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  #11 (permalink)  
Old 10-15-2010, 02:26 AM
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Re: Anybody wanna see the image burnt in my screen?

i read somewhere on here that amoled was susceptible to burn in more so than a standard lcd or led, but was also told not to worry about it because it takes over a year or two and i upgrade every year, so it wouldnt be an issue for me.
Originally Posted by wilw
Stupid and angry is no way to go through life, son.

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  #12 (permalink)  
Old 10-15-2010, 02:37 AM
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Re: Anybody wanna see the image burnt in my screen?

wow that is sad to see, the only time my screen is on for an extended period of time is when I am navigating on long trips +/- 6 hrs, makes me wonder now... ooo well I am like you I upgrade every yr hopefully I don't go through screens like water
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old 10-15-2010, 02:39 AM
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Re: Anybody wanna see the image burnt in my screen?

Originally Posted by austin420 View Post
yea. samsung home doesnt give you the option to turn it off. if your in dock mode, the screen is on. wether its screen burn or not, its getting replaced.
im using a samsung phone with a samsung dock and samsungs dock software. if its going to leave an image on the screen like that, thats something that should be taken care of.
If Samsung has it on like that all the time then that is kinda fail on their part :/

Originally Posted by hoihtah View Post
Yeah... but if it's the AMOLED thats susceptible to burn-in effect.... then isn't the problem a larger one for the industry to deal with.

I was planning on getting one of those docks for my desk. But now am thinking twice about the phone as a whole. my year old tp2 doesn't have this issue.
Again it is not burn-in...burn-in is when pixels light up and stay in their on phase without turning off..this mostly happens to old monitors and plasma TVs..LCDs suffer from burn in as well BUT theirs is more rare..aka you can leave it on a static image for a few hours...keep it on a day or so and your pushing your luck...

AMOLED does not suffer from burn-in..what is happening is each LED pixel has a life span...the more you use these pixels..the faster they burn out...unlike LCD which uses a backlighting which burns out completely..OLEDS just reach half of their brightness..aka they dimming and dimming and dimming..when you get the phone your at 100% and its super bright..in a year with decent usage you would get around 80% then another year 60% and etc...

I think the numbers are as follows:
Blue OLED is 50,000 hours till half life.
Red is like 100,000 hours
Green is like 150,000 hours

Since AMOLED displays so brightly..you can see these differences..once the color settles it will be less bright and not as easily seen..but obviously you want to avoid displaying the same image for a long period of time..mostly if the image contains blue or white...

So again its not "burn-in" its more of "fade-out"...
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old 10-15-2010, 02:41 AM
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Re: Anybody wanna see the image burnt in my screen?

i wonder how long it really took. i just dont think i noticed until i took off the privacy screen protector because its slightly fuzzy and tinted. for all i know it couldve done that after the first night on the dock.
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old 10-15-2010, 02:43 AM
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Re: Anybody wanna see the image burnt in my screen?

Originally Posted by Unknown Zone View Post
wow that is sad to see, the only time my screen is on for an extended period of time is when I am navigating on long trips +/- 6 hrs, makes me wonder now... ooo well I am like you I upgrade every yr hopefully I don't go through screens like water
Shouldn't be an issue..in your case the whole screen is working so the colors are used up evenly...in his case he has black everywhere which is not using up color while those paces are..if he were to say change that background to some colorful image for example..it wont happen.

The only thing that may start seeing difference is the notification bar at best.
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  #16 (permalink)  
Old 10-15-2010, 02:44 AM
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Re: Anybody wanna see the image burnt in my screen?

gee10! come on! i love this phone. i KNOW you love this phone. its great, but it doesnt hurt to admit that this shouldnt be happening.
ive used it under what i would consider to be normal circumstances for the last 6 weeks and to have an image burnt on to my screen (wether its true burn or not, it seems to be permanent!) to me is unacceptable.
so if amoled is just like this, can you see "image differences" on yours?(notification bar?)
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  #17 (permalink)  
Old 10-15-2010, 02:48 AM
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Re: Anybody wanna see the image burnt in my screen?

Originally Posted by gTen View Post
Shouldn't be an issue..in your case the whole screen is working so the colors are used up evenly...in his case he has black everywhere which is not using up color while those paces are..if he were to say change that background to some colorful image for example..it wont happen.

The only thing that may start seeing difference is the notification bar at best.
its only black and yellow at night. in the day its light blue and white.
just sayin.
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  #18 (permalink)  
Old 10-15-2010, 02:54 AM
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Re: Anybody wanna see the image burnt in my screen?

Originally Posted by austin420 View Post
gee10! come on! i love this phone. i KNOW you love this phone. its great, but it doesnt hurt to admit that this shouldnt be happening.
ive used it under what i would consider to be normal circumstances for the last 6 weeks and to have an image burnt on to my screen (wether its true burn or not, it seems to be permanent!) to me is unacceptable.
so if amoled is just like this, can you see "image differences" on yours?(notification bar?)
I'm not trying to deny what happening...I'm trying to EXPLAIN what is happening so it can be avoided or for people to understand.

If you were to take a screenshot on the phone of the media dock..then invert the black part into say white..and leave it on your phone for a few hours it would return to normal.

On mine you would not see anything since I generally use all pixels around evenly..I said the first thing people tend to notice is the notification bar...what has happened on your phone has been described way back with people using Nexus Ones and etc..this is how OLEDs in general work..

OLED = Organic Light Emitting Diod (keyword is organic)

So again I'm not denying that it sucks when things like this happen and if it happened to me I'd be upset..but at the same time I want you and everyone else who has or plans to get the device to understand what exactly is happening.
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  #19 (permalink)  
Old 10-15-2010, 02:56 AM
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Re: Anybody wanna see the image burnt in my screen?

Originally Posted by austin420 View Post
its only black and yellow at night. in the day its light blue and white.
just sayin.
Yes its the night thats killing it >.>
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  #20 (permalink)  
Old 10-15-2010, 03:08 AM
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Re: Anybody wanna see the image burnt in my screen?

since i cant change the much with the dock mode software, im going to set it to stay on while charging and leave it on the screen test all white screen. i fell like im killing its already small amount of life hours!
look! its a pixel burning out!
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