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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 09-10-2009, 12:13 PM
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HTC leo or Touch Pro2

So i am currently on a mogul and have decided to upgrade, I love the sound of the leo but i dont know if i can hold out. Is there any sort of idea about a time frame? I dont need to know days or anything but is it going to be and 09 release? If its within a few months i am sure i can hold out but if its to far i will just bit the bullet and go with a touch pro 2. Ideas?
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 09-10-2009, 12:26 PM
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Re: HTC leo or Touch Pro2

Leo is a rumor as of now. Nobody knows what carrier, Nobody know what is has, nobody know when it will be released. It's either U wait for the rumor to come true (thats about 1 min to forever wait) or just go ahead and give Sprint a call.
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Old 09-10-2009, 12:33 PM
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Re: HTC leo or Touch Pro2

Originally Posted by jethro_static View Post
Leo is a rumor as of now. Nobody knows what carrier, Nobody know what is has, nobody know when it will be released. It's either U wait for the rumor to come true (thats about 1 min to forever wait) or just go ahead and give Sprint a call.
i'm gunna have to agree with you brothaman... and honestly, i don't think we will get the leo in the US, and def not CDMA... i believe its the first of many to come and there will be UBER AMOUNTS of quirks to be worked out with winmo 6.x and a capacitive touch screen. Get something for the meantime, its gunna be a while. remember, sh*t don't happen over night. I remember knowing about the diamond like 8 months toa year before its release lol

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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 09-10-2009, 12:35 PM
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Re: HTC leo or Touch Pro2

Originally Posted by syanni85 View Post
i'm gunna have to agree with you brothaman... and honestly, i don't think we will get the leo in the US, and def not CDMA... i believe its the first of many to come and there will be UBER AMOUNTS of quirks to be worked out with winmo 6.x and a capacitive touch screen. Get something for the meantime, its gunna be a while. remember, sh*t don't happen over night. I remember knowing about the diamond like 8 months toa year before its release lol
Word on that my brotherman.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 09-10-2009, 12:43 PM
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Re: HTC leo or Touch Pro2

that makes me sad i was really hoping to hold out.
Is going from a mogul to the TP2 going to be night and day speed difference wise?
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 09-10-2009, 12:53 PM
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Re: HTC leo or Touch Pro2

Originally Posted by JustusIV View Post
that makes me sad i was really hoping to hold out.
Is going from a mogul to the TP2 going to be night and day speed difference wise?
I believe so. Plus if ur not familiar with TF3D, U better start now. I came from Touch to Diamond. I felt like it's a whole new ballgame as far as customization is concerned. Everything U did on ur Mogul, U have to leave that and enter the new world.

I say, Why don't U try other platforms? The Pre looks promising. I'll be having 1 in my hands any day now. And then, Let the hacking begin! LOL. My brotherman always have my back coz he tried almost, if not every smartphone available. LOL.
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 09-10-2009, 01:41 PM
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Re: HTC leo or Touch Pro2

I am not a fan of TF3D, i have used it on my mogul. I figure the stock 6.5 23017+ interface is kinda nice.
If anything i would get the htc hero, but i think i will stick to win mobile.
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Old 09-10-2009, 02:15 PM
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Re: HTC leo or Touch Pro2

Originally Posted by jethro_static View Post
My brotherman always have my back coz he tried almost, if not every smartphone available. LOL.

YESSIR! I get excited about a phone but after a week of having it, it loses its novelty and i tend to get frustrated with it. I've had the Pre almost a month and the thing still gives me the "wow-factor". Ease of use, productivity, and fluidity have become a main concern for me. The amount of customizations you can do with winmo is great, but as i've become more and more active in my lifestyle, i've found that i don't need to spend ALLLL this time customizing and tweaking just to get things working correctly... I just want it to work!

