Re: Anyone able to exchange their 800w for a different phone?
I'm on my fourth replacement now. According to Account Services, if you have had 3 replacements in 6 months you are eligible for replacement with a 'comparable' phone but she could not define 'comparable.' I went to a Sprint store Tuesday and they said they showed only the 800W as a replacement and would not budge. Mine has intermittent problems so they are not always evident (especially in the Sprint store!) I refuse to accept another 'refurbished' 800W which will have someone else's intermittent problems that did not show up in the 'refurbishment.' There's a reason that Sprint only sold the 800w for about 4 months, it just doesn't work for any length of time.
Re: Anyone able to exchange their 800w for a different phone?
Ok I got out of my treo 800w piece of ....!!! Its all in who you call....I mean I spent ALOT of time on the phone with sprint.....went through 6 refurbs...well finally they cut me off on the advanced exchanges and I was pissed!!!! I called retentions daily for a week and asked to speak to their bosses....eventually I got an ansewering machine of someone who could make things happen.....1-877-809-6696....id give that number a try...you may have to wait for a callback.....tell them how you felt ripped off by this inferior product, but DO NOT ask for another phone!!!!Let them ask you what you think they can do to fix the problem and then you can tell them "All that you want is a working pda phone"....I ended up with a NIB touch pro ( that was before the pro 2 came out which I have now) I did however have to use my upgrade, which I thought was ok for me and my situation....eventually they WILL cut you off with advance exchanges and MAKE you deal with the corporate store...you do not want this, as most of these reps could care less and will not be able to duplicate your problems...you will leave the store feeling like a criminal....trust me!!! Just keep calling and stress the importance of the cost of sending refurb after refurb.....eventually with patients you will get rid of your LEMON of phone.....GOODLUCK
Re: Anyone able to exchange their 800w for a different phone?
After going through 6 refurbished and new 800w's in less than a month, I was able to persuade the local sprint store to give me a touch pro as a free upgrade.=D>
Re: Anyone able to exchange their 800w for a different phone?
well im waiting on my 3rd replacement now and they have already tried to get me to take it to a corporate store luckily there is not 1 around then they have no choice but send another fone
Re: Anyone able to exchange their 800w for a different phone?
earlier this year, they gave me an 850e, from an 800w..
long story short...replaced 800 twice, third replacement was an 850, which has been replaced since then(the screen was coming off, nothing performance wise was wrong)
"that skeeg dude with the black girl"
F.I.Y.A.M |
Re: Anyone able to exchange their 800w for a different phone?
im on my 3rd and came from sprint today and they are giving me the same pos again. I acutally said something about a different phone and the girl got snotty with me about it and said it doesnt work like that.