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View Poll Results: How does your TP compare to your Mogul?
My Mogul was more stable (less buggy) than my TP. 18 13.04%
My TP is more solid (less buggy) than my Mogul ever was. 101 73.19%
Both are about the same. 19 13.77%
Voters: 138. You may not vote on this poll

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  #11 (permalink)  
Old 02-11-2009, 01:31 AM
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Re: How does your TP compare to your Mogul?

I definitely miss the buttons & the scroll wheel.

I wasn't too happy with the stock Titans but by the time I got to nueROM 3 I absolutely loved the things. I still keep one around for BU.

I don't niss running oxios 20 times a day, but other than that I think the Titan was awesome........

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  #12 (permalink)  
Old 02-11-2009, 01:44 AM
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Re: How does your TP compare to your Mogul?

Touch Pro (stock)
+TP has a better screen
+Smaller form factor
+More RAM/No memory issues
+I think there's more Storage (though i use a mem card so it doesnt make much of a difference)
+Keyboard has dedicated numbers keys
+Auto-rotate using gyroscropes
+Doesn't tend to freeze up as much
+Working instant messaging
+Opera is awesome
+Bluetooth not crippled with stock ROM
+BT requires no prepping
+Comes with lots of default programs (youtube, voice recorder, mp3 trimmer, better picture viewer, ClearVue PPT, etc)

Mogul (NueROM)
+WAY easier to use onehanded because of buttons
+Better left-based keyboard slide (TP slides to the right which is counterintuitive to right handed people)
+Better Stylus
+Like the LEDs showing status
+No Chrome to scratch off
+Scroll wheel and better D-Pad (TP's D-Pad presses the home or end keys all the time)
+Keyboard keys are actually easier to type on
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old 02-11-2009, 01:54 AM
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Re: How does your TP compare to your Mogul?

Originally Posted by djfujiyama View Post
Touch Pro (stock)
+TP has a better screen
+Smaller form factor
+More RAM/No memory issues
+I think there's more Storage (though i use a mem card so it doesnt make much of a difference)
+Keyboard has dedicated numbers keys
+Auto-rotate using gyroscropes
+Doesn't tend to freeze up as much
+Working instant messaging
+Opera is awesome
+Bluetooth not crippled with stock ROM
+BT requires no prepping
+Comes with lots of default programs (youtube, voice recorder, mp3 trimmer, better picture viewer, ClearVue PPT, etc)

Mogul (NueROM)
+WAY easier to use onehanded because of buttons
+Better left-based keyboard slide (TP slides to the right which is counterintuitive to right handed people)
+Better Stylus
+Like the LEDs showing status
+No Chrome to scratch off
+Scroll wheel and better D-Pad (TP's D-Pad presses the home or end keys all the time)
+Keyboard keys are actually easier to type on
Couldnt hav broken it down better myself. to add one thing though i find it easier to slide to the right on the TP i think it just feels easier and more fluid.
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old 02-11-2009, 02:12 AM
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Re: How does your TP compare to your Mogul?

I see a lot you have valid arguments for either cause; however, I am going with the TP. I started out with the Apache, got that replaced by a Mogul. I had nothing but issues with that, got a Diamond to replace the Mogul and now I have a TP. The 2 devices(cause their more than phones ,) are in separate classes, IMHO. I did like the hardware buttons on the Mogul but, the touch pro is so much easier to handle.
I seen a few people say, the Pro, is hard to handle with one hand. Its not hard just gotta get the hang of it is all. The Pro doesn't have the memory issues, or the lagging of almost everything when you had one or two programs open, the keyboard input being funky or anything like that. The TP is, cleaner, leaner, sexier and much faster; to top if all off, you can access your storage card without taking it out and putting it into a sleeve, then a reader. Camera is way better, screens much brighter, keyboard is much nicer and the fluidity of the device is just overall better. Just my 2 cents
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old 02-11-2009, 03:42 AM
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Re: How does your TP compare to your Mogul?

