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  #21 (permalink)  
Old 09-01-2010, 09:17 AM
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Re: the epic is amazing, but I might have to go back to the TP2

I didn't have a SERO plan. I know all about the SERO plans cause my gf has one. I had an older plan with $10 internet that was killer. "Fair and Flexible". The girl kept trying and couldn't get my account to update. She put me on some plan with 450 minutes when last month, 3 weeks into my billing cycle, I had a 2hr conference call. when I looked up my used minutes, I had only used 7 other minutes.
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  #22 (permalink)  
Old 09-01-2010, 12:37 PM
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Re: the epic is amazing, but I might have to go back to the TP2

If you are a Sprint Premier custsomer: $10 per month for the data and that is it. My bill went up only $10. Non premier customers get the activation fee thrown in for a minor cost.

Originally Posted by BBAHunter View Post
Ok, so I have EPP 27% off, 700 minute family share plan, two phones, 3G unlimited internet and the total is $75/month. Basically the same as a plan that would normally cost aroun $100

So if I buy an Epic 4G, what will they change?
Another beautiful day in Paradise on the Leeward coast with a TP2 and Evo!
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  #23 (permalink)  
Old 09-01-2010, 12:46 PM
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Re: the epic is amazing, but I might have to go back to the TP2

I was and am a premier customer... I'm really angry about this, but I don't have time to call.
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  #24 (permalink)  
Old 09-01-2010, 03:50 PM
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Re: the epic is amazing, but I might have to go back to the TP2

Ok I had to go through this and I am sorry they didn't inform you, as they didn't inform me either, they just changed everything. You can give the phone back, and you can get back to an old plan "if it is still available" on their system. Any addons, perks and such no longer in the system can not be added back.. They just don't exists anymore, persistence may get them to give you full or partial credits..

I lost Unlimited Family N&W at 5PM for free!!! and lost my $20/m credit because they can't have double discounts, such as employee plus credit (so they say)... At least I did keep Free incoming and Any3 (which I put goog411 and google voice on, haha)....

I feel your anger. My $48/m became $58/m and is now $78/m... sigh

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  #25 (permalink)  
Old 09-01-2010, 10:53 PM
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Re: the epic is amazing, but I might have to go back to the TP2

Originally Posted by crazaytalent View Post
That really sucks... if thats the case they obviously didnt do a proper job of informing him of the changes that would be happening to his plan.

Best of luck to the Op

Or he didnt do a proper job of seeing what he was switching to... who's responsibility in the end is it really? The information is there if you look.

But you do have a 30 day satisfaction guarantee... so you can go back if its under 30 days.
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  #26 (permalink)  
Old 09-02-2010, 05:45 AM
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Re: the epic is amazing, but I might have to go back to the TP2

you cannot go back to a sero plan. When my TP2 started rebooting every few min I took it in and they couldn't fix it so went in to do the exchange and told me that it was out of stock and I had to pick a new phone. The moment is the one I decided to go with because the other options were just nowhere near being a TP2 replacement, even thought neither was the moment in my opinion. When I went in to pick it up a few days later the lady took the TP2 and asked if I needed them to transfer my contacts. I said no. That was the only question she had for me and didn't say anything about having to change my sero to eprp. I didn't even know she had till I went to pay the bill 2 weeks later and it was $35 bucks higher because they picked the closest eprp plan to my sero plan and that was $85 instead of the $50 for the comparable sero plan. I bitched and complained for 3 weeks and didn't get anywhere, finally gave up after a few hundered calls with nothing to show for it.
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  #27 (permalink)  
Old 09-02-2010, 09:18 AM
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Re: the epic is amazing, but I might have to go back to the TP2

Originally Posted by BBAHunter View Post
So the 30 day federal law does not apply?
Originally Posted by ksfoster View Post
Can you copy and paste the exact paragraph from whatever user's agreement that says there is no going back? Seems to me that the implied message from the 30-day guarantee is that you can go back.
I don't know what federal law states, but I know that what they have on their website is in plain text. I know it sucks, but this will suck even more for people that decide they want to go back to their SERO plan with discounts that they've prolly had for 8 years for like 24.48 with tax and all lol

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  #28 (permalink)  
Old 09-02-2010, 06:55 PM
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Re: the epic is amazing, but I might have to go back to the TP2

ok, they called me. Some call center, but after I talked to someone that couldn't do anything about my account really. They applied my old discount to the new account which turned it to a $76. Still $55 to $76. They aimed me right back at the link that nadcicle20 posted above. They also said I have 30 days and I can go back to my TP2.

I'm going to call back at some point to talk to them about getting a discount.
looks like I get 2 discounts, but only the better of the 2 counts.
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  #29 (permalink)  
Old 09-03-2010, 11:12 AM
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Re: the epic is amazing, but I might have to go back to the TP2

Originally Posted by revaaron View Post
ok, they called me. Some call center, but after I talked to someone that couldn't do anything about my account really. They applied my old discount to the new account which turned it to a $76. Still $55 to $76. They aimed me right back at the link that nadcicle20 posted above. They also said I have 30 days and I can go back to my TP2.

I'm going to call back at some point to talk to them about getting a discount.
looks like I get 2 discounts, but only the better of the 2 counts.
Good luck on whatever you can get.

I do find that sometimes you can get lucky by who you talk to and get "auto credits" for every month as well.

You might be able to complain and get the auto 10 dollar credit for 4g service. This is hit or miss sometimes though.
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  #30 (permalink)  
Old 09-03-2010, 11:43 AM
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Re: the epic is amazing, but I might have to go back to the TP2

My gf called to talk about phones for her SERO plan. When she did, she got the lady to look into my account and asked about 4G, etc... this was months ago. the lady said that she would credit me back the $10 for 2yrs since there is no 4G in the wilds of NH. Then when I called, they had no clue about it. Since I'm either getting the bill reduced or returning the phone and canceling the plan, I'm going to call back when I have time during the day and talk to them one more time. If they can make my bill after discounts and everything be $65 (so $10 more than what I had) I will be happy. Why? Cause the TP2 was a terrible phone for me. the epic is the first good phone since my Treo 650. the mogul, tp, and tp2 didn't have the hardware to support my usage and things just didn't work. as they upgraded from the mogul to the tp to the tp2, they had the phone doing more and more crap with the basic same hardware. d'uh. After getting an iPad, doing anything on my tp2 was painful as pulling teeth... and don't get me started on the sleep of death.
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