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  #121 (permalink)  
Old 06-08-2010, 10:32 PM
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Re: Most biased Evo v iPhone review ever?!

edub you dont think that the evo turn heads with its size... wow
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  #122 (permalink)  
Old 06-08-2010, 11:17 PM
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Re: Most biased Evo v iPhone review ever?!

Originally Posted by Mazzakre View Post
Winner? Evo! Yeah, the iPhone may have more apps and bigger buzz but when it all comes down to it. The Evo is hard to beat. There really arent many improvements on the iPhone year to year but the Evo (and similar phones) took huge leaps with processer speed, screen size and customizability (without having to root/jailbreak). Any comments? (and yes I was increadibly bored to do this!)
I like it (yours, that is).
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  #123 (permalink)  
Old 06-08-2010, 11:30 PM
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Re: Most biased Evo v iPhone review ever?!


Translation: I think Engadget is biased in favor of Apple.

Last edited by orangekid; 06-09-2010 at 09:53 AM.
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  #124 (permalink)  
Old 06-08-2010, 11:44 PM
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Re: Most biased Evo v iPhone review ever?!

Merged "Most biased Evo v iPhone review ever?!" with "Is the Evo better than the IPhone?"
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  #125 (permalink)  
Old 06-08-2010, 11:45 PM
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Re: Most biased Evo v iPhone review ever?!

"The Apple iPhone 4 has 802.11 b/g/n Wi-Fi, though the n is on 2.5GHz only, while the HTC EVO 4G has 802.11 b/g only for Wi-Fi connectivity. Both of them also tie in Bluetooth and GPS connectivity. And now the iPhone supports tethering, meaning users don't need a hot spot to surf the Web on their computer, instead, they can leverage the iPhone's 3G connection."

Not sure if the reviewer did his homework... The EVO actually has Wireless N as well... just cant use it until froyo... 2.1 doesnt support N

http://www.broadcom.com/products/Blu...utions/BCM4329 This is the chipset for Wifi/Bluetooth/FM on the EVO.

Not to mention Android devices could pretty much ALWAYS tether...
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  #126 (permalink)  
Old 06-09-2010, 12:42 AM
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Re: Is the Evo better than the IPhone?

iPhone: Welcome to 2005.
iPhone 3G: Welcome to 2006.
iPhone 3GS: Welcome to 2007.
iPhone 4: Welcome to 2008.

I'm sensing a bit of a lag pattern here. Yes, a few features are new and not utilized in other devices, but the main ones Jobs likes to seem to promote as revolutionary are things that have been around for 2 years or more.
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  #127 (permalink)  
Old 06-09-2010, 01:40 AM
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Re: Is the Evo better than the IPhone?

Its kinda sad when 1 is skimping out on software other skimping out on hardware..can't a manufacturer create a phone that blows us out of the water already >.>
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  #128 (permalink)  
Old 06-09-2010, 06:36 PM
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Re: Is the Evo better than the IPhone?

Well here is what engadget has to say..whats wierd is they took the article down for some reason :/

Hoo boy. This is a tough one, isn't it? In our years at Engadget, we've rarely seen such deafening debate and adulation for a pair of devices. In one corner we have the iPhone 4, coming off a few relatively easy rounds atop the smartphone mind share heap. However, the Droid and its ilk have weakened Apple's spot, and here comes the HTC EVO 4G in for the kill, sporting a larger screen, 4G data, and all manner of HTC sexy. If the devices themselves weren't enough, the debate has turned into something larger and metaphorical, with Apple representing tight restrictions and a singular top down vision, while Google's Android stands for something perhaps a bit more haphazard but democratizing. Of course, we'll have a much firmer feel for the iPhone 4 once we've done a full review, but we at least know enough about both handsets to outline most of the points of contention, and we'll come back to this debate once the iPhone is out in the wild. The gloves come off after the break.

Of course, the easy answer is that they're both great phones. The truth of the matter is that what might make the EVO the perfect smartphone for one person doesn't necessarily pop up on another person's radar. In many cases (like this author's, for instance), there are many pros and cons on both platforms and devices that makes the decision difficult, almost painful. We're going to try to lay out the facts, so that you have the best material at your disposal for making the decisions, but we're not going to call the decision "easy" or "cut and dry" for anybody. This is a road we all eventually walk alone... into an Apple or Sprint store.


