Re: App for quick install?
i understand both sides of this issue and in many ways you are all right and justified in your position... my position on this swings on an adhoc basis. some days a noob will post the question "where is my power button" and i'll light into them. other days another noob will ask the same question and i'll draft a full walkthru.
so with that said, my official position for today: none of the ppc phones featured on this site are 'brand new' to the market, and as such there has been plenty of time for the early adopters to ask EVERY phone related question under the sun 12 different ways... basically what i'm saying is if you're new to these phones there's a whole compiled database of knowledge here on site and on the interwebs at large. Dont know what EPST stands for? Google it. Pissed that SprintTV is not functioning... um is this breaking news? Does a new thread need to be created for your singular thought on this matter? No. Granted our "search" function doesnt yield efficient results in alot of cases, if at all... but i can gaurantee your issue has been discussed before... maybe 2 or three times over.
now if you have a question on a ground breaking item that hasnt been discussed much like "why wont the new titan kitchen accept my re-partitioned xip module?!" i'd say that's a very specific question that would warrant a new thread but even then, your odds of getting an answer would be better asking the question IN the titan kitchen THREAD.
but to ask where can i find the newest official radio or bootloader... then you're just asking for trouble around here.
that's just my .04 cents.... for now
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