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  #11 (permalink)  
Old 02-06-2009, 04:28 PM
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Re: A must read here!!!!

I feel like I am talking till I am blue in the face, but has anyone considered the reason that there is not a rush for a firmware update, is because there is no dire need? Stability isn't an issue unless you are careless with third party apps. The battery issue is more hardware related, and from what I have seen, limited to the battery itself.

Seriously. Look back through the history of the i900, and then look back at the i910, and realize that the i900 was in a far worse shape when released than the i910, and on top of that, most of the fixes given to the i900 were INCLUDED in the stock rom that came with the i910. Alot of the new features you see floating around are from beta roms.

I mean...I can't think of any single problem on my device that really warrants an emergency update. Don't get me wrong, I would LOVE to see an update, especially with new features, but its not something I am losing sleep over. If there were stability or performance issues that were plaugeing me, then sure I would want it ASAP, but I don't have those issues.

Want to know a phone that needed and still needs more updates ASAP? The BB Storm. Compare that train wreck off the shelf with the Omnia and you will see what I mean. Its better now, but still nowhere near where it needs to be to become a reliable device.

Last edited by Adrynalyne; 02-06-2009 at 04:31 PM.
  #12 (permalink)  
Old 02-06-2009, 04:54 PM
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Re: A must read here!!!!

Originally Posted by Adrynalyne View Post
I feel like I am talking till I am blue in the face, but has anyone considered the reason that there is not a rush for a firmware update, is because there is no dire need? Stability isn't an issue unless you are careless with third party apps. The battery issue is more hardware related, and from what I have seen, limited to the battery itself.

Seriously. Look back through the history of the i900, and then look back at the i910, and realize that the i900 was in a far worse shape when released than the i910, and on top of that, most of the fixes given to the i900 were INCLUDED in the stock rom that came with the i910. Alot of the new features you see floating around are from beta roms.

I mean...I can't think of any single problem on my device that really warrants an emergency update. Don't get me wrong, I would LOVE to see an update, especially with new features, but its not something I am losing sleep over. If there were stability or performance issues that were plaugeing me, then sure I would want it ASAP, but I don't have those issues.

Want to know a phone that needed and still needs more updates ASAP? The BB Storm. Compare that train wreck off the shelf with the Omnia and you will see what I mean. Its better now, but still nowhere near where it needs to be to become a reliable device.

It appears that you are fine with the phone the way it is. Cool. IF you don't experience the glitches or problems that have been chronicled on this board great. Don't get blue in the face over it. It is not that serious.
I will say that there are things that Apple, Nokia and others do to satisfy the concerns of their clients - BEFORE - the concerns reach a crescendo.

I can name off the top:

1. Consistent w-fi connectivity
2. Storage Full (when not full) issues
3. Battery life
4. Ringer (missing calls due to incremental rise)
5. Flash 2.1 enablement

That I know people on this board would love to see fixed - NOW. Un update could do it tomorrow. Not when they get around to it...if they feel like it. You can hate on Apple if you want but the customer base is loyal because even though they can't cut and paste, bluetooth files and a host of other things (which are known drawbacks before the purchase). But they know that Apple will hook them up on the backend with updates, information, tips and apps. The Hive is resposive to the hoard. I don't get that feeling with Samsung.

They are making new phones left and right, but IMO not supporting of updating the ones they have. Its not a WinMo issue familiarty issue either. It's top-notch customer awareness. That is just me. I may be the only one who feels like this. If I am then ok.
  #13 (permalink)  
Old 02-06-2009, 05:32 PM
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Re: A must read here!!!!

Under no circumstance will all bugs ever be fixed, but:

1. Consistent w-fi connectivity

Appears to be only with certain routers. I can connect fine in my college classes, but at home its a crapshoot. The difference? The routers, I am sure.

2. Storage Full (when not full) issues

Indeed a most unfortunate bug. I had something similar on my Dare happen. This can be circumvented by using a different app though. Touch Player is pretty crappy.

3. Battery life
No amount of firmware updates are going to fix a hardware issue. Not everyone has it, and as I mentioned before, it seems limited to the battery itself.

