Originally Posted by chevyforlife
ok i finally got it to work. fwew!!! and i would be happy to pass on what ever i think is a good theme onto you mega.
That's cool
I might have to do my site over due to a database error so I might go back to a web forum format. I'll hit you up since I'm looking for a few people to post some themes, etc
Originally Posted by Rukivverh
I truly appreciate this guide It was incredibly easy to follow and get started and you leave the fun stuff to our imagination just finished making a few different themes with various effects.. unfortunately my mogul is not in yet.. so it's made the waiting even harder ><
Thanks again on a job well done
- Ruki
Thanks for the luv Ruki. Creating themes is not hard but it's all the special formatting that makes it a pain in the butt sometimes. Sometimes you have to get the picture just right or even better, I have had request where I have just a logo so you have to either create or merge the logo unto a background that fits it.
-= MeGa =-
Yes, I have closed my site and I'm in the process of moving. I do have all of my themes still and will upload them on request here. The best part about the themes is they were perfectly on Windows 6.5 Romz.