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  #11 (permalink)  
Old 11-01-2008, 01:01 PM
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Re: Should a swap my diamond for a TP?

I switched from diamond to tp. well tp will be here mon. at 8 am. there were some issues with my diamond so i got an even trade. loved my diamond and looking forward to the pro.
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old 11-01-2008, 01:13 PM
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Re: Should a swap my diamond for a TP?

Honestly I find myself not using the keyboard anymore. I do more typing on my PC and it's no good while driving. RAM never been a issue for me even on a Titan. I might switch with my GF's diamond.
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old 11-01-2008, 01:41 PM
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Re: Should a swap my diamond for a TP?

Originally Posted by SprintTouch08 View Post
OP id say it depends on how much you use the hard keyboard.

Ill go the opposite direction here. There are some MAJOR quality control issues right now with the Pro with the dpad and earpiece. I just got home with my second Pro I got this morning and the speaker sounds blown and Im already sick of going to BB to swap it already- ill probably just return it for good this time and stick with the Diamond and go back to being out of contract. Im still on my first Diamond a month later and its been a flawless build.

All these people saying how one is more responsive or "better" are full of it. The same bull feud between the Touch and Mogul people all over again on whos device is better, except now these are EXACTLY the same devices just one has a keyboard and card slot slapped on. I have both in front of me and they both run equally as quickly opening the same programs and going through Touchflo

no matter what anyone says, yes the thickness is only the width of the stylus difference but it FEELS substantially bigger and heavier in the hand.
What's BULL?? Look....first off, maybe I had a defective diamond but it had issues. The speed dial, if i put more than 5 contacts it slowed to a crawl, that's with NO enhance programs (stock). Every single time. And also from multiple hard resets. I have both in front of me as well and I have all 16 contacts filled and running smooth on the TP. Now as far as main stream usage, I Don't see a HUGE difference. They are both great phones, I just personally like the TP better. If I could afford the diamond too, I'd give it to the wife.
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old 11-01-2008, 01:56 PM
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Re: Should a swap my diamond for a TP?

The bull is the same childish argument as between Vogue and Mogul users- no my phone is better, no mine is, no mine is. Its enough. Everyone has their own personal experiences but neither is "better" for everybody. People here are so territorial of their choice of device, it gets kind of sad to watch the bickering after a while.

And as a matter of fact not opinion, unlike the Vogue/Mogul, both of these devices are nearly 100% identical in specs. So neither is "better," it depends on your usage pattern and needing a keyboard. All these kind of threads bring about are people's personal biases
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old 11-01-2008, 02:40 PM
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Re: Should a swap my diamond for a TP?

Agreed +1
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  #16 (permalink)  
Old 11-01-2008, 02:52 PM
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Re: Should a swap my diamond for a TP?

Originally Posted by SprintTouch08 View Post
The bull is the same childish argument as between Vogue and Mogul users- no my phone is better, no mine is, no mine is. Its enough. Everyone has their own personal experiences but neither is "better" for everybody. People here are so territorial of their choice of device, it gets kind of sad to watch the bickering after a while.

And as a matter of fact not opinion, unlike the Vogue/Mogul, both of these devices are nearly 100% identical in specs. So neither is "better," it depends on your usage pattern and needing a keyboard. All these kind of threads bring about are people's personal biases
Yeah, I was wondering about the "longer battery life" claim because both have the same battery...

Does the TP run hot after playing youtube or on a weak signal/roaming? How is it's radio strength?

I might have to replace my diamond since having a toaster in the pocket doesn't make my boys too happy...
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  #17 (permalink)  
Old 11-01-2008, 03:17 PM
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Re: Should a swap my diamond for a TP?

Originally Posted by SprintTouch08 View Post
The bull is the same childish argument as between Vogue and Mogul users- no my phone is better, no mine is, no mine is. Its enough. Everyone has their own personal experiences but neither is "better" for everybody. People here are so territorial of their choice of device, it gets kind of sad to watch the bickering after a while.

And as a matter of fact not opinion, unlike the Vogue/Mogul, both of these devices are nearly 100% identical in specs. So neither is "better," it depends on your usage pattern and needing a keyboard. All these kind of threads bring about are people's personal biases
I agree with you 110%!! But I NEVER once compared MY phone to someone elses and nor will I. I was making a statement from MY own personal experiences. I also never bashed the diamond. In fact I like the darn thing. If I could afford it, I'd keep it!! But personally, I like hearing other peoples thoughts and opinions. For some it helps in thier purchasing decisions.The bashing, and my phone is better than yours thing, I agree, needs to quit and is childish.

Last edited by gator352; 11-01-2008 at 03:29 PM.
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  #18 (permalink)  
Old 11-01-2008, 03:35 PM
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Re: Should I swap my diamond for a TP?

I would say it all depends on your hard keyboard useage (I personally liked the moguls keyboard better the buttons were a little rounded) and the size of your hands. I have large hands so my hands were litterally cramping on the side of the diamond. the tp however is like the perfect size the extra couple mm made all the difference.
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  #19 (permalink)  
Old 11-01-2008, 03:37 PM
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Re: Should a swap my diamond for a TP?

Originally Posted by gator352 View Post
I agree with you 110%!! But I NEVER once compared MY phone to someone elses and nor will I. I was making a statement from MY own personal experiences. I also never bashed the diamond. In fact I like the darn thing. If I could afford it, I'd keep it!! But personally, I like hearing other peoples thoughts and opinions. For some it helps in thier purchasing decisions.The bashing, and my phone is better than yours thing, I agree, needs to quit and is childish.
its ok it was never directed at you, just a general comment towards people's attitudes in this and other threads in general
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  #20 (permalink)  
Old 11-01-2008, 03:45 PM
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Re: Should a swap my diamond for a TP?

Originally Posted by freegood View Post
Yeah, I was wondering about the "longer battery life" claim because both have the same battery...

Does the TP run hot after playing youtube or on a weak signal/roaming? How is it's radio strength?

I might have to replace my diamond since having a toaster in the pocket doesn't make my boys too happy...
Both devices have the same battery. In my experience, because I have switched from a Touch Diamond to a Pro, the Touch Pro stock has just as good battery life as cooked ROMs (such as Juciy 2.x). Touch FLO3D seems a bit more responsive; however, the contact list on the Touch Pro is much less responsive than the Diamond (which could be fixed by a custom ROM).
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