Originally Posted by ViPaDawG
tires him because he reads the same crap over and over again.
cmon. Really tho. Its less than a second out of your life to skim a title and discover that it does not interest you. its 30+ seconds out of your life to try and train someone in vain, and bump a thread that could've easily gone away after the 1st person answered the dam question.
People like us have control issues. It used to bother me. I used to ride people's ases in traffic after they cut me off, or not let them over when they tried to cut in. Try and teach co-workers life or work lessons, even tho I wasn't their sup.
pick your battles, people.
If you wanna be a Mod, as Mike.
If you have anger you feel you must place, go to a gym or something.
If you are not satisfied in your current life, we always need k-12 teachers.
See? here I am, trying to teach lessons again.