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  #11 (permalink)  
Old 11-02-2006, 08:57 PM
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Originally Posted by kaiguy
I heard on FoxNews that the real reason SMS isn't working on the 700wx is because the Democrats want the terrorists to win.
Please read this before posting.

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  #12 (permalink)  
Old 11-02-2006, 09:30 PM
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Originally Posted by Wideawake
Originally Posted by kaiguy
I heard on FoxNews that the real reason SMS isn't working on the 700wx is because the Democrats want the terrorists to win.
I second that!
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old 11-02-2006, 09:58 PM
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I posted Palm numbers above for people to call and vent.

Anyone have "high up" numbers for Sprint e.g. Retentions? PM me and I'll add to that post.
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old 11-03-2006, 12:17 AM
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This answer doesnt make since

If its just the encoding then why did it work at one point? I know Verizon and Tmoible didnt decide to simutanously to turn off recieving binary messages. So what changed? We were never issued update so it wasnt the way the phone delivers the message. This seems like a BS answer to me. I know how the text messaging works and our messages are sent to sprint decode and then forwarded to the recieving company in there format. If thats the case it would seem like a sprint issue and there are just being some lazy asses and not fixing the problem. I am going to call sprint and dig real deep and see if I can get a logical answer.
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old 11-03-2006, 12:50 AM
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Originally Posted by Wideawake
Originally Posted by kaiguy
I heard on FoxNews that the real reason SMS isn't working on the 700wx is because the Democrats want the terrorists to win.
I guess I'm not as funny as I thought. I was playing off the whole rumor mill thing.
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  #16 (permalink)  
Old 11-03-2006, 01:15 AM
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Re: This answer doesnt make since

Originally Posted by sean48238
If its just the encoding then why did it work at one point? I know Verizon and Tmoible didnt decide to simutanously to turn off recieving binary messages. So what changed? We were never issued update so it wasnt the way the phone delivers the message. This seems like a BS answer to me. I know how the text messaging works and our messages are sent to sprint decode and then forwarded to the recieving company in there format. If thats the case it would seem like a sprint issue and there are just being some lazy asses and not fixing the problem. I am going to call sprint and dig real deep and see if I can get a logical answer.
According to one rep from Sprint (and this actually makes sense) Sprint was upgrading/fixing their SMS system during the last couple of months, hence why even devices like the 700P were running into days without SMS, others experiencing no messages or repeated messages...

Basically, Sprint's network was patchy and so was/is the 700wx on SMS. Both canceled each other out re: this ASCII/Binary issue. It looks like Sprint's network USED TO convert the messages from binary to ASCII before it went "outside" the system, but that's the "old" way. Almost everyone now uses straight ASCII and guess what the 700wx can't do? Proper conversion.

Sprint fixed their end and low and behold, Palm's method of SMS on the 700wx was 100% incompatible w/the new system (every other phone handled it just fine)

I mean, think about it:

- ONLY the 700wx is affected, therefore is seems odd to say "it's Sprint's network".

- We can send/receive on the Sprint network

- We can receive from anyone with no problems

- ONLY thing we can not do is send to Verizon or T-mobile (presumably Cingular still can read binary)

That to me sounds 100% to do w/ something not coded right on the 700wx. And I don't think Sprint would be keen on nationally rolling back their SMS network upgrade, which was patchy and inefficient just for the 700wx, imo.

From Shadowmite (who is very reputable on these issues)

"Your answer is in my opinion almost perfectly correct. I saw there was a glitch in the treo 700wx's texts which could sometimes lead to a message being left in a encoded base64 state when it shouldn't be, or encoded sometimes when it shouldn't be. Sprint had a minor part of that, they fixed it around the time this new bug began. The problem is palm's side has a equal mistake... It'll require a palm update to fix correctly, though sprint could patch their systems "incorrectly" again to fix it also... It's a matter of perspective."


Sprint has had a SMS system in place for quite a while now that had some improperly done parts. WM5 has also been a little flakey on it?s SMS handling. Appearently, at some point someone ?patched? the problems on sprints side I would imagine and as a result, broke the 700wx. So we now have to wait and see if the problem is fixed on the wm5 side, or if it will be re-fixed on the sprint gateway side.

In another interesting bit before this fix happened we appearently had a issue with improper base64 encoding or decoding at the wrong times. This is what was ?fixed? and broke the system as it now is.
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  #17 (permalink)  
Old 11-08-2006, 12:21 PM
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I called Advanced Tech Support and the rep I spoke to looked in his "knowledge database"? I think that is what he said. He found the issue with the 700wx right away.

What I found very interesting and a credit to those on this site that have contacted Sprint about this issue is that in his database there is a direct link to the PPCGeeks post for more information which has the details that Malatesta posted as an official explanation.

I thought this was really cool that Sprint is officially linking to this site for more detailed information.

Just thought I'd share this info. with everyone.
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  #18 (permalink)  
Old 11-08-2006, 12:25 PM
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nice. :P

Hi Sprint!
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  #19 (permalink)  
Old 11-08-2006, 12:36 PM
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Originally Posted by Malatesta

nice. :P

Hi Sprint!
I second this!
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  #20 (permalink)  
Old 11-08-2006, 04:25 PM
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Well I spoke with Retentions and I got an additional 10% on top of my corporate discount and unlimited text messages for 8 dollars for two years. They offered me the 700p, 6700, and the I 830 (but i would have to pay 50 dollars for the 830). And she also said this would be resolved in 30 days or less
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