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  #21 (permalink)  
Old 07-18-2007, 01:14 AM
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I don't understand how any current WM Treo user isn't excited about the 800. I think it's a huge upgrade and I'll be buying one as soon as it's released. The form factor alone is worth it to me.
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  #22 (permalink)  
Old 07-19-2007, 04:11 PM
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I can't wait for the Treo 800! It will be my first WM device! If anyone has any updates please add them. I'm getting excited!
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  #23 (permalink)  
Old 07-20-2007, 09:55 PM
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Originally Posted by klurf8881
id like to point out in the above Palm v. HTC debate that umm HTC made the 700wx so how can you say how crappy HTC cameras and etc are when HTC made the dang 700wx for Palm?
That's because you just demonstrated your ignorance of OEM business.

Palm designs the Treo from top to bottom and designate all the components that go into based on their own prototypes. Plus they customize the OS that they co-engineered with MS (read HERE and HERE.)

All HTC does is mass produce them. They have absolutely ZERO input on design or choice of materials.

That's all HTC did up until that last 12 months when they went solo and started making their own devices w/ their own branding.

Now HTC calls the shots on design, parts and materials for their phones, though still not Palms. Palm has since started using other manufactures, in addition to HTC, like Invatec due to them being a competitor now more than just contracted manufacturing.

I still maintain

(1) Palm has higher quality devices in terms of hardware. They just feel more solid and not cheap, unlike the 6700 and as some have contended, the 6800.

Palm does a much, much better job of OS customization and memory allocation. Hence why a 6800 has the same RAM as a 700wx, yet somehow, the 700wx has "available" 47mb of RAM after a reboot and the 6800 only has 20-something.

(3) The 6800 should have a "nicer screen" as well as a better processor and camera, it is after all brand new, whereas the 700w design is nearly 1.5 years old already...

That's the least you can expect from a new device: it's better than something 1.5 years ago

All that and the Kaiser still kills the Mogul on every feature. That's the phone Sprint should have gotten but will go to AT&T come August (link.
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  #24 (permalink)  
Old 07-20-2007, 11:56 PM
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My 2 cents

1) Ok Palm has always made a solid device I see the point here but to say that this Mogul is poorly made NO I don't think so maybe some QC problems in the early models maybe but my Mogul is solid much better than the 6700.

2) Too compare the memory allocation on a WM6 device to that of a WM5 is just silly these are two different animals, sure it could have been handled better no this Mogul but we have Sprint to thank for that. I personally got rid of mt 700wx because of the Palm OS customizations I hated the locked up OS on my 700wx.

3) Apples to Oranges again

Personally I am looking forward to Palms newest animal I am sure it will be a solid well performing device but I wont get one because this hole argument comes down to form factor for me. It is interesting how these Palm followers hang on to a company that has almost folded twice in the last 10 years. Palm has all but given up on there Palm OS and has introduced windows mobile to there devices something they once said they would never do. So is Palm failing or brilliant, brilliant I'd say willing to admit there mistakes and move in to the future. Palm is a customer first company making devices that use the same accessories as the earlier Palm OS devices shows Palm cares about there customers and is working to give there customers a reason to be loyal, so I understand the mentality.

HTC on the other hand is coming up the food chain very quickly and HTC is making better devices all the time. I think this has produced a watered down affect through out all the HTC devices. HTC is developing so many different devices that one individual device doesnt get as much attention to detail as say a Palm device would. With HTC you get a solid well built device but the OS customizations are the responsibility of the carrier, in the case of the Mogul Sprint had a lot to do with the development of the OS in this device, the new Palm wont get that, but shouldn't need it.

My Conclusion:

Palm from past history, Solid device, over developed locked up OS, Qwerty on the front, small high resolution screen

HTC Mogul, Solid device (I have one I know), OS modifications by Sprint otherwise standard WM6 OS provided by HTC, Slide out Qwerty, large low resolution screen.

