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  #141 (permalink)  
Old 11-15-2008, 01:51 AM
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Re: Disgusted by iPhone users reviewing the TP with bias on CNET

true, the iPhone is indeed a solid phone, it's just not our shot of rum.
and CNET's bias is evident (not just the random reviewers that fake post).. just look what they've given all the big htc devices that came out http://reviews.cnet.com/cell-phone-r...col;srt&rpp=50
Mogul, touch diamond/pro, g1, touch, and sony xperia x1 all received a 3.5... they cannot say the pro deserves the same rating as the mogul (i'm in heaven right now compared to when i had my mogul) - that's just insane... you know what makes them even more of a hypocrite? They gave the tilt a 4! Okay so the tilt came out a couple months after the mogul and had improved features... so what happened between the tilt and the touch pro? Why would the rating go down when all the features have been improved? It's madness i tell you, madness. Hell, the centro even got 3.5 stars... anyone wanna trade their pro in for the palm centro? i mean... they got the same rating, so they must be equal right? They can give the iPhone (that had many problems at launch, also when they reviewed it) and blackberryies 4 stars, but can't give WM work horses like the pro/diamond 4s? I will not be surprised if they give the Touch HD less than 4 stars... Then again maybe their bias lies within sprint/cdma phones.. hmmm.

Last edited by Unflushablelog; 11-15-2008 at 01:53 AM.
  #142 (permalink)  
Old 11-15-2008, 01:52 AM
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Re: Disgusted by iPhone users reviewing the TP with bias on CNET

I am really keeping my cool about the ignorance about Iphone.

I am a WM Poweruser. And I am a hardcore Iphone user too.

I am Proud owner WM device and Iphone.

just a little more push and I will be all over ur ignorance.
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  #143 (permalink)  
Old 11-15-2008, 01:59 AM
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Re: Disgusted by iPhone users reviewing the TP with bias on CNET

Both pretty good IMO. I do love the screen on iphone more though just because it's bigger.

I just bought a tv tuner so I can try it on orb on my iphone. Can't wait!

Was getting kind of sick of waiting on sling on iphone.

If Iphone had cut/paste,slingbox, and skyfire, it be near perfect. It's still hard to swallow I pay about double of SERO for ATT for lesser service though.
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  #144 (permalink)  
Old 11-15-2008, 02:02 AM
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Re: Disgusted by iPhone users reviewing the TP with bias on CNET

Originally Posted by ACHlLLES View Post

If Iphone had cut/paste,slingbox, and skyfire, it be near perfect. It's still hard to swallow I pay about double of SERO for ATT for lesser service though.
I was gonna mention this parts but U beat me to it. Thanks I do not have to do that.
  #145 (permalink)  
Old 11-15-2008, 02:02 AM
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Re: Disgusted by iPhone users reviewing the TP with bias on CNET

Play nice jethro, nobody's attacking you - none of us are going out giving the iPhone half a star rating.
  #146 (permalink)  
Old 11-15-2008, 02:02 AM
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Re: Disgusted by iPhone users reviewing the TP with bias on CNET

Well, lack of sling shows the one major problem with the App Store. Apparantly slingplayer for iPod/iPhone is done, Apple won't allow it to be released though.

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  #147 (permalink)  
Old 11-15-2008, 02:06 AM
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Re: Disgusted by iPhone users reviewing the TP with bias on CNET

Originally Posted by Baffles View Post
Well, lack of sling shows the one major problem with the App Store. Apparantly slingplayer for iPod/iPhone is done, Apple won't allow it to be released though.
I wouldn't say never. Orb was recently released, and I'm giving it a try.

Going to cost me another 10 bucks for orb, 120 for tuner though. How's Orb tv compared to slingbox anyone?
  #148 (permalink)  
Old 11-15-2008, 02:16 AM
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Re: Disgusted by iPhone users reviewing the TP with bias on CNET

Originally Posted by Unflushablelog View Post
Play nice jethro, nobody's attacking you - none of us are going out giving the iPhone half a star rating.
I will list the ignorance.
1. the most hilarious, TP had half a star. People start bashing the Iphone. HAHAHA. What has Iphone gotta do with it? Attack the reviewer if his/her review is biased because he owns an Iphone.

2.Tricked out TP being compared to out of the box Iphone. HAHAHA

4.TP does not have any problems out of the box

3.Non iphone owners saying bad things about the Iphone like they own one. HAHAHA. U will try the Iphone but U will never see it's power by just trying it.

4. People list every flaws thay can think of the Iphone so they can feel better for their phone. Tell U what, of all the flaws of Iphone listed, Did ur TP improved it's performance? Nope, It's the same.

5. Nobody compared TP or any other WM devices hardware to hardware with the Iphone. I know why, Because U will see how powerful the Iphone is.

The list will just go on and on. Tell U what people, The difference between me and U is I come here to gain knowledge and to be a part of WM development. I did not come here to brag about the Iphone nor I did not come here to bash the Iphone comportably knowing I will get a lot of sympathy. I can hold myself pretty well.

If U wanna start, Start with the hardware. Compare the hardware and lets see.
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  #149 (permalink)  
Old 11-15-2008, 02:18 AM
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Re: Disgusted by iPhone users reviewing the TP with bias on CNET

Yeah, you won't find too awful much difference between the two hardware wise.
  #150 (permalink)  
Old 11-15-2008, 02:22 AM
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Re: Disgusted by iPhone users reviewing the TP with bias on CNET

I want the Iphone haters to list it tho. I want it to come from them. so no bias on my side. But to give U an idea. Iphone has 620mhz CPU. The fastest released WM device is 528mhz. It's not that much yeah. But 620mhz of CPU of the Iphone is already in there 2 years ago.
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