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  #11 (permalink)  
Old 09-02-2010, 10:48 PM
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Re: Dropped Epic - Went to TP2

No offense but I consider anyone with less than three post trying to taint others opinion toward an inferior product as a potential paid spammer. Take your TP2 and shove it.

Then again, I only have 33 posts and an old Diamond (with hacked roms), so what's my opinion worth anyway.

Last edited by BBAHunter; 09-02-2010 at 10:50 PM.
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old 09-02-2010, 11:46 PM
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Re: Dropped Epic - Went to TP2

i agree with the op. this epic is in fact epic, for anyone who does not do business and have a need for heavy reminders of whats you have to do. the reminders are so subtle that its almost non existent. plus i hate the whole widget thing. i sure hope windows 7 can make a fast phone. or my "touch slow 2" will be the hot girl that only puts out once a month. hahaha!
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old 09-03-2010, 12:05 AM
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Re: Dropped Epic - Went to TP2

if the TP2 meets his needs, how can we argue with that?
I mean you'd expect a Windows device to play well with Outlook, like it or not Outlook (including exchange) seem to be the standard way businesses handle email, contact, calendar and tasks... does anyone use tasks? HA HA

it's hard for me to say I don't like anything Android because it doesn't play well with Outlook/Exchange, really it's to be expected... now if Google came out with something similar to Outlook/Exchange in a business environment how long do you think Microsoft would make a client on their mobile devices to play nicely with Google's email thing? If ever!

We're quick to say something to someone who chooses a phone because it suits them, I say let a person pick the phone they feel most comfortable with... As for me, Android is the only platform I'll stick with (for now anyway) because I enjoy all the other features Android based phones have over Windows Mobile phones or any other platform for that matter... Then again, what do I know about iPhone? I don't own or care to own one

I ditched my TP2 for my Android powered Samsung Moment and haven't had one regret... And my girlfriend enjoys the TP2 that I gave her
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old 09-03-2010, 11:00 AM
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Re: Dropped Epic - Went to TP2

I agree the Epic is not for everyone and I miss my TP2 in part. That part being BT and no Voice Command, but I'm sure that's coming. I had no problem exporting over 400 Outlook contacts to a csv file and then importing to Gmail. Now if I add a contact in Gmail from any computer it will auto downloads to my phone. I live in a 4G area and now I am using 4g, forget 3G, it's worth the extra $10 just for the speed. Just open any website and it's there. Better than my home DSL running at 2.5mb. No I don't like the stupid icons they used, but I planned on changing that anyway. For me the EPIC RULES over the TP2!

Edit: One thing I forgot, don't use a HUB or the front ports on your pc for sync. Use one of the ports on the back is also why I got it to work, was using my front pc port.

Originally Posted by elephant007 View Post
if the TP2 meets his needs, how can we argue with that?
I mean you'd expect a Windows device to play well with Outlook, like it or not Outlook (including exchange) seem to be the standard way businesses handle email, contact, calendar and tasks... does anyone use tasks? HA HA

it's hard for me to say I don't like anything Android because it doesn't play well with Outlook/Exchange, really it's to be expected... now if Google came out with something similar to Outlook/Exchange in a business environment how long do you think Microsoft would make a client on their mobile devices to play nicely with Google's email thing? If ever!

We're quick to say something to someone who chooses a phone because it suits them, I say let a person pick the phone they feel most comfortable with... As for me, Android is the only platform I'll stick with (for now anyway) because I enjoy all the other features Android based phones have over Windows Mobile phones or any other platform for that matter... Then again, what do I know about iPhone? I don't own or care to own one

I ditched my TP2 for my Android powered Samsung Moment and haven't had one regret... And my girlfriend enjoys the TP2 that I gave her
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Last edited by Timberwolf671; 09-03-2010 at 11:46 AM.
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old 09-03-2010, 11:35 AM
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Re: Dropped Epic - Went to TP2

Yeah, I'm coming from an original TouchPro (from a ppc-6700 before that). I got it at a time where I had to use exchange for work, and it was great. Over the two years I've had the TP tho, I slowly moved everything over to GMail. It happened so subtly I didn't really notice until my last hard reset where I spent a half hour putting in a bunch of gmail info, and a gmail exchange account.

