Originally Posted by Adrynalyne
I feel like I am talking till I am blue in the face, but has anyone considered the reason that there is not a rush for a firmware update, is because there is no dire need? Stability isn't an issue unless you are careless with third party apps. The battery issue is more hardware related, and from what I have seen, limited to the battery itself.
Seriously. Look back through the history of the i900, and then look back at the i910, and realize that the i900 was in a far worse shape when released than the i910, and on top of that, most of the fixes given to the i900 were INCLUDED in the stock rom that came with the i910. Alot of the new features you see floating around are from beta roms.
I mean...I can't think of any single problem on my device that really warrants an emergency update. Don't get me wrong, I would LOVE to see an update, especially with new features, but its not something I am losing sleep over. If there were stability or performance issues that were plaugeing me, then sure I would want it ASAP, but I don't have those issues.
Want to know a phone that needed and still needs more updates ASAP? The BB Storm. Compare that train wreck off the shelf with the Omnia and you will see what I mean. Its better now, but still nowhere near where it needs to be to become a reliable device.
It appears that you are fine with the phone the way it is. Cool. IF you don't experience the glitches or problems that have been chronicled on this board great. Don't get blue in the face over it. It is not that serious.
I will say that there are things that Apple, Nokia and others do to satisfy the concerns of their clients - BEFORE - the concerns reach a crescendo.
I can name off the top:
1. Consistent w-fi connectivity
2. Storage Full (when not full) issues
3. Battery life
4. Ringer (missing calls due to incremental rise)
5. Flash 2.1 enablement
That I know people on this board would love to see fixed - NOW. Un update could do it tomorrow. Not when they get around to it...if they feel like it. You can hate on Apple if you want but the customer base is loyal because even though they can't cut and paste, bluetooth files and a host of other things (which are known drawbacks before the purchase). But they know that Apple will hook them up on the backend with updates, information, tips and apps. The Hive is resposive to the hoard. I don't get that feeling with Samsung.
They are making new phones left and right, but IMO not supporting of updating the ones they have. Its not a WinMo issue familiarty issue either. It's top-notch customer awareness. That is just me. I may be the only one who feels like this. If I am then ok.