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  #11 (permalink)  
Old 02-04-2008, 01:10 AM
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i am making a verizon one right now and uploading it soon. since people what google maps and live search i've included it in the rom on both sprint and verizon
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old 02-04-2008, 01:27 AM
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does this have the radio and bootloader in it or if not how do i get tht on my phone
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old 02-04-2008, 01:31 AM
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Originally Posted by SBR_L3GION View Post
does this have the radio and bootloader in it or if not how do i get tht on my phone
Have you read any of the threads? This information is everywhere.
I would suggest that until you do some homework, you shouldn't try to upgrade.

Every one of your questions are answered in here and here and here.

There are 'basically' three parts to the software that runs your phone.
1. There is the SPL / bootloader.
2. There is the Radio ROM.
3. There is the System ROM.
All three must line up correctly.
1. If you are using code prior to 3.16 then you need either have the following SPLs:
>>>a. The ReLocker 1.06 SPL if running official carrier released code
>>>b. The unLocker (original) 1.20 if running custom built roms
2. If you are using 3.16+ code then you need either:
>>>a. The reLocker if upgrading to the unofficial carrier released rom
>>>b. the unLocker (new) 2.40 if running custom built roms

The path that is ABSOLUTELY the easiest and has the least potential of errors:

**Before you begin, make sure you have your MSID/MDN/EPST codes.**

1. If running pre-3.16 code,
>>>a. run the relocker, if you have already unlocked your spl
(don't worry about getting out of the bootloader - tri-color screen)
>>>b. do nothing if on official stock carrier released rom
2. Run the Unofficial carrier released rom 3.16 (this has the radio also)
3. If wanting to install custom rom:
>>>a. run the unLocker for 3.16 and above
(don't worry about getting out of the bootloader - tri-color screen)
4. Install you custom rom of choice.

No gurantees ever implied, but this IS easy and as bullet proof as possible.

Last edited by quantumforce1; 02-04-2008 at 01:43 AM.
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old 02-04-2008, 01:35 AM
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Originally Posted by quantumforce1 View Post
Have you read any of the threads? This information is everywhere.
I would suggest that until you do some homework, you shouldn't try to upgrade.

Every one of your questions are answered in here and here and here.

There are 'basically' three parts to the software that runs your phone.
1. There is the SPL / bootloader.
2. There is the Radio ROM.
3. There is the System ROM.
All three must line up correctly.
1. If you are using code prior to 3.16 then you need either have the following SPLs:
>>>a. The ReLocker 1.06 SPL if running official carrier released code
>>>b. The unLocker (original) 1.20 if running custom built roms
2. If you are using 3.16+ code then you need either:
>>>a. The reLocker if upgrading to the unofficial carrier released rom
>>>b. the unLocker (new) 2.40 if running custom built roms

The path that is ABSOLUTELY the easiest and has the least potential of errors:
1. If running pre-3.16 code,
>>>a. run the relocker, if you have already unlocked your spl
(don't worry about getting out of the bootloader - tri-color screen)
>>>b. do nothing if on official stock carrier released rom
2. Run the Unofficial carrier released rom 3.16 (this has the radio also)
3. If wanting to install custom rom:
>>>a. run the unLocker for 3.16 and above
(don't worry about getting out of the bootloader - tri-color screen)
4. Install you custom rom of choice.

No gurantees ever implied, but this IS easy and as bullet proof as possible.
remember if you use the 2.4 unlocker u will need ur MSID and MDN
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old 02-04-2008, 01:37 AM
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thank you im sorry tht im such a newb but im really excited about understanding more and more of this and since all my reading and not understanding is finally paying off in actually understanding piece by piece this has been a long process for me becuz this is my first ppc. sorry for minorly hijacking the thread i will jus start reading now but thanx for all the help oh and sorry this is a dif name i forgot my password and jus made a new name for phone browsing puposes
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  #16 (permalink)  
Old 02-04-2008, 02:17 AM
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verizon version now available
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  #17 (permalink)  
Old 02-04-2008, 03:03 AM
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Ummmm... can someone upload this to rapidshare or something? 2KB/sec.......
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  #18 (permalink)  
Old 02-04-2008, 04:38 AM
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Originally Posted by EtherealRemnant View Post
Ummmm... can someone upload this to rapidshare or something? 2KB/sec.......
the server is fine....ur connection?
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  #19 (permalink)  
Old 02-04-2008, 04:45 AM
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not a chance. Just tested at 26Mbps down, 2.5Mbps up.

It appears to be working now, not sure what the lag was.
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  #20 (permalink)  
Old 02-04-2008, 05:02 AM
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Damn I Love U Wit Ur Internet Speed Lol Im Still On 4mbps Down
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