We've stacked these two phones up every which way specs-wise. They're very similar phones when you run down a checklist, but there's one glaring dissimilarity: the EVO is huge. In fact, many people might find a more direct iPhone competitor in the excellent Droid Incredible. Outside of its lack of a front facing camera, it's virtually the same phone as the EVO, just smaller. But we didn't come here to talk Droid Incredible. Here are some of the big ways these two phones compete:


This is the quintessential spot for personal preference, so we won't linger long. Suffice it to say that these are two companies lauded for their hardware design at the top of their game. The EVO is mostly plastic, the iPhone is glass and metal, EVO has a kickstand, the iPhone is thinner (9.3mm vs. 12.7mm). They both fit fine in a pocket, and are both striking enough visually that you wouldn't want to hide them in a pocket.


The EVO 4G's 4.3-inch screen is amazing and jawdropping, while the iPhone's 3.5-inch screen looks unchanged until you get up close: and realize it's just as jawdropping. The EVO scores an obvious win on size, but the iPhone certainly has it on pixel density -- approaching that of a printed page -- and even resolution (960 x 640 vs. 800 x 480), and we found it to be a brighter, higher quality display as well.

That said, we don't think most people will suffer one bit with the pixel density of the EVO, and while the iPhone might edge it out in quality, the EVO icertainly passable for viewing outdoors and wonderful indoors. Coming down to... surprise, surprise, a matter of preference.


The EVO has higher resolution cameras front and back (8 megapixel / 1.3 megapixel, vs. 5 megapixel / VGA). Apple claims its low resolution sensor around back is to improve the low light performance, and both manufacturers are using the same "backside illuminated" tech. We'll have to let these duke it out in the wild (we've only seen professionally-produced samples from Apple's camera), but the EVO wins the spec war.


This is going to be a big one for a lot of people. In our experience, the EVO can easily get through a day of light use when used on 3G, and isn't that much worse on 4G. Meanwhile, the iPhone appears to have an improved battery over the already strong 3GS, which should fairly handily beat the EVO on both standby and active use time. Then again, the EVO has a user-replaceable battery if you want to pack a spare. We're confident that most people can survive with the EVO, but if you want battery "comfort," the iPhone is the best bet.


We've never really liked the way Android segments storage between device and microSD card, and the EVO doesn't help its case by requiring you to remove the battery to get at the included 8GB card. Meanwhile Apple offers the iPhone in 16GB and 32GB flavors, all nicely synced and managed with iTunes. There's nothing stopping you from putting all the apps and music you want on the EVO, but it's nowhere near as pretty a process as Apple makes it.


Software is much more a "shades of grey" area than hardware, so we're going to have to let a bit more opinion seep in here. Please forgive us. You could spend a lifetime detailing the differences and similarities of these two advanced, complicated smartphone OSes, but we'll try to hit the high points:


We're going to call this for Android right away. Google's notification tray is just so much more pleasant, useful, and unobtrusive than Apple's pop-overs -- we just wonder how long it'll take Apple to figure this out.


HTC isn't helping itself out here by shipping duplicate SMS and email clients to get in the way of Google's own. Apple's also playing catch up with iOS 4, bringing a unified inbox and threaded messaging to the iPhone. Basically, it comes down to Gmail: if you use it and love it, Android will always be your best experience of it, but for any other service, the iPhone serves just fine. It also makes SMS a prettier experience, though no more usable than its Android counterpart.

Something that's relevant for a minority, but very relevant for that minority, is Google Voice. There's a decent web app that makes it almost usable on the iPhone, but it's a powerful, extremely useful thing as a deeply integrated app on Android.


These are both touchscreen-only phones, which might be a bit of a change if you're coming from a physical keyboard-equipped device, but rest assured that many humans throughout the ages have managed to become quite proficient on touchscreen keyboards, and Apple and HTC's are pretty much the best in the business. The EVO benefits from its extra real estate -- the keyboard is almost too large in portrait -- and we like some of the ways HTC handles prediction, like offering multiple word alternatives as you type, but the iPhone still offers the best touchscreen keyboard we've ever used, and we doubt the iPhone 4 will change that.


Android: yes. iPhone: no.


Apple is finally entering the multitasking arena with iOS 4, but it's certainly doing things its own way. In truth, Apple still doesn't allow any sort of "true" multitasking on its phone, just background services, task completion, and fast app switching. Android blows this away by allowing full apps to run simultaneously. Still, for all of Apple's overwrought babying of the user, it does have a bit of a point: if you don't kill your tasks vigilantly on Android, your phone will run hot (we're speaking from experience with the EVO), slow down, and devour battery life. If you're smart and proactive, Android's multitasking can make you more productive and also more attractive to the opposite sex. For everybody else, the iPhone is the cleaner solution.


