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  #31 (permalink)  
Old 01-14-2009, 08:31 PM
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Re: Omnia vs. Iphone

If your phone would have been ready with Spb's software, winterface 1.16, coreplayer 1.3, Opera 9.5, Tomtom7/igo8/McGuider, Flash 3.1 and CF2.5 you would know why it's called the "Iphone killer"

And yes indeed, the iphoone has a better screen and is more slippery!
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  #32 (permalink)  
Old 01-15-2009, 01:34 AM
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Re: Omnia vs. Iphone

Originally Posted by Compuse View Post
If your phone would have been ready with Spb's software, winterface 1.16, coreplayer 1.3, Opera 9.5, Tomtom7/igo8/McGuider, Flash 3.1 and CF2.5 you would know why it's called the "Iphone killer"

And yes indeed, the iphoone has a better screen and is more slippery!
My Point is that the Iphone came ready to use right out of the box with most of these such tools AND the iphone does it MUCH better.
For example, the on-screen keyboard (which by the way (before anyone says it again)there is a landscape keyboard version available in the appstore for .99) that's 99 freaking cents! I can buy 20 apps from the appstore for the cost of 1 WM app. (that is if we assume that most people are even paying for thier WM apps vs downloading from .torrent sites)

The GPS for the Omnia isn't unlocked yet (if you live in the US and use Verizon) so good luck with TomTom .
Also, 'Winterface' appears to be a front end to make your Today screen 'look' sort of like an Iphone screen, but drawn in pencil.

After more time playing with the Iphone I realize how Amazing the device is.
What's more amazing though is the number of Applications available in the appstore for free or for .99 cents. NOT JUST GAMES, but business apps too. Exchange on my Iphone works much better than it did on my WM. (IMHO)

Do yourself a favor. before replying to this to tell me how 'customizeable' your WM phone is, why not visit the appstore online just to LOOK at the sheer volume and prices of quality applications being offered for Iphone (that's all I ask).

I said it once and I'll say it again - Having to use a Stylus is FEM. Having to 'hack' your WM device to make it finger-friendly is bush league.

Everyone keeps saying how compatible WM is, when I have first-hand witnessed ALL kinds of incompatibility issues with WM.
Conversely, when I connect my Iphone to download an APP, I can feel pretty confident that it will work.

Let me end on this note, since I switched from WM to the Iphone, I have NEVER been happier with an electronic device in my entire life. How is that for a statement?
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  #33 (permalink)  
Old 01-15-2009, 01:47 AM
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Re: Omnia vs. Iphone

Can't be that happy, if you are still wasting your time trying to win people over from the Omnia to the iPhone.

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  #34 (permalink)  
Old 01-15-2009, 02:14 AM
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Wink Re: Omnia vs. Iphone

Originally Posted by Adrynalyne View Post
Can't be that happy, if you are still wasting your time trying to win people over from the Omnia to the iPhone.

Actually Dr. Freud, I am even happier with the device now than when I started this thread.
Also, this is not a waste a time. Just google 'omnia vs. iphone'.
(This thread appears on page 2 of the google search) Someone in the market for a new phone like the omnia may easily happen upon this thread. which is the very reason I started it.
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  #35 (permalink)  
Old 01-15-2009, 06:52 AM
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Re: Omnia vs. Iphone

I agree with Success when it comes to the bashing. I wish both sides would stop with the differences already...Have any of you also noticed of how SIMILAR both phones and the recent WM phones are at all? Seriously im waiting for someone to say Blackberry to spiral this Thread out of control.

I really agree with Syrguy the most when it comes down to it. Apples and Oranges. There both fruit. Omnia and Iphone They are both capable Smartphones (yes the I phone is a smart phone and for those bashing the gaming. Both phone have gaming capablities (as does the TP which is my phone) As for cost. That really shouldnt matter much considering the fluxing prices of ALL products when it comes to software thats free to software that cost a second leg. I mean might aswell throw Blackberry and Palm into the mix ...they are also considered smartphones with the same features as WM and Iphone yet the implement it in different fashions

Both phones can do both Business and Multimedia functions so why say the Iphone is for children or that WM is for business. I play games around my work all the time on break on my TP (mostly SNES games) and I connect to an exchange server for work aswell. My brother has the same setup with his Iphone 3g. He plays games on break and connects to the exchange at work....calls us children...call us business men...call us ....human?

As its already been said certain phones are for certain users. Its not even ABOUT fuctionality anymore its about how a person wants to implement these features. I mean Ill go toe to toe when it comes to features with TP, The omnia, Iphone, Palm Pre (next gen), Blackberry Curve (new curve), and the list can go on and on...just go to a store play with a phone and use the one you want already.

Now I would like to sway trying to persuade people to buy one phone over another is just dumb and yes I mean DUMB. Leave that to the advertisers for the carriers. Let people choose for themselves. They have ways to trying these devices out...try them first...I personally cant stand ANY virtual keyboard but that due to my fat fingers. others rather have a skinny phone then to have the bulk. Thats THEIR choice.. oh and speaking of carriers....thats like a never ending spiral. People hate Verizon, People Hate Sprint, People Hate AT&T, People also LOVE Verizon, Love Sprint, Lover At&t...that will never die as its all based on experience and area coverage of the home. stop throwing it out there.

