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Old 12-08-2008, 12:44 PM
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Re: Omnia speed vs. touch pro (Verizon)?

Originally Posted by poulosjr View Post
kinda funny the post like 3 up said what hes had... Ive had
HTC Touch(White)
iPhone 3g
BlackBerry Storm
and now.... HTC Touch Pro
I was thinking on getting the Omnia but i heard Tocuh Pro is a better phone overall
Ive had the Tocuh Pro for like 5 days now Battery Life does suck have to admit that
which one in your opinions is a overall more solid phone HTC TOUCH PRO or OMNIA??
I felt the overall build quality (hardware) of the TP was less than the Omnia. Furthermore the lag (software) due to the mean little VZW trolls that have gimped the TP was distasteful. Even though the Omnia has similar software restrictions and hardware blocks, it performs better than the TP with a faster chip. I also feel it is solid due to its parts. When I hold it(omnia) in my hand I can say hyeah it’s a nice phone, not I gotta take this(TP) back to VZW and get them to tighten the kb again.
Current: VZW XV-6900 & Omnia

Past: Samsung i730, i760, iPAQ HW6715, Moto Q, Palm 700WX, XV-6700, XV-6800, BB Curve, BB 8703

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