Re: thinking about upgrading.... opinions/comparisons
Well, I have only had my D2 for less than a day now, but I can give you my initial opinion vs. the D1.
1.) It is much more solidly built. Tight screen, the buttons aren't loose, the keyboard keys feel more solid. 2.) The keyboard is a bit better. It's not TP2 keyboard, but definitely an improvement. The keys are now raised and you can feel what you're doing. 3.) Motoblur is an adjustment, but can be setup just like vanilla 2.2. 4.) The phone is very fast and smooth. More so than my D1 at 1.2ghz. 5.) The phone is dark metallic blue instead of black like the D1. 6.) The new camera app is more functional and has more features than the D1 has. 7.) The phone feels slightly heavier than the D1. 8.) The facelift is nice with a dark chrome bezel and more rounded edges. Most of the rough/angular edges on the D1 are gone. Other than that, the changes are minimal. I WOULD NOT personally pay full retail to upgrade to this phone. I was more than happy to accept it as a free upgrade due to the shortage of D1 replacements. For the most part, the D1 can do everything it can do and just as well. The D2 is faster and looks much better, but functionally, there's not a huge difference. As for the X: 1.) It's f'in huge and I don't like it. 2.) I couldn't get past #1. As for the DINC: 1.) It's a great looking phone. 2.) It has an optical trackball/mouse that I like. 3.) The phone feels light and cheaply made/plasticy. 4.) The 8MP camera is nice. 5.) The phone is getting a bit dated now. 6.) I have seen many complaints about the "phantom ringer" that many other HTC devices have. My TP2 did this and was ultimately my reason for ditching it. 7.) There are also complaints about the call quality being sub-par. 8.) The battery life sucks. It lasts about half of what the D1/2 last. As for software and the difference in the OS version, they are all about the same. The hardware is where the differences are. Last edited by tvandyck7; 09-01-2010 at 11:55 AM. |
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Re: thinking about upgrading.... opinions/comparisons
hmmm.... well assurian gave me a choice...... im not gonna choose the inc and i kinda like the x... do you not like it because its huge or for other reasons?
are there roms for the droid 2 or x? if not can i still wifi tether? |
Re: thinking about upgrading.... opinions/comparisons
Yeah, I just don't like the size. The software is going to be pretty much identical to the Droid 2's. The camera should be pretty impressive.
As far as roms go: the X has an e-fuse that trips if an unapproved rom is flashed. You would then have to have it reset by Motorola. This is their way of preventing custom roms from being loaded. The D2 will probably have roms out sooner or later, if it gets enough support. That is the problem. It was released when the Droid 1 is still under contract for most people. Therefore, it might or might not get much support due to this. Without root and custom roms, WiFi tether will cost $20/mo an any of these devices. The DINC is the only one at this time with root. If you are lucky like me, VZW will be out of D1's for replacement and send you a D2 under warranty for no cost. If you want an X or DINC, you'll have to pay the $90 for insurance to get it. Last edited by tvandyck7; 09-01-2010 at 04:36 PM. |
Re: thinking about upgrading.... opinions/comparisons
Oh. I didn't realize that they'd been rooted yet.
You'll be good to go on any of them then. |
Re: thinking about upgrading.... opinions/comparisons
droid x also has a flyx rom out in the beta stages as well.
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Re: thinking about upgrading.... opinions/comparisons
Another few things I just noticed about the D2, it has a video trimmer for MMS, it has City ID caller ID, and a battery and data manager.
The video trimmer is a nice addition because I hated it when I took the video I wanted on the D1 and couldn't send it. |
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