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View Poll Results: Will Sprint Dump the Instinct for the Diamond as a Iphone Slayer Mp3 player?
No they spent $100 million 34 50.00%
No Diamond does not have enough storage 7 10.29%
Yes, the diamond is the hizzel for siznell 23 33.82%
Yes, Sprint will dump its best phone after spend a load of $ on it... 7 10.29%
Multiple Choice Poll. Voters: 68. You may not vote on this poll

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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 06-18-2008, 08:26 AM
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Could the release of the Samsung Instinct cause a Cold war amoung users?

With the pending release of the Samsung Instinct and the current release of the Mogul could this cause a cold war amoung Sprint users and cause the company to go under? Sprint has taken sides with the Instinct people since they are throwing a hugh wedding of sorts for it... Sprint is spending $100,000,000 dollars on just advertising this phone. Sprint has shown little love toward the Mogul or for that matter any windows mobile device lately. When the Iphone came out Sprint said the Touch was the Iphone slayer and music player to have and be seen with, no its like sprint woke up after a hangover and woke up next to any ugly phone called the touch and is dumping it for the sexier samsung Instinct which according to sprint is a super model. I am afraid that once the Diamond or Touch pro comes out sprint might even dump the Instinct Instinct since it does not have any real internal storage were as the diamond and touch pro do have 4gb though the iphones have 8 or 16gb. So what will Sprint do? Is sprint like Larry from Threes Company or Quagmire from Family Guy or the king of them all Leisure Suite Larry?
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Old 06-18-2008, 08:47 AM
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Re: Could the release of the Samsung Instinct cause a Cold war amoung users?

Who cares? Whats up with all the Off topic polls lately? Whats this have to do with my Titan?
Went back to a BlackBerry..................
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 06-18-2008, 09:12 AM
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Re: Could the release of the Samsung Instinct cause a Cold war amoung users?

Originally Posted by Lsme420 View Post
Who cares? Whats up with all the Off topic polls lately? Whats this have to do with my Titan?
Maybe because we are a community of PPC users who enjoy our Titan but know that there are a number of good things coming up for us in the (fairly) near future.

Maybe because most of us like to know what everyone else thinks about what the industry is doing and how it will affect us, the end users of their products.

Maybe because he values the opinions of his fellow PPCGeek'ers and wants to know where we think Sprint is moving.

Maybe none of the above reasons are it and he had a reason of his own. Either way I recommend that you lighten up and have another cup of coffee in the morning before visiting a public forum.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 06-18-2008, 09:19 AM
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Re: Could the release of the Samsung Instinct cause a Cold war amoung users?

Thats great all those answers but why not follow the rules and post it in the right forum? Thats all I ask. Keep things on subject so when one needs real info its easy to find and not a hunt through a bunch of posts that honestly dont have anything to do with a 6800. This is not a personal attack and nothing personal with the OP. I see the geeks getting like this the last few weeks and Im not the only one that thinks this. Im not going to lighten up if people want to just make chat then they should join a AOL chat room.

Last edited by Lsme420; 06-18-2008 at 09:23 AM.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 06-18-2008, 09:25 AM
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Re: Could the release of the Samsung Instinct cause a Cold war amoung users?

I agree that the OP should have chosen a different forum to post this in, but it seemed to me that you came off quite harsh and abrasive about it. The wording in your reply to my comment would have sounded much better in your first post.

You could also PM an Admin and ask them to move his post and explain your frustration with the off-topic posts. They have the power to change it now and moving forward, for all of our benefit.

Sorry for my reply to your original comment. I am just getting frustrated seeing so many people getting bashed for making simple and harmless mistakes on this forum.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 06-18-2008, 09:36 AM
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Re: Could the release of the Samsung Instinct cause a Cold war amoung users?

Originally Posted by rainfreak View Post
I agree that the OP should have chosen a different forum to post this in, but it seemed to me that you came off quite harsh and abrasive about it. The wording in your reply to my comment would have sounded much better in your first post.

