Could the release of the Samsung Instinct cause a Cold war amoung users?
With the pending release of the Samsung Instinct and the current release of the Mogul could this cause a cold war amoung Sprint users and cause the company to go under? Sprint has taken sides with the Instinct people since they are throwing a hugh wedding of sorts for it... Sprint is spending $100,000,000 dollars on just advertising this phone. Sprint has shown little love toward the Mogul or for that matter any windows mobile device lately. When the Iphone came out Sprint said the Touch was the Iphone slayer and music player to have and be seen with, no its like sprint woke up after a hangover and woke up next to any ugly phone called the touch and is dumping it for the sexier samsung Instinct which according to sprint is a super model. I am afraid that once the Diamond or Touch pro comes out sprint might even dump the Instinct Instinct since it does not have any real internal storage were as the diamond and touch pro do have 4gb though the iphones have 8 or 16gb. So what will Sprint do? Is sprint like Larry from Threes Company or Quagmire from Family Guy or the king of them all Leisure Suite Larry?