This is certainly a matter of taste, but here's a gross simplification: iPhone is for aesthetes, Android is for nerds. HTC's Sense spitshine adds a bit to Android, but it also increases the quantity of divergent, inconsistent UI. Apple's managed to not only present a unified front in its own apps, but also pass on a strong design language to much of its developer community -- something Google is far from doing. Meanwhile, there's something very homespun and fun about diving into Android's technical, geektastic menus and widgets.


You can't argue against the fact that the iPhone has more applications, way more games, and a generally higher level of app quality thanks to a more mature SDK and increased competition. Still, when it comes to doing stuff that's not gaming, Android Market does alright for itself. It's really down to a per user thing: can you live without app X? Is there an adequate replacement for app Y? Do you hate having fun? Both devices have approval processes to get onto the branded store, but Android's is a bit more lax (emulators, for instance), and you can also grab unsigned apps directly. You have to jailbreak the iPhone for that kind of freedom.

Some notable first and third party applications:
Maps: Android is the easy winner, with full dedicated GPS-style turn by turn navigation. This likely isn't going to change soon, either, because Google builds the maps for both handsets.
Browser: Google claims to be making some improvements with its browser, rating its Froyo version as the "world's fastest mobile browser." Unfortunately, there's no telling when this new version of Android will make it to the EVO -- that's up to HTC and Sprint. Meanwhile, the iPhone browser is generally regarded at the top of the heap for speed and compatibility, with one notable exception: no Flash.
Twitter: Now that there's a first party Twitter app on Android things are looking up (HTC's one was pretty horrid), but you can still find the most variety and quality for Twitter on the iPhone.
Facebook: Just about a wash, though there's more integration with contacts on Android.
Calendar: This is a case of personal preference, though HTC's replacement calendar is an easy loser to the stock Android version and Apple's very pretty iPhone one. Google Calendar integration is slightly easier on Android, but most people can get it running on iPhone just fine.
YouTube: The EVO wins easily with YouTube HQ, a glorious sight on the 4.3-inch screen. We'd think the iPhone would be getting this quality bump sooner or later, but no mention has been made.
Tethering: The EVO wins with WiFi hotspot connection sharing, while you have to use a cable or Bluetooth on the iPhone. You can share a 2GB data plan on AT&T for $20 extra, but that ramps all the way to $75 if you use 5GB. Meanwhile the EVO has "unlimited" sharing for $30 extra a month.
Video chat: We have an more in depth comparison here, but basically: HTC EVO uses Qik and can chat to computers or phones, while Apple uses its own FaceTime tech, which is currently iPhone 4 to iPhone 4 only.


AT&T / Sprint

This one's pretty simple: if you live in a WiMAX area with good coverage, you could see higher data speeds on Sprint than AT&T. The trick is, you probably don't live in a WiMAX area with good coverage -- they're few and far between. Luckily, Sprint's 3G network is actually pretty great, and we've had a wonderful experience using it on the EVO so far, surpassing even some other Sprint handsets we've used. Meanwhile, AT&T is AT&T: great speeds and network if it's not over capacity in your area. The company has made some strong strides at fighting dropped calls in major metropolitan areas like NY and SF, and hopefully that new external antenna design on the iPhone 4 will help out as well.


The HTC EVO 4G is $199 after a $100 mail-in rebate with Sprint, but you can get it elsewhere (like Radio Shack and Best Buy) for $199 straight up. The iPhone 4 will be $199. Service plans get much more complicated, but basically:
AT&T you can get as low at $55 with 200MB of data, 450 minutes of talk, and no messaging. If you want unlimited voice and messaging, along with 2GB of data (the most AT&T will pre-sell you, it's $10 per GB after that), you'll be forking over $115 a month.
Sprint requires you to go for a minimum $80 plan (that includes the required premium data plan add-on for the EVO), which includes unlimited data, unlimited messaging, and 450 minutes of talk. To bump up to unlimited everything (and that $10 premium data charge insures a true unlimited data) you'll be spending $110 a month.


You know the facts, you've heard the arguments, you've passively observed the roar of comments from each side... now follow your heart!

Not good enough for you? You can find out more on your own with our iPhone 4 guide and preview, and our complete EVO 4G review.
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  #129 (permalink)  
Old 06-10-2010, 02:38 PM
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Re: Is the Evo better than the IPhone?

Two "features" missing..

FaceTime video calling added to iPhone 4... and it's WiFi-only

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