Re: thinking about upgrading.... opinions/comparisons
Yeah, I just don't like the size. The software is going to be pretty much identical to the Droid 2's. The camera should be pretty impressive.
As far as roms go: the X has an e-fuse that trips if an unapproved rom is flashed. You would then have to have it reset by Motorola. This is their way of preventing custom roms from being loaded. The D2 will probably have roms out sooner or later, if it gets enough support. That is the problem. It was released when the Droid 1 is still under contract for most people. Therefore, it might or might not get much support due to this.
Without root and custom roms, WiFi tether will cost $20/mo an any of these devices. The DINC is the only one at this time with root.
If you are lucky like me, VZW will be out of D1's for replacement and send you a D2 under warranty for no cost. If you want an X or DINC, you'll have to pay the $90 for insurance to get it.
Last edited by tvandyck7; 09-01-2010 at 04:36 PM.