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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 12-03-2008, 03:25 AM
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Omnia speed vs. touch pro (Verizon)?

I was wondering if anyone had a chance to test out the Omnia and the touch pro for verizon and if they had an impression as to whether one was faster than another. Specifically does one seem to load and run applications faster than the other (e.g. web browsers, e-mail), and does one seem to play videos more smoothly than the other.

Last edited by agarg; 12-03-2008 at 03:27 AM. Reason: title was unclear
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 12-04-2008, 06:55 PM
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Re: Omnia speed vs. touch pro (Verizon)?

The Omnia has a faster processor than the Touch Pro and the TP seems to get very hot as it is being used surfing the web or playing music (I don't know but I am really sure I could smell the distinct odor of burning circuits). They are both Rev A devices and I was getting speeds of about 1400-1700 kbps from speedtest.com on each but, like I said, the TP seemed to get hot while on the web...
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 12-05-2008, 03:23 PM
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Re: Omnia speed vs. touch pro (Verizon)?

I had the VZW TP from day one, but have just exchanged it for the Omnia. Although the screen resolution is lower, the larger size of the screen is easier on my 50 year old eyes. Also the form factor is phenominal (IMHO). The only reason I originally went for the TP, was that the resolution was better. Everything else pointed me towards the Omnia.

Now, after only one day, I can say that the Omnia is definitely snappier. I much prefer the browsing experience compared to the TP. The battery life is MUCH better. I have been surfing and downloading all day, while also testing out the Verizon Navigator thingy, and I still have over 50% power left. With the TP, I'd be running back to charge the phone by now with the low power warning annoying the C$%P out of me.

Now customizing, and looking for an unlocker and ROM to burn.

Overall though... very happy with my switch.

Oh, BTW, last phone was a heavily modded 6800 (latest DCD ROM and radio).
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 12-05-2008, 07:18 PM
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Re: Omnia speed vs. touch pro (Verizon)?

Originally Posted by jgilfor View Post

Overall though... very happy with my switch.

Oh, BTW, last phone was a heavily modded 6800 (latest DCD ROM and radio).
I'm glad to hear that. I'm thinking of going Omnia, well I guess I am going Omnia, I just need to get the cash! lol
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 12-05-2008, 08:54 PM
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Re: Omnia speed vs. touch pro (Verizon)?

I am also a convert. I had the gimped VZ TP for 2 days and switched to the Omnia...

I am very happy with the speed and storage. can't wait for someone to start cookin up some roms for the thing. I have been reading about them but thus far I am not as good as some of these other guys that spit one out every night for the htc phones.
Current: VZW XV-6900 & Omnia

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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 12-06-2008, 11:27 PM
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Re: Omnia speed vs. touch pro (Verizon)?

Thanks for all the feedback. Probably going to go with the Omnia then. I have a vogue right now on sprint, but am switching and trying to decide between getting a verizon vogue, tp, omnia, or storm.
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 12-07-2008, 08:22 PM
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Re: Omnia speed vs. touch pro (Verizon)?

kinda funny the post like 3 up said what hes had... Ive had
HTC Touch(White)
iPhone 3g
BlackBerry Storm
and now.... HTC Touch Pro
I was thinking on getting the Omnia but i heard Tocuh Pro is a better phone overall
Ive had the Tocuh Pro for like 5 days now Battery Life does suck have to admit that
which one in your opinions is a overall more solid phone HTC TOUCH PRO or OMNIA??
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old 12-08-2008, 10:58 AM
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Re: Omnia speed vs. touch pro (Verizon)?

Again, I vote for the Omnia (having had both, that and TP). A week later and still feel the same way.

That said, I AM waiting patiently for a ROM to burn to this thing. I want to unlock the GPS and save some valuable memory.
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old 12-08-2008, 12:44 PM
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Re: Omnia speed vs. touch pro (Verizon)?

Originally Posted by poulosjr View Post
kinda funny the post like 3 up said what hes had... Ive had
HTC Touch(White)
iPhone 3g
BlackBerry Storm
and now.... HTC Touch Pro
I was thinking on getting the Omnia but i heard Tocuh Pro is a better phone overall
Ive had the Tocuh Pro for like 5 days now Battery Life does suck have to admit that
which one in your opinions is a overall more solid phone HTC TOUCH PRO or OMNIA??
I felt the overall build quality (hardware) of the TP was less than the Omnia. Furthermore the lag (software) due to the mean little VZW trolls that have gimped the TP was distasteful. Even though the Omnia has similar software restrictions and hardware blocks, it performs better than the TP with a faster chip. I also feel it is solid due to its parts. When I hold it(omnia) in my hand I can say hyeah it’s a nice phone, not I gotta take this(TP) back to VZW and get them to tighten the kb again.
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old 12-09-2008, 12:45 AM
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Re: Omnia speed vs. touch pro (Verizon)?

My 2 cents...
After reading how VZW crippled their TP, my first inclination was to head to Sprint. Then I saw the omnia. I kept reading, looking at the specs, reading reviews and finally just bought the thing.

I was a bit worried about not having a keyboard and I'm still getting used to not having one. But, all in all, I'm totally pleased with this device. Battery life is great, resolution is a non issue (its a bigger screen!) lots o' memory and an excellent fit and finish.

If your stuck with VZW and thinking of the Touch Pro, get the Omnia and try it for the 30 days. (Actually, you will have 'til Jan 15 to swap for a different device. Its their holiday exchange policy.)

BTW, no luck so far unlocking gps (check out modaco). And it seems to be the genera consensus that i900 roms should not be loaded onto i910.
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