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View Poll Results: Will you upgrade to the 800?
Yes...no question about it 36 40.45%
Hmmm...will have to wait until I hear real world results 33 37.08%
No way...I'm hooked on what I have 20 22.47%
Voters: 89. You may not vote on this poll

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  #11 (permalink)  
Old 06-16-2008, 10:51 AM
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Re: Will you upgrade?

Originally Posted by cozboogie View Post
When this bad boy streets are you gonna upgrade to it?

I've had my 700wx for over 2 years and totally love it. Super stable, few soft resets needed, and can pretty much take anything I throw at it.

So the 800 better out perform it in a number of ways. The bigger screen will be a definite plus....


Gonna do it. Almost regret trading in my 700 for a Mogul, but they were out of stock on the 700 and I dropped it and thats what they gave me and rather than wait I went with the Flash of the Mogul and really miss the reliability of the 700
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old 06-16-2008, 11:02 AM
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Re: Will you upgrade?

Originally Posted by santos View Post
Doesn't Verizon limit their data too?

Yes they do but I am getting tired of Sprints CS issues so if I am limited where ever I go and I can get out of my contract for free I am going to switch either to Verizon or AT&T haven't decided.
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old 06-18-2008, 11:23 AM
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Re: Will you upgrade?

I just learned one little tid-bit that may ruin my chances for staying with Palm (after my wx bites the dust of course, I love the wx)......According to the pre-release page I read last night, the VZW 800 is listed as having VZNavigator (TBD) with no mention of true GPS. Does that mean we can't utilize a GPS app like TomTom on it? As far as I am concerned, GPS is one of the main draws/improvements Palm has made in their PPCs. If they do that, I may have to look elsewhere for a new PPC!!! Anybody else feel the same?

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  #14 (permalink)  
Old 06-18-2008, 07:56 PM
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Re: Will you upgrade?

I will wait to hear if the screen really has improved along with the bluetooth. Also it will have to be close to the size of the Vogue. Treos are a bit more expensive, so I may just wait for the release of the Rapheal and pick the one I like more. That is if I don't get an Asus Eee before that.
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old 06-19-2008, 02:05 PM
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Re: Will you upgrade?

maybe ill have to wait till its in stores and i can play with it. since sprint has gone to the new billing ive found myself swapping over to a flip phone more and more when i dont actually need my 700wx. So now with its reduced usage i may just pass on the 800.
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  #16 (permalink)  
Old 06-19-2008, 03:22 PM
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Re: Will you upgrade?

I will have to wait until I see some reviews. My 700WX is rock steady. It gets a soft reset every Sunday when the backup is done. The rest of the time is does what I expect it to do.
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  #17 (permalink)  
Old 06-24-2008, 04:01 PM
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Re: Will you upgrade?

i had a treo 700wx but traded it in because the 5 i had all crashed.i have a touch now,but just canceled all services except phone calls and text.sorry to say it,but sprint is circling the drain.we keep buying the high priced phones that dont do want they say they're supposed to and sprint abandons them for the next new thing.at&t here i come!
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  #18 (permalink)  
Old 06-25-2008, 01:52 PM
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Re: Will you upgrade?

i think the wife will probably get one as her first smartphone.
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  #19 (permalink)  
Old 06-30-2008, 01:24 PM
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Re: Will you upgrade?

Really a toss up with the HTC Touch Pro "out there" so to speak. Has anyone heard any leaked details about when Sprint may pick up the Pro? The Pro seems to have a few more high end features I wouldnt mind paying for (more RAM, full VGA resolution, FM radio even) That being said, I'm a big enough geek to probably pop for the 800 and swap when the Pro comes out if it lives up to the hype (sorry, the Mrs gets the used 800 ha ha)
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  #20 (permalink)  
Old 07-01-2008, 01:22 PM
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Re: Will you upgrade?

I went from a 700P to a Touch, I really want this 800W. I had issues with my 700 locking up so I got the Touch. I hate the keyboard on the Touch. I want my qwerty back. I also hate the battery capacity in the Touch. I miss my 2 and a half days with my 700. I use my touch the same and get half a day. I am trying to get someone at Sprint to confirm the release date. They all say they know nothing of it. Then I have to figure out how to get it. It looks like full price. I upgraded in February with retention because I was only a year into my contract when I wanted to switch phones. Doubt they will do it again, but I hate my keyboard, I have to hard reset about once a month. It keeps locking up and I miss calls. The phone stops working and all of a sudden I get voice mail notification and I've missed a call. I also have gone to answer the phone and it won't work and I have to soft reset to unlock the damn thing. I really want to get rid of my Touch and get the new 800.
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