You could also PM an Admin and ask them to move his post and explain your frustration with the off-topic posts. They have the power to change it now and moving forward, for all of our benefit.

Sorry for my reply to your original comment. I am just getting frustrated seeing so many people getting bashed for making simple and harmless mistakes on this forum.
Na man you cool no reason to say sorry...........
See thats the problem. Any way you tell someone their post was uncalled for/in the wrong place it comes of as if your getting personal and then you always have a second party chime in and it starts a flame match,,, .

Ya know I have spoke to a mod about this a few days ago and its a know problem to them too. The problem lies in how do you fix it? Take away the right to start a poll? Have it so a mod has to accept or reject every new post? None of them are really answers tho. The answer has to be the person who's posting has to be smart enough/Care enough to know whats up and want to keep this site great....

See man we have to police our selfs and take control of our own site. Like I said I'm not the only one who has thought this the last few weeks.

Last edited by Lsme420; 06-18-2008 at 09:38 AM.
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 06-18-2008, 09:48 AM
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Re: Could the release of the Samsung Instinct cause a Cold war amoung users?

Lsme420 I might as well be off topic my self and tell you that i am waiting to see a new video skit from you... they are hilarious ( the ones under your post)
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Old 06-18-2008, 09:50 AM
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Re: Could the release of the Samsung Instinct cause a Cold war amoung users?

Originally Posted by Lsme420 View Post
Na man you cool no reason to say sorry...........
See thats the problem. Any way you tell someone their post was uncalled for/in the wrong place it comes of as if your getting personal and then you always have a second party chime in and it starts a flame match,,, .

Ya know I have spoke to a mod about this a few days ago and its a know problem to them too. The problem lies in how do you fix it? Take away the right to start a poll? Have it so a mod has to accept or reject every new post? None of them are really answers tho. The answer has to be the person who's posting has to be smart enough/Care enough to know whats up and want to keep this site great....

See man we have to police our selfs and take control of our own site. Like I said I'm not the only one who has thought this the last few weeks.
i completely agree with this. people need to learn to take constructive criticism as constructive criticism. anytime you say anything to anybody they take things personnelly. i have been guilty of it with this particular poster to be exact but if you can be mature enough to say hey they were just trying to help out the forum and go on about your day then you need to leave. also if you blow up at someone for no reasonyou should be man enough to come back later and apologize. also i give respect to rainfreak for coming back later and apologizing. i think we all need chill and think before we post. i do see alot new members coming in and not reading the moderator established read before you post. i am thankful to our moderators because without them sites like these would be unbearable.

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  #9 (permalink)  
Old 06-18-2008, 09:54 AM
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Re: Could the release of the Samsung Instinct cause a Cold war amoung users?

Originally Posted by Lsme420 View Post
Who cares? Whats up with all the Off topic polls lately? Whats this have to do with my Titan?
everything, sprint has dumped us Titan, Touch and other Window Mobile users for the Instinct. There are no tv ads for the titan/mogul, i only see an add sometimes in like usa today money section for the titan or touch. I feel like sprint does not value us anymore. They dumped us for a younger women, what will we ever do now.... lets call demi moore.... The pole is not off topic, the release of the titan could case a cold war amoung users who say mine is better then yours thing.
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old 06-18-2008, 10:10 AM
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Re: Could the release of the Samsung Instinct cause a Cold war amoung users?

I think it's a bit silly to expect tons of advertising for this phone. It doesn't make sense for Sprint to advertise an old phone like the Titan any more. I love my device, it's got everything I want, but I'm not going to pretend it's always going to be cutting-edge, especially with the Touch Pro on the horizon.

If Sprint is looking forward past the Titan, then I don't really see how that affects us. The phone still works, and there is still going to be a ton of community support for it (look at how the 6700 is still going strong).
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