Originally Posted by syrguy1969
Good...I lost track of this thread, always a good thing when the problem is resolved in a to the users benefit!!
Yes I got my new phone. Thanks for asking. I called up VZW and they shipped out a new new one next day. No dead pixels on the new one. I'm holding on to my old one until Monday. I was throwing about every program I can think of on the old one testing things out. This way if something happened I didn't care because I'm going to hard reset the thing before I send it out anyway.
It was messed up, Tech Support wanted to send out a refurb. Customer Service just sent me out a brand new one. They even gave me an instant $70 credit for my old one instead of me having to send out the mail-in-rebate which I hadn't done yet. I have to say for the most part, I've always had a good experience with VZW customer service.