Originally Posted by djfujiyama View Post
Touch Pro (stock)
+TP has a better screen
+Smaller form factor
+More RAM/No memory issues
+I think there's more Storage (though i use a mem card so it doesnt make much of a difference)
+Keyboard has dedicated numbers keys
+Auto-rotate using gyroscropes
+Doesn't tend to freeze up as much
+Working instant messaging
+Opera is awesome
+Bluetooth not crippled with stock ROM
+BT requires no prepping
+Comes with lots of default programs (youtube, voice recorder, mp3 trimmer, better picture viewer, ClearVue PPT, etc)

Mogul (NueROM)
+WAY easier to use onehanded because of buttons
+Better left-based keyboard slide (TP slides to the right which is counterintuitive to right handed people)
+Better Stylus
+Like the LEDs showing status
+No Chrome to scratch off
+Scroll wheel and better D-Pad (TP's D-Pad presses the home or end keys all the time)
+Keyboard keys are actually easier to type on
Originally Posted by moonzbabysh View Post
Couldnt hav broken it down better myself. to add one thing though i find it easier to slide to the right on the TP i think it just feels easier and more fluid.

Same here. Thats exactly they way I feel about both of them...
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  #16 (permalink)  
Old 02-11-2009, 05:42 AM
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Re: How does your TP compare to your Mogul?

i agree. havent had NEARLY the issues i had with mogul. even with a custom rom, the TP is hands down better. just wish NO2CHEM would put out his MINIMAL rom. 0-)
using Juggalo BTW. nice and stable.

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  #17 (permalink)  
Old 02-11-2009, 06:48 AM
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Re: How does your TP compare to your Mogul?

Hmm, i wonder how this poll would look if it were posted in the Mogul forum.

I for one love the Touch Pro over the Mogul. Based on the low memory, i jumped to the Touch as soon as I could and never looked back.

When the TP came out.....it was time to reclaim my hardware keyboard!

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  #18 (permalink)  
Old 02-11-2009, 11:16 AM
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Re: How does your TP compare to your Mogul?

i'll let you know later today. mine in on a fedex truck and is headed my way so i should have it around lunch time or so. i loved my titan but having switched an alltel one to vzn sucked. no matter what i did i couldnt get it to do any pic messages. other than that it was a great phone and i will keep it in my truck for a second GPS or give it to the GF so she has gps. i do hate that i had to add $30 to my bill because vzn no longer does a no data plan, which is what i had on my titan. oh well, just means i have interweb most places i go if there is no wifi.
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  #19 (permalink)  
Old 02-11-2009, 11:20 AM
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Re: How does your TP compare to your Mogul?

Originally Posted by EtherealRemnant View Post
The Touch Pro is hands down MILES above the Mogul... I don't even think they should be compared.
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  #20 (permalink)  
Old 02-11-2009, 11:42 AM
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Re: How does your TP compare to your Mogul?

Similar to what was said above, you really can't even compare these two phones. Not so much because they're so different, but because the Mogul is prehistoric to the Touch Pro.

My Mogul had so many issues that it really wasn't worth keeping for the hardware keyboard after a few months. I got sick of the infinite vibrate on text/e-mail, constantly running out of RAM, soft resetting daily, and having a brick in my pocket. I got the Mogul the first week it came out (I think it was March 2007 or something?) and after about a month I was so frustrated with it. I tried a bunch of different ROM's, but was never fully satisfied with the phone. When the Touch came out in Oct/Nov that year, I had to pick that up. That phone was blazing fast compared to my Mogul, but after a few months with it, I regretted ever trading in my Mogul for it because I missed my buttons, scroll wheel, and of course, the hardware keyboard.

Then I got my Touch Pro on the day it came out last year. At first, I was in awe by how fantastic the device was. Then after a few weeks I thought it was a little too sluggish for what it is, and I was getting frustrated about how long it took to input using the hardware keyboard and also how it would open up the Phone app while texting.

I've been running Mighty's ROM's since he released 4.7 and now I couldn't imagine having ANY other phone, let alone the Mogul. Once I flashed Mighty 4.9 + and got rid of VistaHide battery gauge, all my woes with the TP are gone. I literally do not have one single (significant) complaint about the device. Sure, it's missing some buttons and doesn't have the scroll wheel which we all love, but it's not supposed to. It's called the TOUCH Pro. Not the BUTTON Pro.

The TP has the following advantages compared to the Mogul:
- Faster
- Smaller
- Better keyboard
- MUCH better screen
- Nicer form factor
- Less frustrating (never have to close apps, rarely have to soft reset, and the Home key is awesome)
- Nicer camera
- NO telescoping stylus! (I f-ing hated that thing)
- Switches from landscape to portrait (and vice versa) much quicker.

The Mogul is like a kitty cat in the proud lion king Touch Pro's jungle.
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