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View Poll Results: Which carrier for a HTC Diamond
Sprint 139 81.29%
Verizon 17 9.94%
AT&T 5 2.92%
other 10 5.85%
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  #21 (permalink)  
Old 08-30-2008, 12:04 AM
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Re: HTC Diamond/ Sprint or Verizon

5 years is long enough to make this product obsolete. But the "no SIM card" method would otherwise be a real problem for me.

The other that I don't like with that, is that sometimes when I go out, I don't like to have such a small and fragile object with me. So I used to have another cheaper mobile.
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  #22 (permalink)  
Old 08-30-2008, 12:49 AM
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Re: HTC Diamond/ Sprint or Verizon

I forget to include T-Mobile in my poll. If you have any comments about this carrier, don't hesitate. I will take a look a their plans.
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  #23 (permalink)  
Old 08-30-2008, 01:24 AM
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Re: HTC Diamond/ Sprint or Verizon

TM- cs is one of the best there is. but its a growing network and at a decent speed.

as for sprint. i would recommend if you are data intensive the 1500 talk/msg/data plan for 130 price includes both the phones. now knowing that you moved here from France, you must have a good job. check with sprint to see if your company qualitfies for a monthly discount. this will do you good. alot of my customers say nights at 7 makes a bigg difference then 9.

as for the towers. sprint gives you nation wide coverage which includes roaming so if yo do happen to roam you will not be charged any thing. sprint did tell its towers but just the actual towers trannmissters where standing on, not the equipment. it would be very foolish to sell the equipment, just sold the land the stuff was on.
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  #24 (permalink)  
Old 08-30-2008, 02:22 PM
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Re: HTC Diamond/ Sprint or Verizon

Originally Posted by SouthStar019 View Post
TM- cs is one of the best there is. but its a growing network and at a decent speed.

as for sprint. i would recommend if you are data intensive the 1500 talk/msg/data plan for 130 price includes both the phones. now knowing that you moved here from France, you must have a good job. check with sprint to see if your company qualitfies for a monthly discount. this will do you good. alot of my customers say nights at 7 makes a bigg difference then 9.

as for the towers. sprint gives you nation wide coverage which includes roaming so if yo do happen to roam you will not be charged any thing. sprint did tell its towers but just the actual towers trannmissters where standing on, not the equipment. it would be very foolish to sell the equipment, just sold the land the stuff was on.
I had a good job in France ! And actually, I don't work for the moment, I'm waiting for my work permit. But my wife does and seems to have a lot of advantages. So I will ask her to check that.

In France, the given time for a plan represents only the time that you can call. So if I had a 250 minutes plan, I could call 250 minutes, but I could also be called 1000 minutes (that's just a stupid example). For the moment we have an AT&T Go Phone. And each time we receive a call, we pay. Does it work the same with "regular" plans (like 1500 minutes plan you described)?

T-Mobile plans seem interesting. If only I could find information about the Diamond with TM.. I also find that they do not have for the moment a 3g network. I'm not sure it is really a big issue for me for the moment but that would explain why their internet plan is cheaper.
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  #25 (permalink)  
Old 08-30-2008, 02:40 PM
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Re: HTC Diamond/ Sprint or Verizon

direct connect is the walkie-talkie style communication, which is only usefull when working with a group of people on say a job site, where everyone needs notified, otherwise it's a glorified way to make a phone call. (mostly for nextel converts)

Why is that? I use them all over the country for convos to friends and family. Very useful for a LOT more than a "jobsite" or notifying groups, and glorified phone call?? Perhaps... BUT it doesn't use minutes. He doesn't have friends here and won't need a lot of minutes? Just basically him and his wife? Why not use DC while their here? Justa thought... Bobby.
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  #26 (permalink)  
Old 08-30-2008, 02:43 PM
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Re: HTC Diamond/ Sprint or Verizon

