Originally Posted by dajay08
quick question i downloading the slide 2 unlock theme from another forum the path to it is /Program Files/Slide2Unlock Pro.exe but it doesnt work from the Iphone display and when i type it in the iconfig it still ceases to work ..help ? anyone?
for you maybe its bc theres a space in the exe file name? try removing that space and is it really just the exe dropped intot he program files folder? i would imagine (at least this is how most including myself does it) the link would look more like \program files\slide2unlock pro\slide2unlockpro.exe but u should be using s2u2 neways so i dont feel that bad
Originally Posted by ajk511
I'm having trouble getting the iconfig to let me see any of my apps. So far I havent been able to change any icons because the only apps I can see with config are htcaudiomanager and some random thing I've never heard of.
ya i dont know whats up with that iconfig i never really had much luck with it but then agian i was always synced up and like to type with my keyboard so i chose to edit the config.txt files in notepad on my pc try that you will have much better luck
cheers (yes im in london and love the word cheers now)