4. Ringer (missing calls due to incremental rise)
Samsung NEVER fixed this on the i760. I don't suspect its fixed in the i770, and I really don't expect to see a fix for it on the Omnia. If this is a showstopper, I reccomend you dump Samsung as a brand now, because it doesn't look hopeful in getting a fix. But, who knows?

5. Flash 2.1 enablement

Flash Lite 2.1 is enabled, its what the widgets use. Maybe you meant 3.x? AFAIK, thats the only flash lite that supports browsers. So why not install it? I'll warn you, it may break your widgets, if you use them.

I understand people's complaints, but they are akin to so many other smart phones too. The Omnia is never going to be perfect, but the i910 is a HECK of a lot better than the i900 when it was released. At least I don't see any threads like this one:

IMO, Omnia issues pale in comparison to that.

Last edited by Adrynalyne; 02-06-2009 at 05:39 PM.
  #14 (permalink)  
Old 02-06-2009, 05:43 PM
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Re: A must read here!!!!

I have to say I am in the middle of the road on these last two posts. The reason we don't see updates on the i910 so far is because the i900 has been out longer and had the updates the i910 learned from. While I do agree there are certain 'glitches' I would like to see addressed, but nothing that is imediate to the operation of the Omnia. The The memory issue is there, but work-able. The only problem I have heard of with wi-fi is the conflict with the useless VZApps app. I haven't heard any flash problems. I know there have been bad batteries out, but when the battery is a good one, the usage is fantastic (AKA....a hardware issue, not firmware). NOW...the ringer issue....I agree this one is a pain in the but and frustrating, but at the same time....doesn't inhibit the operation of the Omnia at all. A few other things I would like to see addressed is the battery monitor issue, the GPS, the TouchPlayer issue (seems fine on some, but I can't get it to find any songs except for one ringtone), and I am sure there are a couple other things I can't think of right now, but again....none of them dire.

I am in no rush for a firmware update, but I would certainly love to see one. I have a feeling the GPS issue will be released as part of a firmware update, but it may not and I am OK with that!!

The Nokia comparison is the same thing...it is released in one place first, gets the updates + fixes, and by the time we see the device it doesn't need an update for a while (if at all). I would be willing to bet the first i900 update came out very soon after it's initial release as well.

So.....in the end all we can do is wait and see!!

  #15 (permalink)  
Old 02-06-2009, 06:50 PM
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Re: A must read here!!!!

Seriously guys....c'mon. The Samsung Omnia is a "phone" first. That incremental ringtones have been, according to some, a knock against Samsung - before the Omnia - and still persists is hard to believe. More importantly, that it is an "accepted" glitch is mindbogling. Do you know how many calls I've missed due to this!?!?

While I can appreciate that if you have not experienced the numers hiccups that others have it probably feels great. That you know about this site or are savy enough to know how to "seek" out the pertinent sites and forums to remedy your minor ills is to be commended. The point that I must not be making clear is that a comparrison to devices that are much worse than the Omnia at this stage is not an apples to apples comparison.

I did not buy a Blackberry so I don't care. I did not by anLG phonoe so i don't care. I bought the Omnia (everything) phone. Had I paid full freight for this phone AND experienced the less than knowledgable Samsung top-tier technicians, the Clueless Verizon techies, the glitches and the lack of information that exhists - I would be freaking boiling.

I didn't, and I am waiting on my rebate from VZN, so I'm ok. I just don't believe that I should convice myself that i "should" be happy if I am not. Again, this is just me.
  #16 (permalink)  
Old 02-06-2009, 07:27 PM
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Re: A must read here!!!!

If you aren't happy, its important that you make yourself happy and move on. I did my homework, and knew the shortcomings of this device before I bought it. I did the same homework on the Storm. It has been readily available information that the Omnia suffers the "Samsung" ringer bug. This is not something that all of a sudden poped up as new information. I knew about it before I bought it, back in early December. My mother has an i760, and is a realtor, and despite harsh times, esp. in that sector, her phone is ringing constantly. It too, has the ring bug. She doesn't seem to mind, nor miss too many calls. My solution was to find a louder ringtone, and honestly, by the time I get it out of the holster, its blasting at full volume, so does the bug affect me? Can't say it makes much a difference, other than it annoying me.

