WM6.1 Rom for Treo 700wx - Finally!
WM6.1 Rom for Treo 700wx
Alltel/Bell/Telus - Release 1.3 Build 20931 Verizon - Release 1.3 Build 20931 Sprint - Release 1.3 Build 20931
Verizon - Release 1.2 Build 20931 Sprint - Release 1.2 Build 20931
Verizon - Release 1.1 Build 20931 Sprint - Release 1.1 Build 20931
Verizon - Release 1.0 Build 20931 Sprint - Release 1.0 Build 20931
Alltel WM6 Rom - (This rom has been updated to include the Alltel OEM.) Verizon WM6 Rom (Verizon 1.24) Original WM5 OEM - ROMs Alltel - WM5 OEM (Stock) ROM Kitchens NightRaven's Treo 700wx WM6.1 Kitchen Download the OEM package for your carrier. Extract it, and place the OEM folder in the kitchenNightRaven's Treo 700wx WM6 Kitchen Instructions for updating ROM
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Re: WM6.1 Rom for Treo 700wx - Finally!
Yep,,,,and everything else too. Get a backup program such as SPB, so you can restore your apps, settings, contacts, etc. SPB has a ROM Upgrade Mode, which will restore everything EXCEPT the registry settings of your old ROM (you DO NOT want these once you flash a new ROM).
Re: WM6.1 Rom for Treo 700wx - Finally!
as geekcop said, this is a hard reset, so everything will be reloaded!
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Re: WM6.1 Rom for Treo 700wx - Finally!
I'm new to this, so please bare with me. I have Verizon Treo 700wx that is not unlocked.
1st question : does my phone have to be unlocked to do this WM6.1 room update? 2nd question : If so how do i do it. just need someone to point me to a tutorial. Thanks |
Re: WM6.1 Rom for Treo 700wx - Finally!
Welcome to Geekdom! No, you do not need to unlock a 700WX to flash it. Look over here for more info on upgrading to WM6.1...http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=397134 I'm using nightraven's WM6.1 for VZW myself and have no problems to speak of.
Re: WM6.1 Rom for Treo 700wx - Finally!
Thanks for the replies. Luckily I only have very few contacts and virtually no programs so I'll just reload these after I flash it.