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  #11 (permalink)  
Old 07-12-2007, 10:30 AM
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I feel where you are coming from, and I could stand on your side of the fence and make those arguments as well. The one I disagree with though is the one about Sprint having all of this control over how Palm builds their devices. Sprint basically comes in on the software side, not the hardware. And even if they do influence how they build hardware, wouldn't we have seen a device stray from what Sprint wanted on Verizon, AT&T, T-Mo, Rodgers, Telus... somebody by now? I don't think they are all ordering their devices based on the features that Sprint has asked for.
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old 07-12-2007, 10:35 AM
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I for one would be happy if there was NO camera on future Treo.
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old 07-12-2007, 12:06 PM
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Originally Posted by Mustang46L
I feel where you are coming from, and I could stand on your side of the fence and make those arguments as well. The one I disagree with though is the one about Sprint having all of this control over how Palm builds their devices. Sprint basically comes in on the software side, not the hardware. And even if they do influence how they build hardware, wouldn't we have seen a device stray from what Sprint wanted on Verizon, AT&T, T-Mo, Rodgers, Telus... somebody by now? I don't think they are all ordering their devices based on the features that Sprint has asked for.
I think you're quite wrong about the carriers. They essentially order a device based on their specificicatons and the OEM builds it, that's it.

Why does the 6800 not have accessible GPS? Surely HTC could have done that or Sprint easily could have asked to have it implemented, could they not? Why are there no PPC devices with stand alone GPS (on a U.S. carrier)? Until Sprint finds a way to get access to the aGPS and sell you TeleNav through them, they won't allow it. It's all about revenue.

I'm just saying if you actually talk to these companies, they'll tell you the same: the carriers are the 800lb gorrila in the room who dictate everything. Until carriers become "just ISPs" and we can have access to any equipment (think the PC market), it will always be the same.

One exception: Apple and the iPhone. They have complete control over every aspect: development, software, updating, activation, distribution and even servicing. That is why their phone seems so "innovative" and I guarantee all the OEMs are envious of that position. Nokia, HTC, Palm, Motorola could never tell any carrier "oh by the way...we need you to revamp your network and put our servers through out". But that is exactly what Apple did. Interestingly, Verizon said "No" to them for those reasons.
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old 07-12-2007, 03:18 PM
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I would agree with the screen resolution.. we should be seeing a bigger jump in resolution rather than 100 more pixels each way... there are higher res screens in the back of a front seat of a ghetto blastin Cadillac!

I would also like to see a higher megapixel camera in these things... i mean really, is it that hard to break the thresh hold of a 1.3-2 mp camera? jump to at least a 5 megapixel... my digital camera from 4 years ago is 5 megapixel, and it is thinner than the treos body style!! it has to be possible now-a-days...

fall of 07, that means all the bugs from WM6 will be worked out by then too...
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old 07-14-2007, 11:18 AM
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I don't know whats going on with the 800 buuuut I just got the mogul and I came from the 700wx and the mogul is nice, I mean they each have their differences but, I do see ALOT more customization from Palm's device....i.e. the right soft key gives you many more options, and etc, but I mean the next OS that palm puts out will most likely be a universal OS like what they have been talking about. For me the only upgrade I would love to see with the from the wx is a better camera...but NOT needed as I have a digi cam and I don't buy the phones to be cameras I buy them to be my phone'pda. A better resolution would be nice although what the wx has now is fine, but if you're going to call it an upgraded phone I would expect that to be there, clearly the wm6 os. WiFi would kick ass that was one of the main reasons i went to the mogul. I like the keyboard on the outside, but i have fat thumbs so taking an extra second to open the mogul and make it easier to type was a sacrifice. But I guess all in all the following would do it for me...

Better reso
memory is fine so if they added more its only a bonus
better camera
bigger keys (although this would make the phone a little bigger)

that being said I can't wait for it and am surprised we haven't had any more leaks.

And on the hardware side of things its definitely up to the carrier...VZW I know for a fact does not like to have wifi on their phones I actually talked to a manager about this when I had the 6600 waaaay back when he was like we just had a huge meeting and if they include wifi on the phones we lose alot of money becasue people dont use our data services so we try to limit the amounts of phones that have it (given this was awhile ago so) But it pisses me off that the carriers do shit like that they should just let the creators do their thing and then add software, however the carriers DO put restrictions on Palm, and HTC. If Palm and HTC want to sell their phones to sprint and vzw they have to make sacrifices which usually means an altered phone to those that they woiuld sell to their euro counterparts. Which is unlucky for us as we normally get the 'modified' versions aka the shitty ones that have things blocked or removed.


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  #16 (permalink)  
Old 07-14-2007, 03:02 PM
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as long as they keep the same memoryu card slot and dont try to go all micro on me ill upgrade.. if not.. im good with my 700wx for now
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  #17 (permalink)  
Old 07-16-2007, 04:46 AM
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I was checking on Sprint's website and I see that they've just dropped the prices on the 700p and WX. That's an indication that something new is coming down the pipe. Hope its this new 800 they're talking about!
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  #18 (permalink)  
Old 07-16-2007, 05:59 AM
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I agree with Mal that this is a major improvement over the 700wx if the rumored specs are correct. The Treo's form factor is perfect IMO- doesn't require much change.

I looked at the Mogul for about 5 secs before noticing the 26 MB free RAM after a hard reset. Is that a joke? A decent-sized account with FlexMail takes up 7 MB. Add in PIEPlus and you're in trouble fast. Hopefully the 800w will have some 70-80+ of the 128 available to the user in keeping with 700wx tradition.
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  #19 (permalink)  
Old 07-16-2007, 10:41 PM
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Originally Posted by MrOuija36
as long as they keep the same memoryu card slot and dont try to go all micro on me ill upgrade.. if not.. im good with my 700wx for now
Well in the 755p they already went miniSD on you.. so there is a good chance you won't have SD on the 800w.
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  #20 (permalink)  
Old 07-17-2007, 05:53 PM
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Originally Posted by Mustang46L
Originally Posted by MrOuija36
as long as they keep the same memoryu card slot and dont try to go all micro on me ill upgrade.. if not.. im good with my 700wx for now
Well in the 755p they already went miniSD on you.. so there is a good chance you won't have SD on the 800w.
Yeah, I agree.

It's not like these OEMs want to screw with people and their memory cards, but if you want a thinner/smaller device, you gotta cut some things. Fact is, an SD drive is huge compared to a Micro-SD one, so it seems from an engineering perspective silly not to go with smaller.

Like I said: it's all about trade offs!
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