RdZLyZs custom ROM(Dizzle v1.31 WM6.1 ROM)
I made these ROM's for my configurations and needs. All i did was add some apps and other registry settings that I use often. Please feel free to use them.
MAKE SURE YOU HAVE THE NEW BOOTLOADER AND RADIO RADIO: http://jigglz.com/ppcfiles/radios/ti...io_3.35.04.exe BOOTLOADER 2.4: http://jigglz.com/ppcfiles/unlocker/Hard-SPL-MFG.exe Browse old files: http://jigglz.com/ppcfiles/ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dizzle v2.0 - Based On DCD 3.0.1 Clean Rom From The New Sprin 3.35 Rom -Cyberon Voice Dial -Pocker RAR -Voicemail Today Plugin -Adobe Flash Player -Adobe Reader -BT FTP -IMPlus 4.55 -Esmertec Java -Quick GPS -Battery.dll -PIMBackup -PHM RegEdit -Oxios Memory -HTCustom -GoogleMaps -LiveSearch -HTC Voice Recorder -HTC Streaming Media Player -HTC Home -HTC TaskManager/X-Button 2.0 -OSX Graphite Keyboard(Dont Like The Plain One) -Games ---Ms. Pacman ---DigDug ---Pocket Sudoku ---Kevtris ---Mines ---Galaga ---Rubik ---Bubble Breaker ---FreeCell ---Solitare ---TripYzee(Yatzee i guess LOL) ---Freecell ---Dynomite ---Collapse ---Text Twist ---Chuzzle ---Bejeweled 2 ---Zuma ---Bookworm -If I forgot any programs that is/not listed please let me know. -If there are any problems of the rom please let me know i will rebuild it and upload them again. Version 2.0 Sprint: http://rapidshare.com/files/13485303...v2.0sprint.rar Verizon: http://rapidshare.com/files/13485278...2.0verizon.rar OLD Version 1.31 Below Alltel: http://www.jigglz.com/ppcfiles/roms/...1.31alltel.rar Sprint: http://www.jigglz.com/ppcfiles/roms/...1.31sprint.rar Verizon: http://www.jigglz.com/ppcfiles/roms/....31verizon.rar Telus: http://www.jigglz.com/ppcfiles/roms/...v1.31telus.rar ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DCD's Change-Log 3.0.1 - 03-11-08 added IOTA to dcd_carrier_spcs - 03-11-08 removed makephonecall.exe and makevmail.exe from dcd_carrier_spcs - 03-11-08 added override_vzw.dll to other carriers - fixed signal icon issue - 03-11-08 fixed phonecanvas rgu - 03-11-08 created OEMDriver_WLAN_titan335 - 03-11-08 replaced SlidingSound with SlidingSound (from 3.16 ROM) - 03-11-08 put ArcsoftMMS packages back in - 03-12-08 fixed voicerecorder shortcut - 03-12-08 updated PRL files included with carriers - 03-12-08 updated UC Compatibility to 2.0 version (Beta - it autofixes SDConfig.txt files) - 03-12-08 removed button config and slidingsound reg from SYS\dcd\ rgu - 03-12-08 reverted to official method of kicking off UC at 1st boot - 03-12-08 replaced WLAN driver with titan 2.17 version - 03-12-08 replaced AutoRun.exe with version from UC thread in case of compatibility issues 3.0.0 - 03-10-08 completely recreated OEM from 3.35 ROM - 03-10-08 created OEM_Sprint_Navigator_1_0_21 - 03-10-08 created dcd_appbuttons. button config is now such that leaving camera or commmanager out doesnt leave a dead button binding. - 03-10-08 removed gps tweaks from SYS\dcd - 03-10-08 removed dcd_carrier sprint - 03-10-08 created dcd_carrier_spcs based on 3.35 ROM - 03-10-08 created OEM_RingtonePlugin just to clean up other rgus/folders of its crap - 03-10-08 changed earcupl values in audiopara.csv (volume increase) - 03-10-08 created dcd_carrier_cricket - 03-10-08 created dcd_carrier_telecom_nz 2.3.1 - 02-21-08 new BT drivers - 02-21-08 added UC Compatibility 2.3.0 - 02-13-08 changed pagepool to 5.23mb - 02-13-08 enabled aGPS - 02-20-08 hid encryption cpl and removed filter driver - 02-20-08 quickgps included by default - 02-20-08 increased speakerphone volume in audiopara - 02-20-08 include files for activesync remote display powertoy - 02-20-08 replaced battery.dll with 1% increment version (thanks no2chem) - 02-20-08 removed customer feedback notification (thanks no2chem) -IMAGES FROM DCD'S CLEAN 2.2.0 ROM THANK YOU DCD, NO2CHEM, ICECOKEMAN, BEPE AND OTHERS THAT I FORGOT THANKS FOR MAKING THESE COOL THINGS HAPPEN Last edited by rdzlyz; 08-06-2008 at 02:12 AM. |
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oh this is a different build its the final build, its the same as the dcd clean 2.2.0 sprint rom but i jus added a couple of oems |
ummmm well you know what it does, it's a server problem from microsoft, i tryed dowloading it on the desktop also and it was so slow it took for ever to download but i have it attatched on so dont worry
Thanks. Last edited by quantumforce1; 02-04-2008 at 12:57 AM. |