Really EVERYONE that reads this take a break and like success states read your facts and try the phones. Looks at the similarities aswell as the differences. Some would say one is better than the other and visa versa. Its ALL on opinion.
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  #36 (permalink)  
Old 01-15-2009, 10:41 AM
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Re: Omnia vs. Iphone

great post man...really good post. I have to whole heartedly agree. I have to say i went an bought an iphone3g the other day and i have to say i am BLOWN AWAY by this thing. The app store is nuts. I have so many QUALITY apps that were free it makes no sense
. B4 i wasnt impressed with iphones at first but the app store and exchange support really opened this thing up exponentially. Dont get me wrong i love wm but i havent really used my diamond for days. Ive played with an omnia and i think its a sweet device. But this thing makes it hard to go back to wm(and ive been using it for years)...and with web os on the horizon. Wm is really going to have to do some ground breaking for me to come back all the way. Needless to say my beloved diamond is for sale now. The omnia on paper is still a better device but go use both...and im 75% sure i know where your money is going. Lol and the worst part is i work at sprint...with an iphone as my 2nd phone!! Lmao.

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  #37 (permalink)  
Old 08-28-2009, 05:45 AM
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Re: Omnia vs. Iphone

Try Blazingwolfs 6.5 v1.4 MS3 rom on the Omnia and then tell me if you still like the iPhone.
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  #38 (permalink)  
Old 12-30-2009, 08:42 AM
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Re: Omnia vs. Iphone

Originally Posted by Adrynalyne View Post
Back to what I originally said, what are you trying to accomplish here? You no longer use an Omnia, but an iPhone. Plenty of iPhone forums out there, why choose this one to debate? Is there a point to the debate? You have already made up your mind. Are you simply trying to divert people from getting or using an Omnia? I really don't understand. I came from an LG Dare, and the Omnia smacks it around. But I have not once gone to an LG Dare forum to express my feelings or gloat about it.
I think the reason he choose this fourm to debate is because the title of the thread is OMNIA VS. IPHONE. It makes sense to me to talk about these diffrences here.

Adrynaline, if i wanted to be a **** i could ask you a similar question and ask "if you have already made up your mind that the omnia is better, why are you wasting your time and reading this tread????" I personally am reading this thread out of personal intrest... to see what other peoples opinons are on the pros and cons of each. I did not come here to have people encourage me that i made the right decision by buying the omnia... just looking for real info. If you need support please go to a support goup.
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  #39 (permalink)  
Old 12-31-2009, 04:27 AM
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Re: Omnia vs. Iphone

Originally Posted by Adrynalyne View Post
I have a question. Can the iPhone tether to a computer via wifi?
Originally Posted by Adrynalyne View Post

My Omnia can. How many different browsers can the iPhone use? What about shells? Different dialers? What about the ability to create and edit Office documents in OOXML format? How is the landscape keyboard? MicroSD support? Camera flash? Can you overclock it? Can you customize the ROM and roll your own version?

I have the omnia, and my girlfriend has the latest iphone (3gs). I have used both alot, and am familiar with the functionality and use ability of both devices. As stated several times on this thread they are similar, but very different. There is no better device, just personal opinions as to which is better.

I am an IT professional so my personal preference is the omnia, because i like to play with things and tweak them, and it has some capabilities i enjoy which the iphone lacks (ability to save any document, download anything, put anything on the device even if it does not recognize the file, customize things, edit registry, no need for itunes, transfer via bluetooth, wireless tethering etc).

That being said, the iphone has several advantages over windows mobile. For one the user interface is much more intuitive and easier to use (im talking beyond comparison), iphone does not need to be tweaked for anything and seems to run fast and smooth all the time (never gone more than 2 days on WM without opening task manager at an inconvenient time), the apps from the app store always run flawlessly and the touch screen on the iphone is way better (captive... resistive is an old technology that will soon be obsolete). Graphics rendering is also faster and better

To sum things up, when im going to work, or want to tweak things i reach for the omnia... when i am at home, want to relax or want to surf the internet, i find myself almost always reaching for the iphone. Just because the omnia does everything the iphone does, does not mean it does everything well. The iphone is simply more pleasurable to use.

As for your question on how many browsers the iphone can run, i have never had to look... safari is easily the best mobile browser i have used with a touch screen interface, hands down.

As for your other questions you should know the answers by now, but i will answer them for you. Without jailbreaking the iphone, no over clocking, no shells, no sd support, camera is 3.2mp and the 5.0 on the omnia is better (but neither will replace a real digital camera), cant customize rom, you can however open doc, xls, ppt, pdf and many other documents.
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  #40 (permalink)  
Old 08-17-2010, 03:07 AM
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Re: Omnia vs. Iphone

Well you can compare iphone with the any of the phone but no one can reach at the level of iphone. Apple have made world's best mobile with the great facilities and the features, thats why iphone is so famous in the mobile market in all over the world.
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