Re: Omnia speed vs. touch pro (Verizon)?
I had the VZW TP from day one, but have just exchanged it for the Omnia. Although the screen resolution is lower, the larger size of the screen is easier on my 50 year old eyes. Also the form factor is phenominal (IMHO). The only reason I originally went for the TP, was that the resolution was better. Everything else pointed me towards the Omnia.
Now, after only one day, I can say that the Omnia is definitely snappier. I much prefer the browsing experience compared to the TP. The battery life is MUCH better. I have been surfing and downloading all day, while also testing out the Verizon Navigator thingy, and I still have over 50% power left. With the TP, I'd be running back to charge the phone by now with the low power warning annoying the C$%P out of me.
Now customizing, and looking for an unlocker and ROM to burn.
Overall though... very happy with my switch.
Oh, BTW, last phone was a heavily modded 6800 (latest DCD ROM and radio).