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  #191 (permalink)  
Old 03-25-2008, 02:58 PM
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Re: Titan Kitchen CE OS 5.2.19199 (Build 19199.1.0.0)

See, if you can use anything, then requiring it at all is just a pointless affront to those behind corporate proxies. All in the name of a gee whiz feature that makes the system look more sophisticated than it really is.
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  #192 (permalink)  
Old 03-25-2008, 02:59 PM
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Re: Titan Kitchen CE OS 5.2.19199 (Build 19199.1.0.0)

Not trying to put words in anybody's mouth, but I think they've said before that there is currently not a whole lot of use for the login system. It does allow developers, donators, and certain other groups to access different content based on their profile. For example, developers might have access to new experimental kitchen builds, or have access to upload OEMs, basekits, etc into the official kitchen. Some of this is speculation, but I think it stands to reason. They have said that the login system will play a bigger role in future builds.

I'd say just take it for what it is. A product that they are providing and supporting at absolutely no cost to the end user.
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  #193 (permalink)  
Old 03-25-2008, 03:14 PM
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Re: Titan Kitchen CE OS 5.2.19199 (Build 19199.1.0.0)

i am sure many hours of hard work went into making this product. It is almost "idiot-proof".

I love it and will NOT complain.

Keep up the good work.
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  #194 (permalink)  
Old 03-25-2008, 03:16 PM
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Re: Titan Kitchen CE OS 5.2.19199 (Build 19199.1.0.0)

I'd like to love it. I can't try it.
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  #195 (permalink)  
Old 03-25-2008, 03:36 PM
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Re: Titan Kitchen CE OS 5.2.19199 (Build 19199.1.0.0)

Originally Posted by Jeff Kirvin View Post
I'd like to love it. I can't try it.
I submit the following:

Originally Posted by Jeff Kirvin View Post
Any chance we could get a version of this that actually works behind a proxy and/or firewall? Why does this need to log into anything anyway?
Originally Posted by gguruusa View Post
It works behind a firewall, and if you're willing to help it might could work behind a proxy. Contact me via e-mail if you want to work on the issue (or, better yet, find me in #ppckitchen chat).
In case you missed it, he just offered to help you get it to work.

Originally Posted by gguruusa View Post
Their are features planned for future releases that are dependent upon unique user accounts. It was more practical to get everyone started on that path now, even though it's technically not totally necessary just yet.
I understand your desire to know the ultimate purpose of the login system, but I think you're just going to have to accept that they have future plans that require it.

Originally Posted by gguruusa View Post
So let me answer again.

It's not unnecessary.

a) Go home and run it from there.
b) Tether to your PPC.
c) Wait more than 24 hours for a solution (highlighting added by bedoig)

There's a difference between a proxy and a firewall. It should work behind firewalls, it will usually fail behind proxies. Most corporations use proxies in addition to firewalls.
Again, you were given alternatives and it was stated that they are working on resolving the issue. The Titan kitchen came out when, Sunday? Granted, the kitchen has been out for the Apache for a while, but I still think they deserve a little time.

I have no reason to take either side, but it just seems like you're being argumentative.
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  #196 (permalink)  
Old 03-25-2008, 03:44 PM
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Re: Titan Kitchen CE OS 5.2.19199 (Build 19199.1.0.0)

Originally Posted by Jeff Kirvin View Post
I'm sure this requirement was never an issue in testing, because, after all, who doesn't have a free and open connection to the internet at all times? It probably never occurred to the developers that some people don't.

Yes, I could wait until I get home. Except that I frankly have more important things to do there. I have the time here at the office between my official duties. But I can't use it here.
Also (and I'm sincerely just trying to be friendly and helpful) I think you may have glossed over another viable alternative that gguruusa provided. Tether you're phone to your company computer, thereby achieving a free and open internet connection. I do it all the time at work to get around our IT department's shenanigans

I actually downloaded the kitchen and updates to my UMPC on the bus ride home from work over my Mogul's connection.
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  #197 (permalink)  
Old 03-25-2008, 04:06 PM
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Re: Titan Kitchen CE OS 5.2.19199 (Build 19199.1.0.0)

Originally Posted by Jeff Kirvin View Post
See, if you can use anything, then requiring it at all is just a pointless affront to those behind corporate proxies. All in the name of a gee whiz feature that makes the system look more sophisticated than it really is.
well, in all honesty, buildos was designed to be as simple as possible without confusing people, and the login system is a NECESSARY part of buildos. It makes it look "more sophisticated than it really is" to you, because you don't understand how sophisticated it is.

gguru has already offered to help within 24 hours, which is pretty amazing, seeing that hes not getting paid for it and working on it in his spare time. i've requested several features in buildos, and gguru has been on top of them every time...

so in summary, since you don't really know what the "feature" does, please don't call it "pointless".
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  #198 (permalink)  
Old 03-25-2008, 04:20 PM
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Re: Titan Kitchen CE OS 5.2.19199 (Build 19199.1.0.0)

Just wanted to say I cant wait to use this kitchen when I get home great design.
I got everything to work but when I go to start to the program it gives me a DBNETLIB error and I assume it is because of the firewall.
I just wanted to verify that if I can perform updates that does not guarantee I can login?

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  #199 (permalink)  
Old 03-25-2008, 04:29 PM
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Re: Titan Kitchen CE OS 5.2.19199 (Build 19199.1.0.0)

Okay, I give up. I've tried to call attention to a feature that, at present, does nothing useful and completely breaks the app for some users. I have no doubt that this feature will be useful eventually, and I can even see the logic in getting people used to logging in now. But the fact remains that the app is broken right now for people behind a corporate proxy to support a feature that currently does nothing. I've asked for explanations of what's going on behind the scenes to make this so necessary, but Guru has just told me to deal with it or use a different kitchen. All I'm allowed to know is what I can reverse engineer.

As for his offer of help, well, if I can't use the kitchen behind a corporate proxy, is there really any chance I can get into the chatroom? Plus, I'm not a sysadmin here. I'm barely a local admin on my own PC. I even have to download .exe or .msi files via my phone and transfer them via ActiveSync, since I can't download them on our network.

It's clear I'm the odd man out here. I get that. I also get that the folks behind this project still hold a grudge against me for my sin against Helmi back in my Apache days. Small wonder I haven't been banned here. So fine. I'll go away.

Best of luck in your future endeavors.
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  #200 (permalink)  
Old 03-25-2008, 04:40 PM
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Re: Titan Kitchen CE OS 5.2.19199 (Build 19199.1.0.0)

Originally Posted by boggsie View Post
This new base kit is out there for no2chem's 5059 build.
Wow... it was a lot harder then I expected to get that answer. Maybe I am asking the wrong way. I keep trying to find out if any base in this kitchen fixes the known issue with wpa2-psk in the mogul OEM wm6 build, and no one seems to know the answer.

I'm not a kitchen noob, nor am I suggesting in any way anyone owes me an answer, or a fix, or any other nonsense. I was just wondering if anyone had success with *any* base of this kitchen, getting wifi to connect to *any* wpa or wpa2-psk wifi.

If anyone does succeed, feel free to let me know what combo worked (which base, which brand of wifi, which

And yes, great job as always guys on this kitchen.
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