When the snapdragon processor comes out for winmo, or more so, when NVIDIA launches in a winmo device (whether 6.5 or 7), i will come back in a heart beat...that is, unless WebOS becomes powered by the NVIDIA Tegra 650 ( HOLY SH*T WOULD THAT ROCK MY WORLD!)
Originally Posted by JustusIV View Post
I am not a fan of TF3D, i have used it on my mogul. I figure the stock 6.5 23017+ interface is kinda nice.
If anything i would get the htc hero, but i think i will stick to win mobile.
the hero is gunna be a first gen cdma device... so i expect quirks for sure.

Here's how i look at it:

Android has been around a lil while now and i haven't seen any new wow factor... its been so lame (in my eyes) that HTC had to create a MASK interface just like TF3D for Android. This leaves me asking, why the heck doesn't winmo or android just have this built into its core and improve the ENTIRE FUNCTIONALITY of the OS...

Then i think WAIT! WebOS Did something almost exactly what i was asking for!

This is not a webos commercial, it is just my opinion.
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old 09-10-2009, 02:38 PM
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Re: HTC leo or Touch Pro2

Originally Posted by syanni85 View Post
YESSIR! I get excited about a phone but after a week of having it, it loses its novelty and i tend to get frustrated with it. I've had the Pre almost a month and the thing still gives me the "wow-factor". Ease of use, productivity, and fluidity have become a main concern for me. The amount of customizations you can do with winmo is great, but as i've become more and more active in my lifestyle, i've found that i don't need to spend ALLLL this time customizing and tweaking just to get things working correctly... I just want it to work!

When the snapdragon processor comes out for winmo, or more so, when NVIDIA launches in a winmo device (whether 6.5 or 7), i will come back in a heart beat...that is, unless WebOS becomes powered by the NVIDIA Tegra 650 ( HOLY SH*T WOULD THAT ROCK MY WORLD!)

the hero is gunna be a first gen cdma device... so i expect quirks for sure.

Here's how i look at it:

Android has been around a lil while now and i haven't seen any new wow factor... its been so lame (in my eyes) that HTC had to create a MASK interface just like TF3D for Android. This leaves me asking, why the heck doesn't winmo or android just have this built into its core and improve the ENTIRE FUNCTIONALITY of the OS...

Then i think WAIT! WebOS Did something almost exactly what i was asking for!

This is not a webos commercial, it is just my opinion.
I never customize my Winmo anymore. It's just a wasteof time. Customizing winmo is basically changing how the phone's launcher looks like. It does the same performance and everything. Only different is how it looks(I only customize my GF's phone to look girly). Plus a lot of thing needs to be straighten out with Winmo. Everytime, there a bug on this,bug on that. It's getting annoying to be honest. Only thing I stayed with WM for a long time is the tethering. B4, only WM can do it. Now, almost evey smartphone has a way to do it. So I gotta try something else out there. I don't wanna be super familiar with WM and be Dumb on other platform. I wanna be familiar with everything out there. Including Iphone. Yeah the Iphone. I master that Biatch too. LOL.

As far as Android, Like my brotherman said, It did not wow me until now. They said it's opensource. Yeah right. Manufacturers still have the most control of it. Android is still Android. It did not become Suse, Ubuntu or hundred different linux version out there. The only thing that will make me buy an android phone is if they slap a 5 inch screen in there.
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old 09-10-2009, 03:51 PM
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Re: HTC leo or Touch Pro2

Originally Posted by jethro_static View Post

As far as Android, Like my brotherman said, It did not wow me until now. They said it's opensource. Yeah right. Manufacturers still have the most control of it. Android is still Android. It did not become Suse, Ubuntu or hundred different linux version out there. The only thing that will make me buy an android phone is if they slap a 5 inch screen in there.
bein the sense UI is just a Skin ontop of the same old android really bothers me, because its HTC having to make the phone better, not google.

We need a phone that is ALL SCREEN! FROM EDGE TO EDGE! LOL

you know what just popped into my head and upset me?.... The fact that the technology is there to SOOOAR above anything we could fathom, but companies are soooo stuck on making money that its really holding back mankind's potentional evolution!

F*CK MONEY! Thats why i never asked to donations!
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