thought I'd post these...
%T12% - The time (local) in 12-hour format
%T24% - The time (local) in 24-hour format
%DOW% - The current day of the week (in text)
%MN% - The current month number (no leading 0)
%ML% - The full name of the current month
%MS% - The short name of the current month
%Year% - The current year
%Batt% - The current battery level percentage
%FM% - The available free RAM (in MBytes)
%MTT% - The current total RAM (in MBytes)
%Appt% - The current number of appointments for today
%Tsk% - The current number of tasks due today
%Day% - The current day of the month with no leading 0
%Owner% - The owner name of the device
%Page% - The name of the current virtual page
%Week% - The current week number (using the ISO standard)
%Free:<card name>% - The amount of free space on the specified storage card
%Total:<card name>% - The total amount of space on the specified storage card
%Perc:<card name>% - The percentage of free space on the specified storage card
%Used:<card name>% - The total of used space (in MBytes) on the specified storage card
%BattStatus% - The current battery status (i.e. percentage, charging, etc.)
%Unread:<name of account>% - The current number of unread items in the Inbox of the specified Messaging account
%Unread:SMS% - The current number of unread SMS text messages.
%PFM% - The percentage of available free RAM
%GMT12:<offset>% - The current time offset from GMT (i.e. Mountain Standard Time would be %GMT12:-7%) in 12-hour format
%GMT24:<offset>% - The same as above, only in 24-hour format
%MissedCalls% - The number of missed calls
For the account, I would assume you put the name of the account, not the full email address (if you used mysite[dot]com as the account name instead of myuser[at]mysite[dot]com, or maybe just "myuser") .. but try all combinations