It's the same game it always was. If you're locked into Apple's walled garden, then get an iPhone. WinMo is the best for handling Exchange accounts and Microsoft services (wonder how WinPhone7 will do with business stuff), and if you're using Google services Android is a no-brainer...
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  #16 (permalink)  
Old 09-03-2010, 12:35 PM
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Re: Dropped Epic - Went to TP2

I woulda gave you my TP2 and $100-200 for your epic Personally I would have waited, as the TP2 is old and will soon be replaced.. Definitely not one to use your upgrade eligibility on for sure..

Hey but to each his own, phone no matter what features is useless if you can't make use of it, right?

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Last edited by clockcycle; 09-03-2010 at 12:41 PM.
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  #17 (permalink)  
Old 09-03-2010, 01:25 PM
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Re: Dropped Epic - Went to TP2

I totally agree with the OP, the epic is missing the most important thing a pro uses on a daily bases, sync with outlook. Yes you can export to csv nd upload to google, but do you really want google to have access to your contacts? do you really want all your contacts to start receiving junk mail because google sold them out? i don't think so if you're a real professional.

no office integration, no "working" call recording software, no perm roaming software and the list goes on...

I was at a rush concert last night and recording a few segments of the show. I got home and transferred them to my pc and found out when recording it didn't pick up any sound! I called sprint and they said look into media sound and it was set at mid way. i was asked to go all the way up and then it worked. I then set it back to mid way and it worked again, but it didn't work out of the box and lost all those segments i recorded. my wifes evo looks ing when trying to record segments of the concert last night in 720p.

There is a shipping label on the way to my home to return this device and re-activated my old reliable that NEVER has issues, my tp2.

I can't wait for wp7 so i don't have these odd issues and have the ability to sync with outlook. Also i can edit word, powerpoint, excel and notes which are all native apps on all wm and wp devices
I'm forced to use this crap until WP7 gets released on sprint
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  #18 (permalink)  
Old 09-03-2010, 03:23 PM
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Re: Dropped Epic - Went to TP2

Originally Posted by clockcycle View Post
I woulda gave you my TP2 and $100-200 for your epic Personally I would have waited, as the TP2 is old and will soon be replaced.. Definitely not one to use your upgrade eligibility on for sure..

Hey but to each his own, phone no matter what features is useless if you can't make use of it, right?

I was pretty much in his bucket, but I'm not returning the epic yet. I'm not gonna spend money on a TP2, seeing as it was the same speed as my old diamond (that I moved from). That's the main problem too, even though it's old, it's not gonna be replaced with a winmo 6.5 or 6.1 phone... it's gonna be 7, which is even more useless for business than the Epic/android phones.

It sucks there's not gonna be a last hurrah, updated hardware, winmo 6.1/6.5 phone on sprint, but what can ya do...

I don't need to use mine as much for business, or I too would be going back. The little that I do need it now, I'm gonna carry the laptop with me, or hope to get remote desktop working on mine.
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  #19 (permalink)  
Old 09-04-2010, 11:24 AM
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Re: Dropped Epic - Went to TP2

Just like a couple other people said in this thread..........I would have traded you that Epic for my Touch Pro 2 and gave you $150 for the new customer discount/upgrade discount! The only difference here is my Touch Pro 2 is brand new........but not in the box.......got it right before I got my Evo! Didn't come with anything but the instruction book and the battery! Now I have to find someone else to trade with!

On another note.......as stated before......to each his own.....but the thing about Android is......you can make your own programs for it because my friend does it all the time! If anybody is savvy enough you could just make a program for exchange/outlook on android.......right?!
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  #20 (permalink)  
Old 09-04-2010, 12:25 PM
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Re: Dropped Epic - Went to TP2

Originally Posted by BBAHunter View Post
No offense but I consider anyone with less than three post trying to taint others opinion toward an inferior product as a potential paid spammer. Take your TP2 and shove it.

Then again, I only have 33 posts and an old Diamond (with hacked roms), so what's my opinion worth anyway.
Seriously? I happen to agree with the OP on this. I use the M$ exchange service for updating my calendars, tasks, doc and contact information(not just the e-mail). While the Epic is a great device, I feel like android is an inbetween WM and iPhone(atleast its present builds). Dont get me wrong, the TP2 is a dinosaur when comparing hardware, but unfortunately, WM currently has more to offer me

BTW: whats up with the radios not shutting off after the apps closing? I found it quite inconvenient when I had to constantly monitor the gps 4g, and wifi radio to conserve battery life
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