Originally Posted by BBAHunter
No offense but I consider anyone with less than three post trying to taint others opinion toward an inferior product as a potential paid spammer. Take your TP2 and shove it.
Then again, I only have 33 posts and an old Diamond (with hacked roms), so what's my opinion worth anyway.
Seriously? I happen to agree with the OP on this. I use the M$ exchange service for updating my calendars, tasks, doc and contact information(not just the e-mail). While the Epic is a great device, I feel like android is an inbetween WM and iPhone(atleast its present builds). Dont get me wrong, the TP2 is a dinosaur when comparing hardware, but unfortunately, WM currently has more to offer me
BTW: whats up with the radios not shutting off after the apps closing? I found it quite inconvenient when I had to constantly monitor the gps 4g, and wifi radio to conserve battery life