Lots of good and bad in both but we cant compare the Mogul to the 800w till we get one, so the division comes down to what YOU want from a device. Personally I like my Mogul and I will skip the 800w this time.

PS: want to see me pissed let Sprint hold REV A for the release of the 800w and not make it available to the Mogul.
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Ha y'all come visit me at WMExperts some time.
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  #25 (permalink)  
Old 07-21-2007, 05:09 PM
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Originally Posted by Big D5
My 2 cents

1) Ok Palm has always made a solid device I see the point here but to say that this Mogul is poorly made NO I don't think so maybe some QC problems in the early models maybe but my Mogul is solid much better than the 6700.
I should qualify my response: I do not think the Mogul is poorly made at all.

I just think HTC has less refinement in terms of hardware than Palm, hence the price difference (Treos always cost more than the high end HTC device).

The Mogul and the 6700 certainly are durable devices and hold their value so this isn't meant as a "slam HTC" type position, rather that Palm is a little higher-end than HTC. More like comparing an Acura to a Honda: both solid and they do their jobs, one is just slightly nicer in quality of hardware.

The memory issue with Wm5 and WM6 is sort of distorted. Sure, WM6 has more requirements, but if I showed you a video of a Treo WM6 and the amount of memory is the same as the WM5 version, would that sway you?

Treo 750 w/WM6 Beta (hint: it too has 48mb available, at least at that point in development. I suspect the same for any future Palm device.)

At the end of the day though, I don't privy one device over the other: it's all up to what you prefer and like. For those who loved the 6700, the 6800 is the logical choice for you and not a Treo. Same if you currently like the 700wx, then the 800w is your next choice.

HTC has been nothing but great for the WM community by offering so many devices, so many form-factors over so many carriers. So I have nothing against them. Heck the Cavalier looks like a sweet device and can only improve upon the great Dash.
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  #26 (permalink)  
Old 07-31-2007, 10:40 AM
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Originally Posted by Malatesta
Originally Posted by Mustang46L
Originally Posted by MrOuija36
as long as they keep the same memoryu card slot and dont try to go all micro on me ill upgrade.. if not.. im good with my 700wx for now
Well in the 755p they already went miniSD on you.. so there is a good chance you won't have SD on the 800w.
Yeah, I agree.

It's not like these OEMs want to screw with people and their memory cards, but if you want a thinner/smaller device, you gotta cut some things. Fact is, an SD drive is huge compared to a Micro-SD one, so it seems from an engineering perspective silly not to go with smaller.

Like I said: it's all about trade offs!
Simple solution is to just buy MicroSD cards. A lot of the newer MicroSD packages are coming with BOTH minisd and sd adapters. I use a 2gb MicroSD card with a MiniSD card in my Motorola Q. You can buy micro to mini adapters on ebay, but you might as well buy a 1gig microsd card with the minisd adapter b/c they are so cheap.
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  #27 (permalink)  
Old 08-02-2007, 02:54 PM
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isn't palm working on a linux overhaul for their treos?
i might get the mogul now (as i really need a phone NOW, can't keep waiting) and then get the palm linux next year

your thoughts?
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  #28 (permalink)  
Old 08-02-2007, 04:23 PM
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It looks good, except for that middle part is kindof weird. I guess it would take some getting used to!

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  #29 (permalink)  
Old 08-02-2007, 07:41 PM
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Originally Posted by SyXbiT
isn't palm working on a linux overhaul for their treos?
i might get the mogul now (as i really need a phone NOW, can't keep waiting) and then get the palm linux next year

your thoughts?

Palm OSII should be out in 2008 with a linux core and POSI support.
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  #30 (permalink)  
Old 08-04-2007, 10:40 AM
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i don't think wifi is that necessary
EVDO rev 0 (and later A) is already great, and wouldn't be much slower than wifi.

as for the Ram, it's a shame the mogul is lacking, as there's no way to fix it.
it might survive now, but if i buy it, it's 2 year contract.
it will suck in 2 years!
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