Originally Posted by nautica2450
I'm just trying to avoid the stress on Wideawake's servers if this is BS and the entire world logs on tonight off a prank... this is my online home and i dont like people disrespecting it. If this guy is not serious, then it'll essentially be like walking thru my front door and insulting my wife. I'd never let it happen in real life, and I wont let it happen here.
Nautica, calm down for a minute. The guy said he'll post a link so give him a chance to at least get home tonight. You're totally right but there is absolutely no point in being passamistic and getting worked up already.
Lets just give him a chance to post the ROM...and I do know that he has been at XDA for a while so maybe he has some credibility in what he says about posting a link tonight.
EDIT: Kmartburrito, you beat me to the post! But thanks again!