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  #11 (permalink)  
Old 04-01-2008, 10:05 AM
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Re: App for quick install?

Originally Posted by fenton View Post
reading a forum tires you, yet others are lazy?
tires him because he reads the same crap over and over again. in the other thread there are at least like 10 different threads on "can i use my mogul/titan from X carrier on Y carrier?" NO YOU CANNOT. it's pretty annoying. this seems like a valid enough question, but it really does help to search a bit.
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old 04-01-2008, 10:25 AM
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Smile Re: App for quick install?

Originally Posted by ViPaDawG View Post
tires him because he reads the same crap over and over again.
cmon. Really tho. Its less than a second out of your life to skim a title and discover that it does not interest you. its 30+ seconds out of your life to try and train someone in vain, and bump a thread that could've easily gone away after the 1st person answered the dam question.
People like us have control issues. It used to bother me. I used to ride people's ases in traffic after they cut me off, or not let them over when they tried to cut in. Try and teach co-workers life or work lessons, even tho I wasn't their sup.
pick your battles, people.
If you wanna be a Mod, as Mike.
If you have anger you feel you must place, go to a gym or something.
If you are not satisfied in your current life, we always need k-12 teachers.
See? here I am, trying to teach lessons again.

Last edited by fenton; 04-01-2008 at 10:31 AM.
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old 04-01-2008, 10:57 AM
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Re: App for quick install?

i understand both sides of this issue and in many ways you are all right and justified in your position... my position on this swings on an adhoc basis. some days a noob will post the question "where is my power button" and i'll light into them. other days another noob will ask the same question and i'll draft a full walkthru.

so with that said, my official position for today: none of the ppc phones featured on this site are 'brand new' to the market, and as such there has been plenty of time for the early adopters to ask EVERY phone related question under the sun 12 different ways... basically what i'm saying is if you're new to these phones there's a whole compiled database of knowledge here on site and on the interwebs at large. Dont know what EPST stands for? Google it. Pissed that SprintTV is not functioning... um is this breaking news? Does a new thread need to be created for your singular thought on this matter? No. Granted our "search" function doesnt yield efficient results in alot of cases, if at all... but i can gaurantee your issue has been discussed before... maybe 2 or three times over.

now if you have a question on a ground breaking item that hasnt been discussed much like "why wont the new titan kitchen accept my re-partitioned xip module?!" i'd say that's a very specific question that would warrant a new thread but even then, your odds of getting an answer would be better asking the question IN the titan kitchen THREAD.

but to ask where can i find the newest official radio or bootloader... then you're just asking for trouble around here.

that's just my .04 cents.... for now
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old 04-01-2008, 12:11 PM
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Re: App for quick install?

yea your right Im new to this and I dont think I have ever started a new thread... But the attitudes isnt cool.. If seeing a few useless threads irritates you that much than u dont need to use the forums.. I mean come on.. starting arguements wastes more time and clutters much more.. a useless question should be easily answered which is two posts.. But when u act like a jerk you makes a whole discussion off of that one stupid question.. Get a grip... and jus so you know people with less experience arent gonna be as efficient when searching, if this guy knew what he was looking for he would never have made the thread
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old 04-01-2008, 01:47 PM
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Re: App for quick install?

Originally Posted by celsius0010 View Post
yea your right Im new to this and I dont think I have ever started a new thread... But the attitudes isnt cool.. If seeing a few useless threads irritates you that much than u dont need to use the forums.. I mean come on.. starting arguements wastes more time and clutters much more.. a useless question should be easily answered which is two posts.. But when u act like a jerk you makes a whole discussion off of that one stupid question.. Get a grip... and jus so you know people with less experience arent gonna be as efficient when searching, if this guy knew what he was looking for he would never have made the thread
Don't get me wrong, just because I get irritated by seeing overposting of the same topics doesn't give me the right to be a crabby old man about it. That said, there's a forum I visit which supports a custom firmware for portable mp3 players...they have ridiculously strict guidelines about posting and can be ruthless at times when they flay a poor n00b for asking a very basic question which has been answered before in numerous posts. That used to bug the hell out of me as I found it very cold and intolerably rude, but the efficiency of the forum is top notch and it is incredibly productive.

What bothers me the most is that more often than not it's just laziness on behalf of the poster, not genuine ignorance. Some people view a forum as a community, others as a resource, and so on...I guess it really all boils down to how the moderators choose to shape it

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  #16 (permalink)  
Old 04-01-2008, 03:00 PM
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Re: App for quick install?

Originally Posted by celsius0010 View Post
and jus so you know people with less experience arent gonna be as efficient when searching, if this guy knew what he was looking for he would never have made the thread
Wow, I didnt mean to get the whole online community in an uproar. The above quote is 100% true as well as another one the first page. I DO search this forum all the time, but didnt know what to search for. I do my best to not ask stupid questions(you'll often get a stupid answer), but I just thought this was something that I would have poured over and over w/o an answer. So I guess the anwer is this UC app? Thanks again!

Thanks for the peeps that understood me, supplied and answer, and gave me the benefit of the doubt. You rock! Kudos. =D>
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  #17 (permalink)  
Old 04-01-2008, 03:04 PM
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Re: App for quick install?

The preferred method is to provide the answer AND search/read in the same response.
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  #18 (permalink)  
Old 04-01-2008, 03:56 PM
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Re: App for quick install?

I agree that there are times that it is a little irritating to see people ask questions that are either fully answered in the subject of a sticky, or on the first post of a thread (like with no2chem's stuff). However, in this situation, he is requesting information on something that I would dare say isn't widely utilized (I've probably flashed my phones 250 times now yet I still dont use it...but I'm a retard so I get a pass).

I feel this is more of a community. There is a TON of patience here and I think really that is what makes this place so popular. We ALL flashed our phones for the first time at some point and we ALL felt that initial moment of anxiety wondering if we just bricked our phone. So...let's just show a little restraint for the questions that are reasonable.

Just my .02 cents...
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  #19 (permalink)  
Old 04-01-2008, 04:10 PM
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Re: App for quick install?

I just felt like adding yet another pointless post to this page.
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  #20 (permalink)  
Old 04-01-2008, 04:31 PM
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Re: App for quick install?

Originally Posted by jason25 View Post
I just felt like adding yet another pointless post to this page.

Do you trip small children and kick dogs? I mean, if you HATE the post and the posters insane questions so much, why do you continue to participate? Silly!
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