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  #61 (permalink)  
Old 03-13-2010, 10:00 PM
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Re: [HOW TO] Gain Permanent Root on CL14 Out-The-Box and Backup/Restore Customization

The process worked flawlessly for me, but now I've run into one problem. I used the Better Terminal Emulator to remove the app Voice Control, using the command rm VSuite.apk and it did remove it, because I kept getting an error that the problem crashed and to force close it. I hit "force close" and it kept popping up, so inbetween each error, I typed in r.e.b.o.o.t and mashed enter, and my phone restarted and the program was gone.
When I opened back BTE, I tried to remove some other sprint crap and now I get this error "rm failed for Sprint_App_Updater.apk, Read-only file system". I made sure to type mount -oremount,rw .etc but for some reason, I can't remove any other apps anymore. Is there anyone that can help? Thanks!
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  #62 (permalink)  
Old 03-14-2010, 02:02 AM
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Re: [HOW TO] Gain Permanent Root on CL14 Out-The-Box and Backup/Restore Customization

how can i get a list of apps that i have to delete through connectbot
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  #63 (permalink)  
Old 03-18-2010, 12:00 PM
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Re: [HOW TO] Gain Permanent Root on CL14 Out-The-Box and Backup/Restore Customization

Originally Posted by rafaelvargas_85 View Post
The process worked flawlessly for me, but now I've run into one problem. I used the Better Terminal Emulator to remove the app Voice Control, using the command rm VSuite.apk and it did remove it, because I kept getting an error that the problem crashed and to force close it. I hit "force close" and it kept popping up, so inbetween each error, I typed in r.e.b.o.o.t and mashed enter, and my phone restarted and the program was gone.
When I opened back BTE, I tried to remove some other sprint crap and now I get this error "rm failed for Sprint_App_Updater.apk, Read-only file system". I made sure to type mount -oremount,rw .etc but for some reason, I can't remove any other apps anymore. Is there anyone that can help? Thanks!
Sounds like you should either do a hard reset on your phone or try flashing it again... something squirrely happened I think

Originally Posted by ps3evader View Post
how can i get a list of apps that i have to delete through connectbot
do the following in connectbot
ls system/app
This will give you a list of apps, you shouldn't delete all of them though. RainFreak has listed apps that are safe to remove in his stickied how to
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  #64 (permalink)  
Old 03-19-2010, 01:01 AM
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Re: [HOW TO] Gain Permanent Root on CL14 Out-The-Box and Backup/Restore Customization

I appreciate anyone that tries to help others, but as a total 'root' noob I have got to say your instructions are pretty atrocious. Obviously all these folks that successfully followed them must have had previous insight into rooting their phone because after step #3 I just started scratching my head!

1. Make sure your phone is not connected to your computer

Okay that's pretty straightforward

2. Install Sprint Utility using default settings

Did that fine

3. Uncompress Zefie's kernel using 7-Zip

Did that but not sure why


Understood and did that one

5. Copy existing file name including extension(SPH-M900_CL14_MR.tar) then rename the file

Totally lost! Rename what file???

6. Copy Zefie's kernel to the BINARY folder and rename it to the file name you just copied in step 5

Copy Zefie's kernal? Is this the ZIP file I downloaded from Megaupload, and if so, why did I have to extract it in step #3?

7. Run SWUPDATE.EXE and follow the prompts, when successful you[r] phone will reboot

This all happens wirelessly? Because I followed step #1 and disconnected my phone from the computer.
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  #65 (permalink)  
Old 03-19-2010, 01:13 AM
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Re: [HOW TO] Gain Permanent Root on CL14 Out-The-Box and Backup/Restore Customization

Originally Posted by darkhelmet View Post
I appreciate anyone that tries to help others, but as a total 'root' noob I have got to say your instructions are pretty atrocious. Obviously all these folks that successfully followed them must have had previous insight into rooting their phone because after step #3 I just started scratching my head!

1. Make sure your phone is not connected to your computer

Okay that's pretty straightforward

2. Install Sprint Utility using default settings

Did that fine

3. Uncompress Zefie's kernel using 7-Zip

Did that but not sure why


Understood and did that one

5. Copy existing file name including extension(SPH-M900_CL14_MR.tar) then rename the file

Totally lost! Rename what file???

6. Copy Zefie's kernel to the BINARY folder and rename it to the file name you just copied in step 5

Copy Zefie's kernal? Is this the ZIP file I downloaded from Megaupload, and if so, why did I have to extract it in step #3?

7. Run SWUPDATE.EXE and follow the prompts, when successful you[r] phone will reboot

This all happens wirelessly? Because I followed step #1 and disconnected my phone from the computer.
Is your phone already on the CL14 update? The phone has to be disconnected to enter download mode, once you have entered downloader (vol down, camera, end) you can plug the phone back in.

You have to extract the .tar file out of the zip file, you can't flash a zip file through the updater, that is why you have to extract his Kernel, which is the .tar file, out of the zip file.

Make sure when you copy the .tar file into the Binary folder, you take out the Sprint .tar already in the Binary folder and save that file.
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  #66 (permalink)  
Old 03-19-2010, 11:33 AM
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Re: [HOW TO] Gain Permanent Root on CL14 Out-The-Box and Backup/Restore Customization

Originally Posted by ps3evader View Post
when i try to delete the app. it says that i cant because its a read only file system. i have the rotted kernal...im using connectbot
make sure you're making mounting with read/write
remount rw
Originally Posted by darkhelmet View Post
I appreciate anyone that tries to help others, but as a total 'root' noob I have got to say your instructions are pretty atrocious. Obviously all these folks that successfully followed them must have had previous insight into rooting their phone because after step #3 I just started scratching my head!