"19% increase in direct connect subscribers" Tom Donahue 2007. Maybe not just a "nextel convert" after all eh?
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  #27 (permalink)  
Old 08-30-2008, 02:46 PM
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Re: HTC Diamond/ Sprint or Verizon

well, phone calls between sprint-sprint are free too, as most carriers will give free calls between their phones.. alltell changed it up a bit and let you pick x# of ppl to call for free regarless of the network...

also Youmoussa, some carriers have plans for free incomming minutes, so you'll have to shop around and see what the overall best option is for you..
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  #28 (permalink)  
Old 08-30-2008, 03:07 PM
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Re: HTC Diamond/ Sprint or Verizon

Originally Posted by azazelx View Post
im sorry but ATT is the better carrier, sure it has higher prices, but its got waay better customer service, doesnt cut you off for a few cents or dollars overage, much faster service, and all you need to do to switch phones is just switch the sim card and it works, adding video calls to their network soon, imo theyre just a much better company
I disagree. I have had every major carrier except Tmobile and Alltel in this order:


I went back to Sprint because of the actual service, and price. Sure, there customer service has, at times, been VERY lacking...but they ARE making up for that. In the past year, I have had nothing but positive interactions with them, and their online chat system ROCKS. VERY helpful. I have never had any service issues at all, whereas with AT&T I did frequently. And Sprint gets the better phones There services are cheaper as well. And you can switch phones and plans easily and for free. There new plans are awesome...I am paying 110 a month for two PDA phones with 1500 mins, unlimited data, unlimited texts, SprintTV, SprintNav, Sprint to Sprint Calls, and the usual bells and whistles. I am happy with that price. I am happy with their sevice, and I am happy with my phones.

And as for "faster service" I disagree with that as well. I live in Oklahoma City (granted, not the most populated place in the world), but my Sprint Touch gets much better speeds that my friends AT&T Tilt hands down. Even while we are in Dallas. So I don't know if thats just a generalized statement you made, or if its specific to your area, but in my experience, its not true.
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Last edited by DaPeeps; 08-30-2008 at 03:14 PM.
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  #29 (permalink)  
Old 08-31-2008, 02:53 AM
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Re: HTC Diamond/ Sprint or Verizon

Originally Posted by Youmoussa View Post
I had a good job in France ! And actually, I don't work for the moment, I'm waiting for my work permit. But my wife does and seems to have a lot of advantages. So I will ask her to check that.

In France, the given time for a plan represents only the time that you can call. So if I had a 250 minutes plan, I could call 250 minutes, but I could also be called 1000 minutes (that's just a stupid example). For the moment we have an AT&T Go Phone. And each time we receive a call, we pay. Does it work the same with "regular" plans (like 1500 minutes plan you described)?

T-Mobile plans seem interesting. If only I could find information about the Diamond with TM.. I also find that they do not have for the moment a 3g network. I'm not sure it is really a big issue for me for the moment but that would explain why their internet plan is cheaper.

the 1500 min plan i said gives you guys 1500 to use during peak time and for sprint that is between 7am to 7pm. and if you call another sprint or even nextel phone it does not deduct from the your pool of mins.

TM has good plans i in fact still have my TM sidekick even tho i sell sprint service( waiting for the touch pro) but sprint is also driving a lot of market change in the recent months ( which is fact good for us customers as it makes the other carriers more competitive.)

TM does in fact have a 3g network its just in development and not fully official.

if you give me the company your wife works at or if you want to PM it to me i would be happy to look it up for you and the percentage off.
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  #30 (permalink)  
Old 08-31-2008, 02:57 AM
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Re: HTC Diamond/ Sprint or Verizon

Originally Posted by trailertaskforce View Post
"19% increase in direct connect subscribers" Tom Donahue 2007. Maybe not just a "nextel convert" after all eh?

interesting i sign up alot more people on pure sprint rather then one with DC. we even get more people to convert from nextel to sprint.
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