This is my first smartphone. Last PPC device I used wasnt even a phone...it was an IPAQ, using....I dunno, some win CE variant that was a fossil compared to Windows Mobile. You know what? Back then, I had issues with battery life and stability Ironic, I guess.

At any rate, I can take the Omnia, hard reset it, put my contacts on it, and it is perfectly useful, and works completely for me as a phone, and PDA. Mind you, it would require the stylus, but thats all preference. My desire to add and tweak it stemmed from the desire to make it:

1. Prettier.
2. Touch Friendlier.

None of my tweaks have been to fix bugs, or increase stability. I just made it my own. Once again, I knew these shortcomings were present before I bought the device. I also knew, however, from reading, that I could make the device my own and customize many aspects of it. I also knew during my 30 days, when I could have returned it, that it was pertinant for me to determine if this was the device for me. In the end, it boiled down to the best performing device for the price for me. I wasn't about to spend the exorbitant price on the TP. Although, had they been ,same priced, I would have chosen it instead.

Nobody is asking you to be happy. I, and others have busted our butts to try and help you, but if at the end of the day, its not doing the job, do yourself a favor and ditch the device. You aren't going to hurt anyone's feelings here. at the end of the day, its your happiness and satisfaction that makes the difference to you.
  #17 (permalink)  
Old 02-06-2009, 10:19 PM
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Re: A must read here!!!!

Originally Posted by steve austin View Post
It appears that you are fine with the phone the way it is. Cool. IF you don't experience the glitches or problems that have been chronicled on this board great. Don't get blue in the face over it. It is not that serious.
I will say that there are things that Apple, Nokia and others do to satisfy the concerns of their clients - BEFORE - the concerns reach a crescendo.

I can name off the top:

1. Consistent w-fi connectivity
2. Storage Full (when not full) issues
3. Battery life
4. Ringer (missing calls due to incremental rise)
5. Flash 2.1 enablement

That I know people on this board would love to see fixed - NOW. Un update could do it tomorrow. Not when they get around to it...if they feel like it. You can hate on Apple if you want but the customer base is loyal because even though they can't cut and paste, bluetooth files and a host of other things (which are known drawbacks before the purchase). But they know that Apple will hook them up on the backend with updates, information, tips and apps. The Hive is resposive to the hoard. I don't get that feeling with Samsung.

They are making new phones left and right, but IMO not supporting of updating the ones they have. Its not a WinMo issue familiarty issue either. It's top-notch customer awareness. That is just me. I may be the only one who feels like this. If I am then ok.
It really irks me when I see posts like this... Lemme ask you When the Apple first dropped its Iphone, did they have all the support, and updates and info that they enjoy now? 2 or 3 years, not months, but years later???

you can blame Samsung if you like the the fault is yours, for jumping in the pool with without checking the temperature, are you an impulse buyer? "oh this looks nice....lemme buy it even though I don't know anything about it"

You can do that with little flip-phones, but why pay 2-3 hundred dollars for something without doing ur homework on it...from reading ur last post it must be because you have money to throw away...

There is NO such thing as a perfect phone, I know plenty of Iphone users, its a love, hate relationship, and I see things on there that are cool but I doubt WinMo can do...at the same time they lack the ease we enjoy in modifying our phones, a landscape keyboard, removable memory,

I believe the issue with flash is the opera Mobile browser...I installed a version of Skyfire that works on my omnia and it plays youTube, yahoo video, even silverlight video... I can go to myspace and it plays the music and slide shows...

but if you feel like dishing out the 175 to get out of ur contract, go ahead do us a favor and spare us your belly aching, if you don't have the patience to wait for the support to catch up to the technology please return your Omnia, so someone who appreciates a superior phone can have it,

its no secret the Omnia has flaws, but I knew that going in, but I also know someone will figure out a way around the bugs...and eventually Samsung will develop a fix to a few of the problems some issues may never be fixed, that is so they can get us to shell out some more cash when the next version of the omnia comes out...
When ur Sidekick/Iphone can do this...Holla at me
  #18 (permalink)  
Old 02-07-2009, 08:43 AM
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Re: A must read here!!!!

