RUU_TITAN_SPRINT_WWE_3.35.651.2_RS_TITAN_3.35.04_ 4350H_SPCS_AM_Ship" phone.. and thought i had bricked it

i am using a verizon vx6800.. i now have the phone working again

i do not know much about this ppc business but i thought my posting would help more than hurt

what i did was run the ROMupdateutility under the RUU folder.. i would love to give more specifics to which ROM it was i installed, but the .nbh file under the folder is just simply titled "Ruu_signed.nbh".. and as i've been trying to fix this problem i downloaded about 8 different roms both official and custom so i cant specify which one this is exactly.. if it helps the size is "78.9 MB (82,756,469 bytes)"

hope this helps people to a certain extent.. if anything, i hope this lets people know that it IS possible to downgrade from a 3+ and get it working again..

to give additional details...

i had a brand new vx6800
tried to install a cusom dcd 3+
used unlocker 1.2 (instead of the 2.4 like im supposed to)
got stuck so installed an older versio of dcd >2
installed the official 3+
tried to install custom dcd 3+ again

this is where the hell began

the bootscreen said i had 1.20 olipro.. so i tried to isntall 2.4 and failed. so assuming i had to relock 1.20 before i can install 2.4, i did so. and CRASH!

afterwards i just started trying to install every single rom/exe i had that i downloaded for the phone, thinking my phone was gone forever. but that one file under the RUU folder helped.

i do hope this post helps some people, as vague as my solution seems. any specific questions, just ask i will be happy to reply with as much details as possible

best of luck

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