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  #131 (permalink)  
Old 09-18-2010, 10:17 PM
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Re: Battery Drain, and the culprit App IS.....

For what it's worth, I just checked time without signal and it was at 1%... is it possible this has more to do with signal area vs a setting in the phone?

Originally Posted by daddymikey1975 View Post
Ok guys.. here's an update (of sorts)..

I disabled juice defender and my battery life sucked (again)... but here's some interesting reading..

After reading this over at XDA and fix for battery issues on Android Forums I've decided to share...

It seems as if Samsung and/or Sprint need to update our radios. Our devices are set to WCDMA by default. So they're searching for a WCDMA tower and can't find one. This could prevent the phone from going to sleep as well.

To check and see if your device has been plagued w/ this illness, to go Menu > Settings > About Phone > Battery Use > Cell Standby.. look for "Time without Service".. Mine was at 52%.. THIS could kill our batteries as well as keep the phone from sleeping. This also explains why Juice Defender works so well. It shuts down the data connection, thereby preventing the phone from hunting for a WCDMA signal and allowing the device to sleep.

(to be fair, when I was using juice defender, the biggest portion of battery usage for me was the display.. but we know the display only uses battery when the screen is active.)

The fix (from what I've read) has had sporadic results. Temporarily, we can put our phones in airplane mode, then back to normal. This is suppsoed to fix it. If you power off your device, you need to re-do this again.

I tried the airplane mode and back again to no avail. I also updated PRL and no luck. I've resorted back to Juice Defender as a fix since it seems to work so well (for me)...

I hope this helps a few of us that have problems.

(links above are also sources as to where I got this info from.. It is not my discovery, I just found the fix and wanted to share)
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  #132 (permalink)  
Old 09-19-2010, 05:26 AM
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Re: Battery Drain, and the culprit App IS.....

@DaddyMikey after I saw your post, I checked it and it was at 48%! This was yesterday shortly after we got the OTA update. Over the past 24 hours I've been watching that # drop and an hour ago it was down to 18%, OTA magic??

Now onto another interesting thing. I hard reset just now, ##778# full hard reset. I haven't even synced my google account yet, the phone is bare. I changed some basic settings (ringtone, brightness down to low, screen timeout to 1 minute and then back to 30 seconds, switched to galaxy live wallpaper). I put the phone in airplane mode, and THEN I turned on WiFi, found my network and connected, and left the phone alone for a bit. Get this - the screen never went off! Bare ROM as Stock as they come, and my screen has been on for the last 8 minutes!?!

Someone please chime in, I'm about to put WiFi on the GUILTY list...

Did I help? The is down to the right

Last edited by Wunder; 09-19-2010 at 05:45 AM.
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  #133 (permalink)  
Old 09-19-2010, 05:31 AM
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Re: Official Samsung Battery Performance Talk

Did a full hard reset, changed some basic settings (ringtones, brightness, live wallpaper) put phone in Airplane mode, then turned on WiFi. Screen hasn't turned off for the past 10 minutes...

Last edited by Wunder; 09-19-2010 at 05:46 AM.
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  #134 (permalink)  
Old 09-19-2010, 07:02 AM
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Re: Battery Drain, and the culprit App IS.....

Originally Posted by a_c_s View Post
For what it's worth, I just checked time without signal and it was at 1%... is it possible this has more to do with signal area vs a setting in the phone?
I would seriously entertain that idea except I got 4 bars here sitting in my living room.

I'm getting ready to flash the andromeda kernel then disable juice defender to see if it helps..
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  #135 (permalink)  
Old 09-19-2010, 07:04 AM
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Re: Battery Drain, and the culprit App IS.....

Originally Posted by Wunder View Post
Someone please chime in, I'm about to put WiFi on the GUILTY list...
After reading your results, I'd be tempted to agree however, in my juice defender settings, I have "prefer wifi" checked. If i'm in range of a wifi signal, it will default to that signal as opposed to the cell network. If I stream audio from scanner radio (for example) my screen still times out.

Try to go to a normal wallpaper instead of a live wallpaper and see if that helps..
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  #136 (permalink)  
Old 09-19-2010, 07:13 AM
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other then the update my phone is as stock as they come .. I keep wifi on while home & my screen shuts off in the 1 min that its set for. then tried 30 seconds and same thing. both while unplugged and plugged in. ..... I never have good signal in my complex but even so I've always maintained 3-4% time without signal & earlier it was 21 .. now its 92 .. damn update must have effected it some how. I haven't unplugged phone tho since as I need a full charge for today but later will c how out effects battery compared to my previous amazing life
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  #137 (permalink)  
Old 09-19-2010, 07:26 AM
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Re: Battery Drain, and the culprit App IS.....

Originally Posted by dumpringz View Post
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other then the update my phone is as stock as they come .. I keep wifi on while home & my screen shuts off in the 1 min that its set for. then tried 30 seconds and same thing. both while unplugged and plugged in. ..... I never have good signal in my complex but even so I've always maintained 3-4% time without signal & earlier it was 21 .. now its 92 .. damn update must have effected it some how. I haven't unplugged phone tho since as I need a full charge for today but later will c how out effects battery compared to my previous amazing life
I was gonna edit and update...

I read over at XDA here that the D107 update fixes some things including TWS..

I'm gonna try to apply the update manually rather than waiting for Sprint to push it.. if it returns me to stock, I'll ride completely stock today to check TWS/batt. life since I have somehting to compare it to.. if it updates and leave me as I am now (apps, etc) then I'll disable juice defender and see how the day goes...

hope this helps
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  #138 (permalink)  
Old 09-19-2010, 07:43 AM
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appears it may have made that worse for me. ehh
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  #139 (permalink)  
Old 09-19-2010, 09:08 AM
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Re: Battery Drain, and the culprit App IS.....

Originally Posted by dumpringz View Post
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appears it may have made that worse for me. ehh
I've been reading that as well.. My thought on the update is the following:

if you got good battery life and little TWS, DON'T update..

if it sucks all around, why not ?? heh..
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  #140 (permalink)  
Old 09-19-2010, 11:38 AM
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Re: Battery Drain, and the culprit App IS.....

Ok.. I installed the D107 update and was initially upset because my TWS was the same as before, however, after a couple reboots (and I'm not at home now) my TWS is down to 4%. I'm beginning to think there's something in thee house that's contributing to thee poor signal.

FWIW my wife has an intercept that's doing the same thing. Hunting between 1x and EV. (while at home)...

Also, the D107 update left my phone in the same state it was in before. Still currently using juice defender.

Hope this helps troubleshooting.

EDIT: ok. .back home now, TWS = 4%... will update if I notice a change.. (FWIW.. even while using juice defender it was still at 50% or so yesterday before update)

Last edited by daddymikey1975; 09-19-2010 at 01:28 PM. Reason: updating info..
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