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  #911 (permalink)  
Old 02-12-2008, 10:31 AM
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Originally Posted by dcd View Post
thought i should report back and tell you that the google maps cab i was testing with appears to install to the device no matter what on any rom. its not a card problem like i thought.
interesting... I just tried instaling a program (visualgpsce) to the storage card and it seemed to have worked fine. then again, I went to the trouble of making sure encfilt doesn't load no matter what on my latest build.

can you confirm that install to storage card works for other cabs on your rom?
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  #912 (permalink)  
Old 02-12-2008, 10:48 AM
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What exactly does gpsmode 4 do?
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  #913 (permalink)  
Old 02-12-2008, 11:18 AM
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Originally Posted by no2chem View Post
can you confirm that install to storage card works for other cabs on your rom?
it does now, but i went back to a completely stock 19199 setup, deviceencryptionpolicy in, encryption cpl says it is on but its not really encrypting. im thinking MS needs to truly fix it.

i also left langdb out of the xip, and it seems to dump correctly now (boot.rgu doesnt get chopped) - i think xipport has not been correctly resizing the physical slot for boot.rgu's new larger size- maybe only when other stuff is crammed in.

thanks again for all you do. im checking out nueupdate now, and if i read correctly, i can easily setup my own repo and use this for my rom?
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  #914 (permalink)  
Old 02-12-2008, 12:37 PM
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No2chem, That external hider and unlocker program you made is brilliant...With every release it feels like Christmas...I guess i count my self luck...Must have a new mogul or something...Cause I've never had a issue beside start sounds on 44 with any of your roms...Even with my sd card fully loaded...with a 8gb its a lot of stuff too...lol Keep up the good work my friend...you and dcd make the mogul world so much better ^_^
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  #915 (permalink)  
Old 02-12-2008, 12:46 PM
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So what can we do with the ext rom....install programs? and not to doubt, but does it trly unlock rather than unhide....just been fooled before.....and if anyone could do it, no2chem an dcd could!
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  #916 (permalink)  
Old 02-12-2008, 01:15 PM
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by installing apps to the extROM do you think it will retain settings for installed apps after a rom upgrade or reinstall?
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  #917 (permalink)  
Old 02-12-2008, 01:15 PM
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Originally Posted by dcd View Post
it does now, but i went back to a completely stock 19199 setup, deviceencryptionpolicy in, encryption cpl says it is on but its not really encrypting. im thinking MS needs to truly fix it.

i also left langdb out of the xip, and it seems to dump correctly now (boot.rgu doesnt get chopped) - i think xipport has not been correctly resizing the physical slot for boot.rgu's new larger size- maybe only when other stuff is crammed in.

thanks again for all you do. im checking out nueupdate now, and if i read correctly, i can easily setup my own repo and use this for my rom?
yes, you could setup your own repo, you can also customize some of the graphics and text using nueupdate.xml - the main issue is that the rom needs to be stored on a web server that isn't like rapidshare. I'll probably update with some kind of documentation for it later.
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  #918 (permalink)  
Old 02-12-2008, 01:15 PM
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Originally Posted by dkincaid View Post
I feel your pain man! With a new release coming out daily, I've pretty much got the process of reinstalling everything down to a science! I was able to do it in 15 minutes this morning...including a sync for my contacts! haha
Ive been lurking for quite a while but I used to have a mortscript posted out here that automated ALL of the cab installs and at one point I had a cab that included the activesync info so I didnt even need to re-pair up to my exchange box... I will do some digging to see if I still have it, if you are interested...
The Unified ROM Project: One ROM to rule them all and in the darkness bind them.
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  #919 (permalink)  
Old 02-12-2008, 01:41 PM
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Ok this might have already been answered but I can't find it.

Reguarding the Threaded SMS. Is there still a way to back up your text through Jeyo SMS like before or is the entire Messaging text setup gone for the sms setup? I would really like to stay with this older Messaging setup the go to the SMS setup unless it works in both.

Other than that and the dropping Evdo connection here and there. I am still enjoying this Unofficial sprint rom.
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  #920 (permalink)  
Old 02-12-2008, 01:52 PM
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Originally Posted by MrHappy View Post
I had a cab that included the activesync info so I didnt even need to re-pair up to my exchange box... I will do some digging to see if I still have it, if you are interested...
That would be awesome! I could use that too!

EDIT: Build 5046, YAY! I can do a full backup again using SPB! Thank you No2Chem!!!!!!!!!!!!!
AT&T HTC-PI86100 (HTC Titan II):
OS: Windows Phone 7.5 Build: (Mango RTM 7.10.8112.7) - Radio: - Bootloader: 1.18.2180.0 (139346)
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Last edited by 92GTA; 02-12-2008 at 01:59 PM.
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