Originally Posted by Lsme420
Na man you cool no reason to say sorry...........
See thats the problem. Any way you tell someone their post was uncalled for/in the wrong place it comes of as if your getting personal and then you always have a second party chime in and it starts a flame match,,,  .
Ya know I have spoke to a mod about this a few days ago and its a know problem to them too. The problem lies in how do you fix it? Take away the right to start a poll? Have it so a mod has to accept or reject every new post? None of them are really answers tho. The answer has to be the person who's posting has to be smart enough/Care enough to know whats up and want to keep this site great....
See man we have to police our selfs and take control of our own site. Like I said I'm not the only one who has thought this the last few weeks.
i completely agree with this. people need to learn to take constructive criticism as constructive criticism. anytime you say anything to anybody they take things personnelly. i have been guilty of it with this particular poster to be exact but if you can be mature enough to say hey they were just trying to help out the forum and go on about your day then you need to leave. also if you blow up at someone for no reasonyou should be man enough to come back later and apologize. also i give respect to rainfreak for coming back later and apologizing. i think we all need chill and think before we post. i do see alot new members coming in and not reading the moderator established read before you post. i am thankful to our moderators because without them sites like these would be unbearable.