1. Make sure your phone is not connected to your computer
Okay that's pretty straightforward
2. Install Sprint Utility using default settings
Did that fine
3. Uncompress Zefie's kernel using 7-Zip
Did that but not sure why
Understood and did that one
5. Copy existing file name including extension(SPH-M900_CL14_MR.tar) then rename the file
Totally lost! Rename what file???
6. Copy Zefie's kernel to the BINARY folder and rename it to the file name you just copied in step 5
Copy Zefie's kernal? Is this the ZIP file I downloaded from Megaupload, and if so, why did I have to extract it in step #3?
7. Run SWUPDATE.EXE and follow the prompts, when successful you[r] phone will reboot
This all happens wirelessly? Because I followed step #1 and disconnected my phone from the computer.
Okay let's see how I can help you on this one
1. I see your phone isn't connected via USB to your computer, that's good
2. You were able to install the Sprint Utility without problem, again good
3. You need to uncompress, more commonly known as unzip, the Zefie file you downloaded, the actual file you need for rooting your phone is within the compressed file.
4. This step is the one I think is more complicated than some others, you understood it, that's good
5. Okay on this step you want to copy the existing file name SPH-M900_CL14_MR.TAR, you can do this by right clicking on the file name, the left click on RENAME after the name highlights, reselect the entire name including the TAR extension, right click and COPY. When you're done copying the file name, again right click, rename and named the file to SPH-M900_CL14_MR.TAR.OLD
6. Zefie's kernel has a TAR extension not a 7z extension, this is why you were supposed to uncompress the 7z file so you could extract the TAR file. After getting the TAR file, name it to SPH-M900_CL14_MR.TAR and put it in the BINARY folder of the previous path given C:\PROGRAM FILES\SAMSUNG ELECTRONICS\SWUPGRADE\MODELS\BINARY
7. As this step states, Follow the prompts... the Sprint Utility will tell you when to plug your phone to the the computer via USB and when to unplug it and again when to replug it. I didn't type these steps in because you're to follow the prompts given to you by the Sprint Utility.

I hope these help you better. So far you're the only person to mention anything about the difficulties of following this how to, other root noobs have either thanked me for the instructions here or via PM. I edited my how to in hopes of clarifying some of the things you pointed out. Try it again and let us know how it goes for you... good luck!
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  #67 (permalink)  
Old 03-19-2010, 12:49 PM
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Re: [HOW TO] Gain Permanent Root on CL14 Out-The-Box and Backup/Restore Customization

I need to apologize, and you can probably take my points into consideration if anyone else 'blows up' at you in the future.

1. I was beside myself irritated with the abysmal battery life of this phone and even considered dropping coinage to get another battery. From the first day I could not believe Sprint and Samsung released such a nice phone with such a horrible battery.

2. Nuisance Voice was prompting, "Say a command" every time I moved the phone or left it in my pocket. The last straw was during a speaker phone call it popped up on screen with that stupid little voice bubble flashing at me! In desperation I downloaded a free utility (Task Killer) and was horrified to see each time I 'killed' Nuisance it popped back up somewhere else on the list.

3. I remembered reading something somewhere about taking control by "rooting" the phone and after clicking through this Web site found your instructions. So adding to my frustration I thought, "Great I found instructions to fix these two issues that plagued my phone for months and are basically driving me mad but I have no idea WTF these two critical steps mean!"

Now granted your instructions were not spot on perfect, but after I posted my unnecessarily critical review, took a few breaths and ran through the steps a few times, I finally rooted my phone and successfully removed the offensive voice program! In fact after removing several other programs I will never use the phone's battery has held steady at 100% for 4 hours, even after checking two email accounts, browsing the Android Marketplace, two brief phone calls, and several text messages. This may not seem significant to most but for 5 months I have never seen the battery at 100%, even after pulling the charger cord out the battery meter would immediately drop to 90% and by late afternoon it was at 40%.

In closing and completely contrary to my original post, thank you for taking the time to assist myself and all the other Moment owners who felt less than worthy rooting their phones before reading your instructions. I am still amazed how so little of a change has made such a big difference.
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  #68 (permalink)  
Old 03-19-2010, 03:58 PM
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Re: [HOW TO] Gain Permanent Root on CL14 Out-The-Box and Backup/Restore Customization

I didn't take that you were blowing up on me
I just took it as a frustrated person trying to do something that's new to them while they're frustrated..

Bottom line, glad you got it accomplished!
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  #69 (permalink)  
Old 03-20-2010, 02:25 PM
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Re: [HOW TO] Gain Permanent Root on CL14 Out-The-Box and Backup/Restore Customization

Alright I have a question. will this root my phone if i use a different tar. I want to start using speedrabit 1.7 and also the original file I renamed and removed had like nine files inside and the tar file from speedrabit has only two logo.pgn and zimage is that right or should I leave the one we renamed adding old to the end in the binary folder. Thanks in advance
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  #70 (permalink)  
Old 03-20-2010, 02:38 PM
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Re: [HOW TO] Gain Permanent Root on CL14 Out-The-Box and Backup/Restore Customization

Yes, this is the recommended method to update with the joey and speedrabbit kernels. Just follow the tut using the speedrabbit tar file instead of the zefie file and it will work. I'm currently using speedrabbit's 1.6 kernel and didn't even know 1.7 was out, so i'll be flashing using this method today as well. As far as moving the original sprint file from the binary folder, most say it is better to remove the file from the folder completely(doesn't matter if you rename the file or not if you do), but I've flashed my phone twice leaving the file in the folder and just renaming it. No problems both times. So it is really up to you. Both ways will work just fine.
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