take it easy on the guy
i agree...on both sides.
as a consumer (which he obviously is first) you want WHATEVER you paid, for what you bought to just work!
but...over here we are techs, we alredy knew what we wanted and knew what and what doesnt work.
the "issues" this phone has is less than the benefits!
this phone can put some laptops to shame!
and its a phone!
the connected device program, the ease of use and gps ability (when it comes, and i know it will), makes this a PERFECT mobile device!
more phones will come out thats better but right now...especially with the processor on this phone! this is top 5 mobile device/phone on the market!
but they all have "issues" which...the ringing low is a "feature", design to give you time to get to your phone before its ringing TOO loud in a place thats meant to be quiet (work, church, some public places). it would be cool if it was an option... but i do understand the designers intentions.
wifi is no issue for me. i click my communications manager icon, turn it on, it connects to the networks i normally connect to.
my battery last 2 days even with bluetooth on (but not used) all day. on yesterday at 7am, 80% today at 7am. PERFECT!
i installed flaslite 3.1..i see all pages but from what i understand, the only browser that supports flash is skyfire. i have the new version that works with the omnia but...i dont need to see the flash on the site. the flash sites i go to in opera just show the flash icon saying you need it to see this advertisement. NO THANKS!
i dont like skyfire too much.
now...the problems i have...i dont want to carry this bluetooth gps!!!
i want to use the one in the phone!!!

  #19 (permalink)  
Old 02-07-2009, 10:38 PM
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Re: A must read here!!!!

Originally Posted by aleis View Post
take it easy on the guy
i agree...on both sides.
as a consumer (which he obviously is first) you want WHATEVER you paid, for what you bought to just work!
but...over here we are techs, we alredy knew what we wanted and knew what and what doesnt work.
the "issues" this phone has is less than the benefits!
this phone can put some laptops to shame!
and its a phone!
the connected device program, the ease of use and gps ability (when it comes, and i know it will), makes this a PERFECT mobile device!
more phones will come out thats better but right now...especially with the processor on this phone! this is top 5 mobile device/phone on the market!
but they all have "issues" which...the ringing low is a "feature", design to give you time to get to your phone before its ringing TOO loud in a place thats meant to be quiet (work, church, some public places). it would be cool if it was an option... but i do understand the designers intentions.
wifi is no issue for me. i click my communications manager icon, turn it on, it connects to the networks i normally connect to.
my battery last 2 days even with bluetooth on (but not used) all day. on yesterday at 7am, 80% today at 7am. PERFECT!
i installed flaslite 3.1..i see all pages but from what i understand, the only browser that supports flash is skyfire. i have the new version that works with the omnia but...i dont need to see the flash on the site. the flash sites i go to in opera just show the flash icon saying you need it to see this advertisement. NO THANKS!
i dont like skyfire too much.
now...the problems i have...i dont want to carry this bluetooth gps!!!
i want to use the one in the phone!!!
Bah whatever with that guy let him go get the Iphone or the Nokia...

The Omnia skyfire browser is "suspect" at best...it will do for now but I've gotten used to Opera...I have a friend that has the HTC Fuze, he has Opera Mobile build 2392, and he couldn't watch youtube videos...I gave him the Adobe Flash lite 2.1 cab and it worked great...

but the same cab doesn't work on my version of Opera mobile that came with the Omnia...well youtube works, but only if u have opera set to "view as handheld device"

but version my friend has doesn't even have the option to change it from view as desktop, or handheld device, or at least I couldn't find how to change it...so his default is set to view as desktop....so I went and I looked for the version and build he has but I don't think it supports our wqvga screen so I didn't bother to try it, anyway I actually like verizons VZnav, Its reliable, fast and has voice prompts...once Verizon unlocks their GPS I will jump on something thats free, but I can wait...
  #20 (permalink)  
Old 02-07-2009, 11:31 PM
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Re: A must read here!!!!

Originally Posted by pdub73 View Post
Bah whatever with that guy let him go get the Iphone or the Nokia...
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