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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 03-21-2007, 07:57 PM
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Callers Can't Hear Me **update 04/03/07**

This is the problem. Please let me know if you're having this problem too. It maybe happening to you and you just haven't realized it... here goes.

I work for a school district and am a computer technician. I received a call today about a user having problems with their Treo 700wx. After talking to the user, I discovered that they are experiencing the same problem that I am.

I can place a call to a person (whether they be landline, Sprint or other carrier) they answer, I can hear them just fine and they cannot hear me. I have to disconnect and place a second call, sometimes the second call goes through and they are able to hear me, sometimes they cannot. I then have to hang up the phone and call them a third time, again, sometimes they can hear me and sometimes not (the whole time I can hear them). The fourth call always works, they can hear me and I can hear them.
I can dial using four methods (touchscreen, keyboard, via contacts and voice command). It matters not which method I use, the problem still happens. This does not happen every single time, when it does happen it follows the above patter. I believe this to be a device issue because I also own a Sprint powered Motorola Razr and have NEVER had problems like with the Treo700wx.
I've placed a call with Sprint Advanced Technical support and gave them my story. They insist that it's a tower issue, I highly disagree because I can use my Razr just fine, then the guy told me it was because they use a different GUI... WHAT!? Yes, I've performed a soft-reset, a "take the battery out for a few minutes" reset and even the dreaded HARD REST.
Has anyone else been having this problem? Any suggestions to resolve this issue? Any idea why this might be happening?

BTW: a total of 4 people are having this problem and that's 4 out of the 4 that I asked (at work)

Thanks for reading this long tread
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 03-21-2007, 09:59 PM
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Well I haven't noticed this... I guess I can say 95% of the time when I make or receive a call is without issues. The other 5% is for tower issues, low reception, etc.

This would most likely be a tower issue as Sprint tech support said. I wouldn't use the argument that another phone works since that phone may have a better signal, even if at the same place phones may act differently.

If you can prove the pattern happening the same with different phones (same model/make of course) and in different areas, then I'd definarely involve Sprint AND Palm to check if anything else is uncovered.

I will keep an eye out for this happening though...

Any similarities as far as hacks, apps installed, etc.?
Samsung Epic 4G - LegendaryROM / Samurai kernel
ViewSonic gTablet - Flashback Honeycomb Alpha 10.1

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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 03-21-2007, 11:00 PM
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If the 4 people are experiencing the problem at your place of work, then I would probably assume it's a tower issue. You're location in the building will matter as well. Have you checked the coverage map for your area?
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 03-22-2007, 02:33 PM
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3 out of the four people are in my office, the other is in an office that is about five miles away from my office. This problem doesn't only happen in the office, it also happens when we're not at work. In fact the one person that is not in the office went to New York City recently and it happened to her when she was there on several different occasions. We are in Texas.
I have made Sprint aware of the problem, the procedures they take to resolve the problem is up to them. How they want to attack the issue is to check the towers first and that is okay by me, as long as they are working on trying to resolve a find for the issue. There is indeed an issue.
I still stick with my technical instinct that it is a devise issue, I'm opened minded about the whole situation though. I just want it to be resolved.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 03-22-2007, 03:52 PM
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The only time I have that problem is if I accidently hit the mute button with my cheek. Otherwise I haven't run into that.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 03-22-2007, 05:37 PM
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I'd conact Palm too since you indicate it may be a device issue. That's just me though...
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 03-22-2007, 07:23 PM
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Break Through?

Well it happened again today, this time the person on the other line stayed on long enough for me to switch to speaker phone and then switch back to the handset and they were able to hear me both on the speaker phone and the handset.
What gives?
I call them, they can't hear me and I can hear them
Switch to speaker phone and they can hear me and I can hear them
Switch back to the handset and we can converse.
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old 04-03-2007, 10:28 PM
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okay, here's an update...
I called and talked to Sprints Advanced Technical Support and they said that new towers will be going online in my area on May 1st. This will switch my area to the EVDO network. The technician assured me that this would resolve the issues that me and co-workers have been experiencing with the Treo. I still disagree, I still think this is a device issue.
if it was not a device issue, I wouldn't think that switching to speaker phone and everything being okay would resolve the issue... oh well at least we're finally getting EVDO!!!! (according to the tech support guy)
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old 04-04-2007, 05:01 PM
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Is not the phone....is sprint network. I been with sprint or the last 3 years and happens at least twice a week. The treo is my third phone in 3 years. My personal opinion I think CS TS ATS and what ever is on top of them know jack s*** about their own systems =) and now with the addition of tailand CS is worse!

There is a *# you can dial to get credit for those minutes you lose every month! I bet they didn't told you that!

If I didn't have sooo many discounts on my account I'll switch to Verizon
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old 04-08-2007, 02:38 PM
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I have had your exact problem. Sprint insists its the towers. For me it was not. The first time it happened in Las Vegas then NYC and finally at home in North Carolina. I finally got the phone replaced although the sprint techs said the phone passed their tests. I kept calling a demo phone in the store to prove my problem. I hope the new towers work for you but all three areas were EVDO in my case.......
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