I had GPS working yesterday. Installed s2u2, htc home plugin, HHC, Live Search, Esmertec Jbed, and Opera Mini. Later on the GPS wasn't working at all so today I hard reset and it started working great. So far it was flash, hard reset because I was stupid and didn't let Sprint customizations run, then today hard reset because it was getting sluggish. Sometimes if Gmaps or Live are trying to lock onto GPS, the phone won't respond for a few minutes. Also, I have the same thing still where after a soft reset it takes 5-10 minutes to get a 1x or EVDO signal. It sits on nothing, then roam, then 1x, and then finally Ev. Last thing, I used to be able to roam on Verizon's EvDO on the DC metro but today it wouldn't let me. That kinds sucks because I lose my signal down there otherwise.
I'm now working with a clean version with no Sprint addons. GPS is working inside the house now and it hasn't froze on me in a little while. I'll be very glad to see the features stay and the bugs worked out in the final release. Even without WinMo 6.1 or any of that, a working version of this ROM will make me very satisfied with my device. I'm not installing my usual customizations right now because I figure I'll end up hard resetting again this week anyway. |
I installed last night, had no problems.I came out to work..which is in a remote place..with only a verizon tower..I have been roaming off there tower with a good connection. Well my phone does not work out here..at all. I was first trying the internet..no dice..I think tried a text..no dice...I then tried a call..of course nothing. My vision profile is not updating automatically..is there a way to go in and input the settings myself..and does anyone have any suggestions on getting my phone to work again.
Yes. I just had another fun-filled session with Sprint Customer Service (actually they were quite pleasant) and i grilled them on what went wrong and how to solve a "Data Provisioning error 1012" on my own next time. I'll write something up shortly when I can.
Right now after my latest hard reset, I did not let the customizations run and My GPS is working fine and so is RevA. So take what I say with a grain of salt. it just seems like people have the best luck when they hard reset, let the customizations run, and THEN do it again w/o the customizations. Though the logic in that seems weak to me, so i don't even know if I believe what I just said. But it couldn't *hurt* anything, right? |
after ive updating with the SD card is says update complete update success what should I do, should I leave it on that screen will it take care of itself or do I have to do something